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#202 : Donne l'oseille et tire-toi

Titre VO: “You could drive a person crazy” Titre VF: “”
USA : Diffusé le 2 Octobre 2005 - France :

Susan est suprise, et pas dans le bon sens du terme, lorsqu'elle réalise que Edie sort avec son ex mari.

Lynette retourne au travail et laisse Tom gérer la maison. Lorsqu'elle réalise que Tom a quelques problèmes avec la propreté, elle décide de lui donner une bonne leçon.
Susan et Mike essaient de savoir où en est leur relation.

George réapparaît dans la vie de Bree, ce qui fait planer le doute dans la tête de Phyllis quant à la responsabilité de Bree dans la mort de Rex

Galerie ABC


3.71 - 7 votes

Titre VO
You could drive a person crazy

Titre VF
Donne l'oseille et tire-toi

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Première diffusion en France


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Résumé détaillé :

Susan découvre que son ex-mari Karl a passé la nuit chez Eddie. Sa fille Julie lui apprend que ce n'est pas la nuit : çela fait déjà quelques mois qu'ils sortent ensemble, depuis son anniversaire. Eddie se réjouit de cette situation et en profite pour raconter les détails à Susan. Mais la discussion tourne rapidement à la dispute, puis à l'accident : Eddie est bléssee. Karl tente alors de faire monde honorable et explique tout à Susan. Il va s'installer avec Eddie. Cette nouvelle désespère Susan, d'autant que sa relation avec Mike est au plus bas..

Lynette n’est pas satisfaite du ménage fait par son mari. Elle souhaite qu’il fasse plus d’efforts. Mais lorsque Lynette insiste pour changer les draps dans lesquels Penny a vomi, Tom refuse et Lynette part finalement dormir sur le canapé. Le lendemain, Lynette ramène alors un rat et le lâche dans la maison pour faire comprendre le message à son mari. Tom finit par nettoyer la maison de fond en comble, son « système de nettoyage » ne marche pas…

Gabrielle rend visite à son mari en prison afin de lui faire signer ses chèques. Elle y apprend qu'un prisonnier menace de battre Carlos si elle n'apporte pas 7000 dollars à sa petite amie. Grâce à l’argent que lui donne Gabrielle, la compagne du maître chanteur devait se faire refaire les seins, mais elle n'en n'a aucune envie. Gabrielle parvient alors à récupérer son argent, et Carlos se fait frapper par l'autre prisonnier. Finalement, Gabrielle décide de signer elle-même ses chèques...

La mère de Rex, Phyllis, est toujours chez Bree et elle ne rate aucune occasion pour jouer les martyrs et se faire consoler par tout le monde. Bree a de plus en plus de mal à accepter cette attitude, elle en vient même à gifler sa belle-mère. Un peu plus tard, George vient rendre visite à Bree. Phyllis les surprend ensemble et commence à faire courir le bruit que Bree a un amant. Ce qui va intéresser les avocats pour l'héritage car le médecin de Rex a trouvé le petit mot qu'il avait adressé à sa femme, il doute que la mort de Rex soit naturelle…

Le prisonnier des Applewhite fait trop de bruit dans la cave et Susan remarque ces bruits, elle vient en faire la remarque à Betty. Cette dernière avance une fausse excuse. Plus tard, elle se rend chez le psy pour récupérer des somnifères et les donner à son prisonnier…

Fin de l'épisode

Wisteria Lane – Daytime
A young boy on a bicycle in the middle of the street delivers newspapers.

"The remarkable thing about Danny Farrell was that he had only been a paperboy for six months. And in that time, he had become the enemy of every woman on Wisteria Lane. If there was a puddle on someone's property, he found it."

Flashback to Danny tossing a newspaper into a small puddle. Gabrielle looks down at the paper in the water and looks toward Danny in anger.

"If a new rosebush had just been planted, he destroyed it."

Flashback to Danny tossing a newspaper directly into a rose bush with yellow flowers bending the blooms. Bree sees the destroyed flowers and looks toward the retreating Danny with disgust and anger.

"If a cat was enjoying a moment in the sun, he ended it."

Flashback to Danny tossing a newspaper right next to a cat on the lawn. The cat is startled and takes off. Ida Greenberg sees the newspaper on the lawn that frightened her cat and looks toward the paperboy in anger.

"People wondered if Danny would ever change."

Danny pulls a paper out of his vest, and it falls into the street. He looks at it, shrugs, and continues biking down the street.

"They should have talked to Susan Mayer."

Susan comes out her door in her robe holding a cup of coffee. She sees her newspaper lying in the middle of the street where Danny had dropped it. She sets her coffee down and starts toward the middle of the street.

"She could have told them: obnoxious boys tend to become obnoxious men."

Susan bends to pick up her paper and hears a door open. She looks up at Edie’s newly built house and sees her ex-husband Karl come out in his boxer shorts and a robe, searching for the paper.

"Just like the one she had been married to."

Susan rushes over to Edie’s house.

Susan: "Hey! Karl, I see you. Just stop right there!"
Karl picks up the newspaper and begins walking back to the house. He stops when he hears Susan yelling.

Karl: "Hey, Susie Q."
Susan: "What are you doing?"
Karl: "Just gettin' the paper"
Susan: "That's Edie's paper, and this is Edie's house!"
Karl: "Do we have to do this now? I haven't had my coffee yet."
Susan: "Did you spend the night with Edie? Oh, my god!"
Karl: "Susie, just calm down."
Susan: "You are forbidden from ever seeing her again. Do you hear me? Forbidden!"
Karl: "We're divorced. You can't tell me who I can date."
Susan: "I live on this street. Your daughter lives on this street. I will not have you flaunting your sexcapades in front of us."
Karl: "Sexcapades?"
Susan: "Forbidden!"
Karl: "I, I, I would love to continue this, but it's time for breakfast, and Edie is making me a Frittata."
Susan: "Well, I just bet she is!"
Susan storms back toward her house as Karl goes back into Edie’s house. Danny pulls up behind her on his bicycle.

Danny: "Mrs. Mayer, I gotta talk to you!"
Susan: "Oh, now is not a good time, Danny."
Danny: "You're a month behind in your payments."
Susan: "I'll take care of it, I promise."
Danny: "My dad says, if you read something and don't pay for it, that's the same as stealing."
Susan continues storming back to her house as Danny pedals beside her yelling. Ida Greenberg, across the street pushing her grocery cart, stops to watch the scene.

Susan: "Hi, Ida." [to Danny] "Can we talk about this later? I just found out my ex is dating my neighbor, and I'm really ticked off."
Danny: "Save it! I provide you a service, and I deserve to be paid for that service."
Susan watches Danny bike away.

"Yes, the women of Wisteria Lane believe Danny Farrell to be the enemy."

Danny turns back toward Susan as he bikes away and yells.

Danny: "Deadbeat!"
Susan throws the newspaper she is holding toward the retreating Danny. The newspaper flies through the air and ends up in the front spokes of the bike. The bike stops abruptly and Danny pitches forward, flying over the handlebars.

Susan gasps. She looks guiltily toward Ida.

"They also believed the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Ida gives Susan a thumbs up. Susan smiles.


Opening Credits


Wisteria Lane -- Daytime

"Beautiful lawns, spacious homes, happy families. These are the hallmarks of suburbia. But if you look beneath the veneer of gracious living..."

A young woman opens her garage with a remote. The door sticks halfway, then goes back down.

"…you will see a battle raging, a battle for control."

The young lady hits the remote hard several times, but the door continues to go up and down only halfway.

"You see the combatants everywhere, engaged in their routine skirmishes..."

Boys play ball on a nicely-kept front yard. A man comes out yelling at them.

Man: "Hey, keep off the grass! Go on, get outta here!"
Children are waiting on the sidewalk on the way to school. A crossing guard enters the street with a "Stop" sign. A car goes whizzing by. Another car honks.

"…fighting fiercely to have dominion over the world around them…"

Crossing Guard: "You! Oaf!"
The guard throws the "Stop" sign at the passing car.


Lynette’s House

"…all the while knowing...it's a battle they will lose."

Lynette comes down stairs with her coffee cup. She walks to the kitchen sink and sees it is full of dirty dishes. Tom is sitting at a dirty kitchen table doing a crossword puzzle. Parker is also sitting at the table. Penny is in her high chair next to Tom.

Tom: "Oh, hey, honey, um, just stick that anywhere. I'll take care of it."
Lynette: "Wow. It's really pilin' up."
Tom: "Oh, uh, don't worry. I have a system."
Lynette: "Really?"
Tom: "Yeah, every two days, I clean."
Lynette: "Two days."
Tom: "Yeah, I let the mess accumulate for two days, and then I clean until it's sparkling, and then, uh, the cycle starts all over again."
Lynette: "And why have I never seen the sparkling part?"
Tom: "Well, because by the time you get home from work, the boys have messed everything up again."
Lynette: "See, that's what I would call a flaw in the system."
Tom: "What are you doing?"
Lynette: "I think I'm asking you to clean the house."
Tom: "Really? 'Cause it sounds to me like you're criticizing me."
Lynette: "No. No, no, no, no. No. I'm not saying it has to be sparkling."
Tom: "How many times did I come home to a mess and I never said a word?"
Lynette: "Please, don't take this the wrong way. I think you are doing a terrific job, but let's be clear. When you came home, it was to clutter. I mean, come on, this is more than that."
Lynette picks up a dish with a fork stuck to it. A bug goes scurrying across the table. Lynette hits it with the "Wall Street Journal" she is holding.


Pashmutti’s Dry Cleaners
Bree and Phyllis are standing at the counter waiting as Mr. Pashmutti is handing dry cleaning to two ladies. He chats with them.

Phyllis: "Look at him, just chatting away. So inconsiderate."
Bree: "Phyllis, we’ve only been waiting here for two minutes."
Phyllis: "I told you when we left the house that I needed to eat. I have low blood sugar. Do you wanna see me keel over?"
Bree: "No. In theory."
Mr. Pashmutti hands Bree her dry cleaning.

Mr. Pashmutti: "Here you are."
Bree: "Thank you."
Mr. Pashmutti: "By the way, Mrs. Van de Kamp, I heard about your husband's passing. I'm so sorry. Dr. Van de Kamp was one of my favorite customers, truly."
Bree: "That's very sweet of you. Thank you."
Mr. Pashmutti: "I'm not just being polite, Mrs. Van de Kamp. How are you feeling?"
Bree: "Well, Mr. Pashmutti -"
Phyllis: "We're holding up as best we can under the circumstances."
Bree: "I'm sorry. This is, uh, Rex's mother, Phyllis."
Mr. Pashmutti: "I'm so sorry about your son."
Phyllis: "Thank you. You know, the hardest thing is to lose a child."
Mr. Pashmutti: "I can't even imagine."
Bree: "Come on, Phyllis. Let's get you something to eat."
Phyllis: "We had no warning. I was doing dishes when I got the call."
Mr. Pashmutti: "Really?"
Bree: "Phyllis, there are people waiting, so..."
Bree walks away. Phyllis stays put and begins talking to the people in line.

Phyllis: "Excuse me. I, I'm so sorry, but my son just passed away."
Stranger: "Oh, I'm so sorry."
Phyllis: "Thank you. I mean, I was telling Mr. Pashmutti here, my life is, is over. My life is over!"
Mr. Pashmutti and the others look on sympathetically as Phyllis sobs. Bree shakes her head.


Jail Visiting Room
Gabrielle sits across from Carlos at a long visitor's table. Also at the table are other prisoners with their visitors. Carlos has a checkbook in front of him on the table.

Gabrielle: "This is ridiculous, you know that?"
Carlos: "Pen."
She hands him a pen.

Gabrielle: "Don't you think I have better things to do than to bring you checks every day? Checks that I could be signing at home?"
He hands the pen back.

Carlos: "This one's dry."
She pulls another one from her purse and hands it to him.

Gabrielle: "You know, taking away my access to our account, that's just vindictive."
Carlos: "Thank you."
Gabrielle: "Do you know how long it takes me to schlep out here to this hellhole?"
Carlos: "Exactly. It's the only way I can guarantee you'll come and visit me."
Gabrielle: "That's ridiculous. You're my husband. I love you. Obviously, I would come visit."
Carlos: "I thought it was obvious that when you love someone, you wouldn't have an affair. I was wrong, wasn't I?"
Gabrielle: "I'm getting really tired of this song, Carlos. Isn't it about time you forgave me?"
Carlos: "You want my forgiveness, you got it. My trust, that you're gonna have to earn."
Gabrielle: "Be careful, Carlos. Up until now, I've been really lonely in that big bed of ours, but when you're rude to me, it makes me wanna be not so lonely."
Carlos: "Comments like that are exactly why you'll never again have access to my money."
Gabrielle: "Why are all rich men jerks?"
Carlos: "Same reason all beautiful women are bitches. So, same time tomorrow?"
Gabrielle: "Sure, baby."
They kiss. Gabrielle takes the checkbook and walks out.


Susan’s House
Susan is doing the laundry. Julie is sitting in the room with her.

Susan: "What do you mean, you know?"
Julie: "I mean, I know."
Susan: "What are you saying, that your father actually told you he was gonna be having a one night stand with Edie Britt?"
Julie: "Uh, mom, this wasn't a one night stand. He's been going out with Ms. Britt for a few months now."
Susan: "What? How could you not tell me that? We share everything. That's what we're known for. That's our thing."
Julie: "Because I knew you'd wig out. Besides, haven't you always told me to respect people's privacy?"
Susan: "Oh, I've never applied that concept to your father's sex life and you know it."
Julie: "Are you done?"
Susan: "No! I have not even begun ripping into Edie Britt yet. Oh, that peroxide vulture! I just know as sure as I am standing here that she went after your father just to tick me off."
Julie: "Wrong again."
Susan: "What?"
Julie: "He asked her out."
Susan: "You lie."
Julie: "It's true. He called her for a date six months ago. The day after my birthday party."
Susan: "The one at the piano bar?"
Julie: "Yeah. What is it?"
Susan: "Oh, um, your father just came over that day and told me some stuff. You know, some stuff that I haven't and can't tell you."
Julie: "Wait. Whatever happened to we share everything? Isn't that our thing, what we're known for?"
Susan: "Um, actually, I think what we're known for is sharing clothes. Yeah. I think that's our thing."


Betty’s Basement
Darkened basement steps lead to a door. Inside the room, chained hands pull on the chains which are attached to bars, causing them to clang loudly.


Betty’s Dining Room -- Nighttime
Matthew and Betty are sitting at the dining room table, eating. Matthew stops and listens to the clanging.

Matthew: "Why does he keep doing that?"
Betty: "He knows it's annoying. He's just trying to get to us."
Matthew: "Yeah, well, it's working."
Matthew goes to the basement door, opens it, and yells down the dark steps.

Matthew: "Knock it off, down there, do you hear what I'm saying?"
Betty: "Matthew. Matthew! Sit down."
Matthew comes back to the table and sits down.

Betty: "You know we don’t talk to him. That's part of his punishment."
Matthew: "How can you just sit here hour after hour and listen to that?"
Betty: "Well, that's part of mine."


Jail Visiting Room
Gabrielle sits at the long visitor’s table. A buzzer sounds and Carlos enters the room accompanied by a guard.

Gabrielle: "Carlos, what is this big emergency? I had to cancel my hair appointment with Eduardo today. Baby, what is it?"
Carlos: "I'm completely freaked out."
Gabrielle: "Why?"
Carlos: "There's this guy, his name's Richie, and he's been saying some stuff to me, and I'm getting worried."
Gabrielle: "Honey, you and your macho pride. Just tell him you're flattered, but you don't swing that way."
Carlos: "He's not hitting on me, you idiot, he's threatening me."
Gabrielle: "Really? How?"
Carlos: "He said he's gonna beat me up unless I come up with some money."
Gabrielle: "Well, how much money?"
Carlos: "Seven thousand dollars."
Gabrielle: "Seven thousand dollars?!"
Carlos: "Keep your voice down."
Gabrielle: "Why would he think you have that kind of money?"
Carlos: "Because yesterday, in a visiting room filled with criminals, my wife referred to me as a rich man."
Gabrielle: "Oh, right. Sorry."
Carlos: "That's why I needed you to bring the checkbook."
Gabrielle: "He's actually willing to take a check?"
Carlos: "No. You're gonna take the money to his girlfriend, and if she doesn't get it by tomorrow, I'm screwed."
Gabrielle: "Honey, I think this is a mistake. If we give in to extortion, the guy's just gonna keep coming back for more money."
Carlos: "What choice do I have?"
Gabrielle: "You're a strong guy. You went to college on an athletic scholarship, for God sakes!"
Carlos: "Yeah, it was for golf!"
Gabrielle: "Oh."


Susan’s House
Someone knocks on the front door. Susan opens it to find Mike.

Mike: "You have all my pants."
Susan: "Yeah, I know. Come on in."
Mike: "I, uh, thought when I took my stuff back to my house, I got everything."
Susan: "Oh, it's fine. They're in the garage."
Mike goes out the side door to the garage and comes back in carrying a box.

Susan: "So how have you been doing?"
Mike: "Good. Um, I'm, uh, good."
He tosses the box onto the couch.

Mike: "I’ve got a question for you."
Susan: "Sure, what is it?"
Mike: "Where are we now?"
Susan: "Where are we?"
Mike: "Yeah. We're not moving in together and we're not broken up, so where are we?"
Susan: "I don't know. Since the guy who held me hostage turned out to be your son, I think logic dictates that I should move on. The problem is, I'm crazy about you."
Mike: "So..."
Susan: "So, I'm thinking we should keep it casual."
Mike: "Casual. What the hell does that mean, exactly, um, casual?"
Susan: "Uh, well, I, I don't, I don't think there's anything wrong with us seeing a movie once in awhile."
Mike: "Movie. Okay. Is that it?"
Susan: "Jogging? There's no law against jogging."
Mike: "Anything else?"
Susan: "Shopping. That's casual. That's fun."
Mike: "Anything else we can do? Anything at all?"
Mike leans over and kisses Susan. Susan kisses him, then pulls away.

Susan: "Mmm, brunch. Brunch would be nice."
Mike nods and picks up the box with his clothing in it.

Mike: "Sounds good to me."
Mike walks out the door.


Bree’s House

Phyllis (on the phone): "All I can do is take it one day at a time. Yes. Oh, oh, okay. Well, thanks so much for calling."
Bree comes downstairs and sees Phyllis crying into the phone.

Bree: "Who was that?"
Phyllis: "Oh, someone named Alan Hanley."
Bree: "My electrician? Why were you on the phone sobbing to my electrician?"
Phyllis: "Oh, he called to offer you his condolences."
Bree: "Then why didn't you put me on?"
Phyllis: "Oh, well, we got to talking, and then he had to go. He, he had some very beautiful things to say about Rex."
She begins to cry again.

Bree: "For God sakes, Phyllis, don't you ever worry about dehydration?"
Phyllis: "Are you saying that I am too emotional?"
Bree: "I'm saying that even Italians take a break now and again."
Phyllis: "My son is dead. I'm grieving."
Bree: "So am I, but no one would ever know it with your incessant caterwauling."
Phyllis: "Bree!"
Bree: "People want to know how I'm doing, but the minute they ask, you, you jump into the spotlight, and they forget all about me. I need consoling, too, Phyllis. Have you ever thought of that?"
Phyllis: "I'm sorry. It won't happen again."
Bree: "Thank you."
Phyllis: "Of course, if you didn't constantly suppress your emotions, people wouldn't forget to console you."
Bree: "Excuse me?"
Phyllis: "Well, it's true. You're stoic to the point of being cold."
Bree: "I am not cold. I just, well, I don't like public displays of emotion."
Phyllis: "Well, that's fine, but people wonder why they haven't seen you cry. I mean, some people actually wonder if you truly mourn Rex."
Bree: "People have said that?"
Phyllis: "A few, yes."
Phyllis leaves the room.


Rundown Neighborhood -- Daytime
Gabrielle’s car is parked in front of a rundown home. Gabrielle walks toward the house clutching her purse and an envelope to her chest. An older woman is sitting on the porch shucking corn.

Gabrielle: "Excuse me. I'm looking for Rita Rivara."
The woman takes her cane and taps on the front door. A pretty young lady comes out.

Gabrielle: "Hi, are you Rita?"
Rita: "Yeah, who are you?"
Gabrielle: "I'm, uh, I'm Gabrielle Solis. Our, our husbands are roommates at the prison."
Rita: "Richie and I aren't married."
Gabrielle: "Oh, I see. Well, uh, your boyfriend asked my husband to give this to you. It's a sort of favor. It's all there. Seven thousand dollars."
Rita takes the envelope, looks inside, and throws it on the ground.

Rita: "Son of a bitch!"
She goes back into the house, slamming the door. Gabrielle sees the older woman eying the money.

Gabrielle: "Oh, don't even think about it."
Gabrielle picks up the money.

Gabrielle: "Um, hello! Is there a problem?"
Rita comes back out and grabs the money.

Rita: "Let me ask you a question."
Gabrielle: "Okay."
Rita: "This might seem kind of weird, but what do you think of my breasts?"
Gabrielle: "Excuse me?"
Rita: "I mean, how do they look to you?"
Gabrielle: "Uh, they're, they're nice."
Rita: "Thank you. I like 'em, too."
Gabrielle: "You're right. That was weird."
Gabrielle turns and begins walking away.

Rita: "You have no idea what this money is for, do you?"
Gabrielle: "Uh, no. No. You, you seem to have everything you need."
Rita: "Richie wants me to get a boob job. He wants 'em bigger. He's obsessed with huge breasts."
Gabrielle: "So are you gonna do it?"
Rita: "I told him if he came up with the cash, I would. I just never thought the moron would actually come up with it."
Gabrielle: "Not that it's any of my business, but it's your body. I wouldn't change anything unless I really wanted to."
Rita: "But if I don't do it, he'll leave me."
Gabrielle: "Honey, he's in jail. How far is he gonna go? Maybe it's time you stood up for yourself. Tell him you don't need the surgery."
Rita: "It's worth a shot."
Gabrielle: "There you go. I am so proud of you."
Gabrielle grabs the money back and walks away.


Lynette’s House -- Nighttime
A tired-looking Lynette climbs out of her car and walks to the house.

"When Lynette went back to work, she was aware her new job would be demanding. What she hadn't anticipated was the night shift."

Lynette looks around the kitchen. It is a total mess.


Lynette’s Bedroom
Lynette comes out of the bathroom, in pajamas, drying her hands on a towel. She throws the towel across the room and climbs into bed where Tom is asleep.

Tom: "Hey, honey, I thought I heard you come in about an hour ago"
Lynette: "I did. I had to load the dishwasher."
Tom: "You didn't have to do that."
Lynette: "Yeah, I sorta did."
Tom: "I'm sorry. I've just fallen behind on my housework. I just had so many errands to run today. But I'll make up for it tomorrow, okay? I promise. That's the beauty of my system: it's flexible."
Lynette: "You know, for the sake of our marriage, please don't mention the system again."
Tom: "I said I was sorry."
Lynette: "What in the world?"
Lynette sits up quickly and pushes the blankets back.

Tom: "No, no, don't touch that. Don't touch that. Um, Penny had a little, um, spitty-uppy on the sheets"
Lynette: "And you didn't change them?"
Tom: "The towel is very clean."
Lynette: "Oh, that's disgusting."
Lynette picks up the towel covering the spit-up.

Tom: "No, it's just a little spitty, a little milky spit-up on the sheets. Please, I made a judgment call. Please respect that."
Lynette: "No, I can't respect that, and do you know why? It's stupid. I'm gonna get new sheets."
Lynette gets out of bed with the dirty towel.

Tom: "We are not changing the sheets!"
Lynette: "Why are you yelling at me?"
Tom: "I am not yelling at you and this is not about spit up."
Lynette: "Of course it is."
Tom: "No, it isn't. It's about control. And as you and I both know, you have some issues in this area."
Lynette: "Why are you fighting so hard to sleep on baby vomit?"
Tom: "I am fighting for a principle."
Lynette: "Being too lazy to change the sheets is not a principle."
Tom: "You know what? You're not gonna win this one. So you'd better just crawl back into bed, and let's go to sleep."
Tom lies back down and pulls the covers up over himself. Lynette pulls the covers off and starts taking the sheets off. Tom grabs them. They fight over the sheet.

Lynette: "No, Tom! Tom, no! I'm gonna change the sheets!"
Tom: "Oh, come on!"
Lynette: "No, you come on! Just get up! Get up!"
Tom: "That's it!"
Lynette: "All right, fine! Fine! Fine! Fine! Ah!"
Lynette grabs a pillow, climbs on the bed and begins hitting Tom with it. She gets off, taking the pillow with her. Tom is spread-eagled on the bed. Lynette takes the pillow downstairs and lies down on the couch, after pulling out a truck hidden in the cushions and throwing it across the room.

"Normally Lynette would have spent a sleepless night telling herself she didn't have control issues."

Lynette turns on the TV with the remote.

"But she couldn't. She was too busy figuring out how to bend Tom to her will."

On the screen, the movie "Willard" is playing. Lynette stares at the rats crawling all over the man on the screen.


Lynette’s House -- Daytime
Lynette enters, holding a small box.

Lynette: "Hello? Hi!"
When no one answers, she stoops down with the box and opens it. A rat emerges.

Lynette: "Okay. Welcome to the Promised Land. Go on! There! Good job!"


Wisteria Lane -- Daytime
Betty gets out of her car parked in front of her house. Next door, Susan waters her lawn. She sees Betty move quickly towards the front door. Susan comes running up.

Susan: "Uh, Betty? Betty? Oh, Betty, can I ask you a question?"
Betty: "Of course. It's Susan, right?"
Susan: "Yes, hi. I was just wondering, are you having some remodeling done on your house or something?"
Betty: "No. Why?"
Susan: "Well, uh, I work at home, so I'm home a lot working. And I just keep hearing these noises lately. Uh, it's hard to concentrate."
Betty: "Well, I haven't noticed anything."
Susan: "Really? Well, it sounds like it's coming from your house. You know, it's like a clanging, clanging."
From inside Betty’s house, clanging starts up.

Susan: "There! There, that was it. Did you hear it?"
Betty: "Oh, yes. Matthew's very handy. He's always doing projects around the house. I guess I just don't notice the noise anymore."
Susan: "Even at two o'clock in the morning? 'Cause that's kind of hard to miss."
Betty: "I'm so sorry. Matthew is something of an insomniac, Susan. But I will talk to him, and we'll put a stop to it."
Matthew walks up to them from the sidewalk, holding a bag. As he passes the ladies, he greets Susan.

Matthew: "Afternoon, Mrs. Mayer."
Susan: "Hi, Matthew."
Betty: "Well, it was nice chatting with you, Susan."
Betty goes into the house.


Bree is on her cell phone.

Bree: "This is my third phone call, Mr. Flannery. And if someone doesn't call me back soon, I'm going to be irritated."
She hangs up.

Phyllis: "Is everything all right?"
Bree: "That darn insurance company is dragging its heels on paying Rex's policy, and I don't understand why."
Phyllis: "Well, he died unexpectedly. And that brings up a lot of questions. It's probably easier when people are just diseased."
Bree: "Probably."
Lynette approaches the table. She kisses Bree on the cheek.

Lynette: "Hi. Hi."
Bree: "Hi. Oh, hi, Lynette."
Lynette: "I'm sorry. Am I interrupting?"
Bree: "No, no, not at all."
Lynette: "I saw you walk in, and I've been meaning to call since the service, but work's been so crazy so...how are you doing?"
Bree: "Um, I'm all right."
Phyllis sniffs loudly. They both stare at her, but ignore her.

Lynette: "Well, you look amazing."
Bree: "Do I?"
Lynette: "Absolutely. Well, I can't imagine what you're going through."
Phyllis begins to sobs loudly. Lynette and Bree both stare at Phyllis.

Bree: "Phyllis? You're going to have to stop that."
Phyllis: "I can't help it. When people talk about Rex, I, I, I just get emotional."
Lynette: "Well, I'm very sorry for your loss, too, Phyllis."
Phyllis: "He was my firstborn. I don't know what I will do without him."
Lynette: "Oh, I'm so sorry. [to Bree] Is she gonna be okay?"
Bree: "Um, yeah. Sure. Hold on a second."
Phyllis continues to sob loudly. Bree gets up, walks over to Phyllis, lifts Phyllis’ chin toward her, then slaps Phyllis’ cheek. She walks back to her chair and calmly sits down. Phyllis stops crying and stares at Bree in shock.

Bree: "There we go. Feel better? Lynette, you were saying?"
Lynette: "I forgot."
Bree: "That's all right. It was really sweet of you to stop by."
Lynette: "Okay."
Lynette walks away.

Bree: "So, uh, are we ready to order, or do you need a little more time?"
Phyllis is speechless.



Mr. Flannery: "I've been in the insurance industry for fifteen years. I've never received a phone call like this."
Dr. Craig: "I'm having second thoughts about Rex's death. I've known Rex and Bree for nearly twenty years. And I've never had any reason to suspect they were anything but a happy, loving couple, which is why this seems so strange."
He hands a note to Mr. Flannery, who opens it, revealing the note that Rex wrote before his death, reading "Bree, I understand and I forgive you."

Dr. Craig: "I found it in Rex's room after he coded."
Mr. Flannery: "I forgive you?"


Bree’s Front Yard
Bree is planting flowers. George drives up and walks up to Bree.

Bree: "George. What are you doing here?"
George: "I'm here to kidnap you."
Bree: "What?"
George: "Get your purse. I'm gonna take you bowling."
Bree: "I, I, I don't know how to bowl."
George: "Or to the movies or for a frozen yogurt. Whatever you want."
Bree: "Um, thank you, but I just couldn't."
George: "Ah, Bree, I'm sure you haven't gone anywhere in weeks. You gotta get out and do things. It'll help. Trust me."
Bree: "I do. I'm just, I'm just not ready yet. But it was very sweet of you to think of me."
George: "Well, you know, I tried."
Bree: "And I appreciate that."
George hugs Bree.

George: "It's all right. Let it out."
Bree begins to cry. George smiles.

From the house, the upstairs curtain moves slightly. Phyllis watches as Bree cries on George’s shoulder.


Jail Visiting Room
Gabrielle sits across from Carlos. Carlos’ face is bruised.

Carlos: "You want me to die in here, don't you?"
Gabrielle: "Carlos, what happened?"
Carlos: "What do you mean, what happened? You talked Rita out of taking the money."
Gabrielle: "Is that what Richie said?"
Carlos: "Yeah, the subject came up in between kidney punches."
Gabrielle: "Well, it's not my fault. She didn't want the money."
Carlos: "Why wouldn't she want seven thousand dollars?"
Gabrielle: "Because it's for a boob job."
Carlos: "So?"
Gabrielle: "So, her boobs are fine. And, honestly, what he's doing to her self-esteem is just cruel. I feel sorry for her."
Carlos: "Please. You don't care about her self-esteem any more than I do. You just didn't want to give up all that money."
Gabrielle: "Well, I do think it's silly to give someone seven thousand dollars if they don't want it."
Carlos: "Listen to me, you're gonna go back there, you're gonna put that money in Rita's hands, and you're gonna convince her that life is not worth living unless she has jugs the size of Texas. Do I make myself clear?"
Gabrielle: "I just realized Rita and I have a lot in common."
Carlos: "Please don't tell me you have low self-esteem, 'cause if I laugh now, I'm gonna crack the one good rib that I have left."
Gabrielle: "We are both controlled by our husbands, which is idiotic because they're both behind bars. We should have all the power."
Carlos: "I am not trying to control you. I just don't wanna end up in the morgue!"
Gabrielle: "This isn't about that."
Carlos: "Gabrielle, the morphine's wearing off. I really don't have time for these games."
Gabrielle: "Me either, Carlos. And if you expect me to go back and sweet talk her into getting the operation, I can't show up empty-handed."
Carlos: "Fine, bring me the checkbook. I'll make out a check for some cash."
Gabrielle: "See I was thinking I'd be writing the checks."
Carlos: "Gabrielle…"
Gabrielle: "Careful, Carlos, you're not in a position to argue."


Wisteria Lane -- Daytime
Susan comes out of her house with her purse. She walks to her car and sees Edie on roller skates approaching.

Edie: "Whoo-hoo! Susan!"
Susan: "Hey, Edie."
Edie: "So, uh, whee! How much do you hate me?"
Susan: "What?"
Edie: "Oh, Karl said that you know all about our dirty little secret."
Susan: "Yes, yes, I do."
Edie: "Well, I feel awful. I should have told you that I was doing your ex. Well, it would've been the classy thing to do."
Susan: "Well, etiquette is a lost art for a lot of people."
Edie: "Oh, you've gotta believe me, I never, ever thought anything would happen with us. But on our first date, Karl took me to a Mexican restaurant. You know what I get like when I drink tequila. A couple of shooters and my bra unhooks itself."
Susan: "Circumstances beyond your control. I get it. So if you'll excuse me."
Edie: "Hey. Hey, hey. I am offering you an opportunity here. I mean, go ahead, vent. Let me have it. Come on, tell me what a bitch I am. Yeah, for snacking on your leftovers. I deserve it. Come on, bring it on."
Susan: "Honestly, Edie, I don't mind. You can skate off into the sunset with Karl. Be my guest."
Edie: "Well, that's good to know. You know, I probably shouldn't tell you this, but, while we were in my Jacuzzi last night, Karl said it was the best sex he's ever had, bar none."
Susan: "Actually, I'm glad that you shared that, because here's a tidbit for you. Karl said he's still in love with me."
Susan drives away. Edie laughs lightly. In her car, Susan sighs and smiles. She drives up the street to the crossing guard holding the "Stop" sign. As the children cross in front of her, she smiles. She looks in her side view mirror and sees Edie skating up to her car. Edie skates up to the driver’s window.

Susan: "Edie, what are you doing?"
Edie: "You are a lying liar."
Susan: "We're in the middle of the street. Would you get out of here?"
Edie: "Karl never said that!"
Susan: "Okay, Karl asked me to get back together the day after Julie's birthday. I said no, which I'm guessing is the reason for the now legendary tequila bra-popping incident. Please let go."
Edie: "Oh, no. We're not finished here."
Susan: "Well, yes, we are. I'm gonna go."
Susan begins driving forward slowly. Edie hangs on the side of her car.

Edie: "You don't have the guts."
Susan: "In five seconds, I'm gonna punch it."
Edie (holds up a set of keys): "Yeah? I'll key your car!"
Susan: "Not if you're sucking my exhaust, you won't."
Edie: "Take back what you said!"
Susan: "No, I won't!"
Edie: "Admit it, you'd do anything to destroy my happiness!"
Susan: "Edie, for god's sake. Why would I care if you end up with a man I despise?"
Edie: "'Cause you and Mike are finished. Yeah, word's out. And now that you can't be happy, you don't want anyone else to be, period."
Edie begins to skate away.

Susan: "Edie, come back here! We're not finished yet!"
Susan backs her car up quickly, trying to catch Edie, when she hears a "thud" and Edie falls.


Susan’s House
Susan opens her door. Karl is there.

Susan: "It was an accident, Karl. Edie knows it was an accident, right?"
Karl: "She knows you could've killed her. As it is, she's got a shattered tibia."
Susan: "Oh, my god. I'm so sorry. I sent roses. Did she get the roses?"
Karl: "Yep. She cut herself on the thorns."
Susan: "Oh, my god."
Karl: "Why'd you tell Edie about our little conversation?"
Susan: "Well, she was gloating about sleeping with you, and I just wanted to shut her up."
Karl: "Oh. So you were jealous?"
Susan: "No! No! It's just, we were married. And, and she's trying to make this tawdry little affair you guys have going on par with that and it's just, I got mad."
Karl: "Susan, you remember the, the morning you saw me with Edie's paper? Well, the night before, I had asked her if she'd like to live together. And she said yes. Susan?"
Susan: "Just give me a moment. I'm asking God to kill me."
Karl: "Oh, look, she, she, she's fun. She goes with the flow. You know, at this time in my life, I need that."
Susan: "Are you in love with her?"
Karl: "Would you care if I were?"
Susan: "I want you to be happy. I even sort of want Edie to be happy."
Karl: "But what?"
Susan: "I wanna be happy first! Mike and I were supposed to move in together, you know? This was supposed to be my time."
Karl: "I heard you and the plumber were having problems. Is it over?"
Susan: "I don't know. It's really complicated. So you never answered my question. Are you in love with her?"
Karl: "I don't know. But I can promise you this much: I have never loved another woman the way I loved you."
Susan: "You walked out on me."
Karl: "Yeah, but look how far I got. I'm just up the street."
Karl laughs and kisses Susan on the forehead.


Outside Lynette’s House -- Nighttime
Parker runs out of the house towards Lynette’s car as she pulls into the driveway.

Parker: "Mommy, Mommy, thank god, you're home!"
Lynette: "Hey, sweet pea. Why? What's wrong?"
Parker: "Daddy found a rat."
Lynette: "Oh, did he now?"


Lynette’s House

Lynette: "Honey?"
Lynette enters the house to see it is spotless. Tom comes downstairs carrying a bucket and wearing rubber cleaning gloves.

Lynette: "I'm home."
Tom: "Hey, babe."
Lynette: "Hey."
Tom: "Hi, how was your day?"
Lynette: "It was good, but, more importantly, how was yours?"
Tom: "Parker told you about the rat, huh?"
Lynette: "Yep."
Tom: "Oh, my god, it was so disgusting. I came down the steps, and there it was, sitting on the counter eating a leftover grilled cheese sandwich."
Lynette: "The sandwiches from yesterday?"
Tom: "Okay, yes, the house has been too messy. Obviously, my system has some kinks in it. But check it out. I got my act together."
Lynette: "Wow. So, um, I, I take it you took the rat outside?"
Tom: "Oh, no, I smashed it with a shovel."
Lynette: "You killed it?"
Tom: "Not with the first blow. Whew. Disgusting."


Outside Lynette’s House -- Nighttime
Lynette comes outside with a bag of trash. She lifts the trash can lid and talks into the can.

Lynette: "Hey. Little guy. I just wanted to say I'm really sorry about what happened with the shovel. Neither one of us saw that coming. I know it's not much consolation, but you really helped my marriage. That's a lot for a little rat to accomplish in one lifetime. Well, it's getting late, so, hats off to ya!"
Lynette puts the trash bag in the can and puts the lid on.


Doctor’s Office
Betty Applewhite is sitting across from the doctor.

Psychiatrist: "So you'd say the abuse started a few years into your marriage?"
Betty: "It, it started so slowly, I didn't realize what was happening. I mean, he'd slap me over some little problem. But he'd always apologize. Then it got worse. And one day, eight years ago, my son spilled soda on our new carpet. Before I could move to protect him, Virgil had knocked him on the ground and began kicking him. I wanted to protect my baby, but I didn't get there in time."
Psychiatrist: "What happened to your son?"
Betty: "He died. I came across one of his baby pictures last weekend. That's when the nightmares started again. The last doctor I saw said that I needed to let go of my guilt, and then I would start sleeping again. Of course, that's easier said than done. And I am getting so tired."
Psychiatrist: "I'm gonna start you on Nitrazepam. That should do the trick."
Betty: "Thank you."
Psychiatrist: "I certainly hope your husband was punished for what he did."
Betty: "Oh, there was retribution. I made sure of that."


Bree’s House
Phyllis is cleaning. Bree comes in. She picks up files from the desk.

Phyllis: "Where you off to?"
Bree: "I'm, uh, I'm going to see Rex's lawyer. We're going to go over some details involving Rex's will. Phyllis, obviously, I'm just mortified over slapping you. I, I've just been in a weird place since Rex's death, but, that's no excuse. I'm very, very sorry."
Phyllis: "No need to apologize. You're family. All's forgiven."
Bree: "Really?"
Phyllis: "It's been a difficult time for all of us. I totally understand. Now, go. You don't want to be late for your meeting about Rex's will."
Bree leaves. Phyllis looks at Bree’s list of people she needs to call. Her finger stops at the insurance company. She picks up the phone and dials Mr. Flannery’s number.


Insurance Office
Mr. Flannery picks up the phone when it rings.

Mr. Flannery: "Claims. This is Joe Flannery."
Phyllis: "Hello, um, could I speak to someone about the death benefits for Rex Van de Kamp, please? This is his mother."
Mr. Flannery: "Yes, uh, we've already spoken to his wife several times. We are moving as quickly as we can."
Phyllis: "Are you aware that my daughter-in-law has a boyfriend?"
Mr. Flannery: "I'm listening."


Betty’s House


In the kitchen, pills are lying on a cutting board. Betty cuts up a pill into powder and puts it into a bowl of soup.

"It's extraordinary the tactics people employ to obtain it."

Betty mixes the soup and picks up the tray. Matthew, holding a gun, opens the basement door.

"Some rely on deception."


Lynette’s House
Lynette watches as Tom wipes up the kitchen table.

"While others engage in outright trickery."


Gabrielle’s House
Gabrielle is writing out checks, smiling.

"Then there are those who resort to extortion."


Bree’s House -- Nighttime
George and Bree talking in the front yard. Bree is laughing

"Why do we fight so hard for control?"

Sitting in a parked car down the street is Mr. Flannery watching Bree and George. Mr. Flannery takes some pictures of Bree putting her hand on George’s arm.

"Because we know to lose it is to put our fate in the hands of others. And what could be more dangerous?"

~ The End ~

Kikavu ?

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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Avant-hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Avant-hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Hier à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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