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#403 : Jouer pour gagner

Titre VO : The Game
Titre VF : Jouer pour gagner
Diffusion USA : 14/10/07
Diffusion FR :
Guest Stars :
John Slaterry (Victor Lang), Dana Delany (Katherine Mayfair), Nathan Fillion (Adam Mayfair

Résumé court : Susan décide d'organiser une « soirée mimes » pour y réunir tout le quartier. Cette fête est, pour toutes les amies et voisines de Susan, un vrai calvaire qu'il faut se résigner à supporter, d'années en années.

Pourtant, après avoir une à une décliné l'offre, elles se décident finalement à s'y rendre toutes. Mais leur soudain enthousiasme est intéressé, en effet, elles demandent à Susan d'inviter Katherine Mayfair, la nouvelle voisine, pour essayer de lui extirper quelque information que ce soit sur la gifle qu'elle a donnée à Dylan...

Le soir venu, tout le quartier a rendez-vous chez Susan. Révélations choquantes, règlements de compte, adultère, séduction, mensonges et hypocrisie, Wisteria Lane devient, le temps d'une soirée, le théâtre de toutes les mesquineries...


3.88 - 8 votes

Titre VO
The Game

Titre VF
Jouer pour gagner

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


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Sneak Peek 2 - VO


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Résumé détaillé

Chez Susan. Elle est au téléphone avec Gabrielle. Elle lui dit qu’elle va faire une soirée mime samedi soir. Susan lui demande si elle viendra. Gaby lui répond qu’elle est désolée mais ne pourra pas. Susan est déçue, elle lui dit qu’elle est sa meilleure amie et là direction chez Lynette qui lui répond que la chimio l’a éreinté. Cette dernière prend un double appel et s’excuse. C’est Bree, qui lui avoue être passé hier chez Katherine pour une recette, et elle a entendu quelque chose. Et là, Gaby, en train de faire sa gym s’exclame en disant qu’elle a giflé sa fille. Elle est scotchée ! Bree répond que oui et quand elle a entendu dire Adam que Dylan continuait à poser des questions, Katherine lui a répondu qu’il faudra qu’ils trouvent de meilleurs mensonges. Bree s’excuse, elle doit prendre un double appel. Gaby lui dit de ne pas le prendre car c’est Susan qui l’appel pour sa soirée mime de samedi. Bree lui répond encore une, et qu’il va falloir lui envoyer une lettre anonyme… là c’est Linette qui lui demande si Katherine vient à la soirée mime. C’est Gaby qui lui répond que probablement. Lynette pense qu’elles devraient y aller aussi, pour la faire boire et voir si elle se lâche. Et là c’est Bree qui lui dit qu’une femme comme ça ne passe pas aux aveux avec un verre de vin. Elle lui rappelle qu’elle lui avait appris  des trucs passionnants avant qu’elle n’arrête l’alcool. C’est d’accord, elle apporte le vin. Finalement c’est Gaby en premier qui annonce à Susan qu’ils pourront venir samedi soir. Puis Lynette puis Bree qui lui disent toutes les 3 d’inviter Katherine. Ce qu’elle s’empresse d’aller faire !


Direction chez Lynette, Stella est dans la cuisine à faire un gratin de macaronis pour sa fille malade. Elle lui en amène une assiette mais celle-ci n’a pas d’appétit. Elle régurgite tout ce qu’elle avale à cause de la chimiothérapie. Sa mère lui dit qu’elle sait ce qui pourrait bien lui rendre son appétit : une visite de sa vieille amie Marie-Jeanne ! Elle veut que Lynette fume de l’herbe, beaucoup de cancéreux le font selon elle… Stella lui dit de la laisser lui procurer un joint d’enfer !! Lynette hallucine, sa mère devrait être en train de tricoter comme une grand-mère ! Stella lui dit qu’elle veut juste la soulager… Lynette refuse.


Susan qui est en train de sortir les poubelles, rejoint Mike dans le garage qui lui est en train de fabriquer le berceau du bébé. Ils discutent sur le fait qu’il est peut-être un peu tôt pour commencer à fabriquer le berceau, il n’est pas d’accord et lui dit qu’il est trop tôt pour choisir la couleur bleue ou rose mais pas pour le berceau. Sauf qu’il a les 2 couleurs déjà dans le garage ! Ce qui touche Susan… mais elle est quand même sidérée par l’organisation et la prévoyance de Mike. Elle s’en va prétextant l’arrivée de Bree…


Les Hodges sortent de la voiture et font des messes basses sur l’arrivée de Susan, disent qu’elle est trop câline avec Bree et que ce n’est plus très simple avec sa fausse grossesse de la tenir à bout de bras. Elle va se débrouiller pour mettre les sacs entre elles. Susan arrive. Elle lui demande un service : le numéro de son obstétricien ! Bree change de tête, elle lui dit qu’elle pensait que son médecin était le Dr Mayfair. Susan dit que c’est bizarre car Adam est son voisin.  Bree trouve toutes les excuses du monde, Susan sait être tenace quand elle le veut ! Elle veut son nom… mais Bree ne s’en souvient plus, zut ! Alors, son numéro… Bree se jette sur un annuaire et lui donne un numéro d’obstétricien pris au hasard !

Elle le lui donne lui disant de ne surtout donner son nom pour ne pas être sur sa liste noire ! Susan, excitée de partager le même médecin avec Bree, va pour lui faire un câlin mais Bree feint d’éternuer. Elle échappe encore aux bras de Susan !


Un peu plus loin, Adam est en train de laver sa voiture devant son garage. Une jeune fille blonde l’accoste pour boire! Il l’observe repartir pendant que Katherine lui coupe l’arrivée d’eau. Elle pense qu’Adam connaît cette fille, ils avaient l’air très proches. Il lui assure que non, ils ont échangé des banalités sur sa voiture. Elle lui répond que quand c’est elle il n’affiche un large sourire niais. De toute évidence, il s’est passé quelque chose…


Direction la chambre de Gabrielle. Elle est avec Carlos, il est en train de se rhabiller. Elle s’étonne qu’il parte déjà, mais il doit aller retrouver Edie pour choisir un cadeau pour l’anniversaire de sa sœur. Il lui demande quand ils vont se revoir, elle lui dit jeudi mais lui demande pourquoi ils doivent encore se voir en douce. Edie s’est remise de sa tentative de suicide ?! Il répond qu’il a un plan pour se débarrasser d’elle. Il lui demande 2 semaines… ils s’embrassent et il part.


Retrouvons Stella cachée, dans la rue en train d’expliquer à quelqu’un que sa fille est malade et qu’elle ne peut plus la laisser dans cet état. A priori c’est un dealer… sous les traits d’Andrew ! Il comprend qu’elle veut de l’herbe, la meilleure. On voit qu’il accepte l’argent.


Dans la chambre des Hodges, Bree sort de la douche et Orson lui explique qu’il vient d’avoir le couvent au téléphone : Danielle aurait fait une petite chute. Elle s’empresse de l’appeler. Bree est hallucinée de voir que sa fille faisait du roller enceinte de 8 mois et demi. Danielle s’ennuie, elle dit qu’elle reste allongée tout le temps, sa mère est inquiète pour la santé du bébé et exige de sa fille qu’elle reste tranquille :  Sœur Térésa va la garder enfermée jusqu’à la naissance. Danielle se demande donc comment elle va pouvoir passer son temps ? Elle veut un lecteur de DVD dans sa chambre. Mais Bree en décide autrement : Danielle devra méditer. Elle déteste sa mère ! Elle raccroche énervée…


Direction chez Lynette où la vie suit son cours sous ses yeux. Tom est désespéré de voir que Lynette n’a rien mangé. Elle doit manger si elle veut être en forme pour la soirée. Mais elle est morose, elle n’a plus trop envie d’y aller. Tom insiste en disant qu’elle est la killeuse du mime ! Mais elle ne veut pas faire baisser ses statistiques à cause de son état. Elle ne s’en sent pas la force. On frappe à la porte, Tom va ouvrir. C’est Andrew qui apporte un paquet pour la mère de Lynette qui a été livré soit disant chez lui par erreur. Stella réagit et se précipite à la porte et intercepte le paquet en prétextant que s’est pour tricoter un pull pour Lynette.


Retrouvons Susan dans un endroit lugubre, qui ressemble…à une salle d’attente ! Elle est allée chez l’obstétricien « recommandé » par Bree. On la voit mal à l’aise, elle sort un mouchoir de son sac pour le mettre sur la chaise avant de s’y asseoir. Elle essaie de se persuader qu’en dépit du cadre, le docteur devrait être génial !  


Les enfants de Lynette se ruent sur le gâteau au chocolat que leur grand-mère a fait… mais pour sa fille ! Enfin, elle dit que c’est pour les adultes donc elle en fait monter un morceau à Lynette par son fils après s’être débarrassé des autres avec une glace. On voit le petit garçon tendre un morceau de gâteau à sa mère alitée. Au début elle refuse, mais il est si mignon en disant qu’il l’a fait spécialement pour elle. Lynette capitule et trouve ça délicieux ! Sous l’œil de sa mère qui les espionne satisfaite.


Katherine et Adam donnent les consignes à Dylan et Julie restées chez eux pour travailler pendant qu’ils seront chez Susan. Après leur départ, les deux adolescentes discutent de la relation que Dylan a avec sa mère et ce qu’elle a dit quand Dylan lui a demandé pour son père. Katherine a pété un plomb et n’a rien dit comme Dylan l’avait prévu. Julie lui donne alors l’idée de fouiller dans ses papiers. Dylan pense à la pièce fermée à clé en haut. Ce qui donne d’autres idées à Julie…


Les invités arrivent chez Susan qui n’est toujours pas chez elle. Mike est débordé. Bree apprend qu’elle est encore chez le docteur dans un quartier horrible. Elle est inquiète car celle-ci ne répond pas au téléphone. Mais Katherine et Adam arrivent, ses préoccupations sont de toute autre nature. Elle dit à Orson d’ouvrir la bouteille de vin.


C’est au tour d’Edie et Carlos de se préparer pour la soirée. Edie est sur son 31 ! Elle voudrait être jolie au cas où elle et Carlos annonceraient leurs fiançailles. Carlos lui sape le moral en lui répondant qu’ils ne vont rien annoncer… c’est la soirée de Susan et Mike, il ne veut pas leur voler la vedette. Mais Edie pensait faire des allusions, ce qui met Carlos dans une rage folle. Il lui ordonne de ne rien dire à personne. Edie est vexée et met sa bague de fiançailles au doigt avant d’y aller.


Gaby et Victor sont sur le chemin, ils marchent et discutent de politique. Gaby comprend que Victor est déterminé à devenir Gouverneur et que l’image qu’elle véhicule est très importante. Mais pourquoi s’en inquiéter… ils croisent alors Edie et Carlos avant d’entrer chez Susan. La soirée promet d’être agitée…


Tout le monde s’étonne de ne pas voir Lynette, elle est la meilleure au mime. Tom dit qu’elle ne se sentait pas très bien.

Bree est en plein plan d’attaque avec Katherine. Gaby la rejoint. Elle se demandait si quand elle vivait  avec sa tante le père de Dylan était là. Elle répond que non, juste elle et Dylan. Gaby lui demande si elle était veuve ou divorcée. Katherine leur répond qu’elle préfère ne pas en parler. Bree ne voulais pas être indiscrète et lui propose un autre verre.

Edie arrive, ôte sa veste de manière opportuniste et feint d’avoir une lentille de contact qui a glissé afin que toutes les filles voient sa bague. Ce qui est le cas ! Gênée elle hésite à en parler mais fini par dire oui mais qu’elles ne doivent pas en parler jusqu’à l’annonce officielle.

Gaby s’excuse et part.

Susan est enfin là, toute excitée, euphorique par la présence et la robe de Katherine. Elle attrape Bree par le bras qui tentait de s’échapper.

Dehors, Gaby passe un savon à Carlos au sujet de la grosse bague de fiançailles d’Edie ! Il lui assure ne pas lui avoir acheté de bague puis après revient sur son jugement et lui dit qu’il va lui expliquer. Elle ne veut rien entendre et dit que c’est terminé. Il attaque Gaby avec Victor mais elle ne se laisse pas faire en disant qu’elle a des atouts comme son corps pour avoir tous les hommes qu’elle veut. Elle le laisse en plan devant la porte.

Carlos va voir Edie en lui demandant si elle s’est achetée une bague de fiançailles. Elle a dit qu’elle ne dirait rien pas qu’elle ne porterait rien! Mais surtout qu’il ne s’inquiète pas trop, elle n’était pas trop chère, il la remboursera plus tard !

Susan très énervée passe un savon à Bree en ce qui concerne le médecin. Elle se lave les mains pour se désinfecter de l’endroit qu’elle vient de visiter. Elle veut discuter avec son amie de tout ça. Bree s’excuse, lui dit qu’elle va lui rembourser la consultation, le pneu crevé et le téléphone. Mais Susan lui dit que ce n’est pas le problème, elle se demande pourquoi l’avoir envoyé là-bas ? Bree répond qu’elle ne peut pas lui dire, que c’est personnel. Mais Susan lui dit qu’elle n’a pas le temps, elle a une fête à organiser, elles verront ça plus tard.

Carlos appelle l’homme qu’il a engagé et s’assure qu’il a bien compris qu’il doit se débarrasser d’Edie.

Il aperçoit Gaby en train de faire son numéro de charme à Adam afin de le rendre jaloux. Et ça marche !

Ce qui a également des répercussions sur Katherine qui fait une scène de jalousie Adam.

Edie a entendu et une fois Adam parti, elle rassure Katherine en lui disant que Gabrielle a sa réputation, qui veut en savoir plus.

Susan rassemble tout le monde : le jeu commence !!! Susan capitaine de l’équipe n°1, Gaby celui de l’équipe n°2.

Les équipes se forment. Susan s’étonne de ne pas voir Lynette. Tom dit qu’elle est trop fatiguée et on la voit se tordre de rire chez elle devant la TV avec ses enfants ! Ça doit être les anti-nauséeux !


Direction la maison des Mayfair, où Julie et Dylan tentent de forcer la serrure de la pièce fermée. Dylan s’étonne de voir l’aisance de son amie ! Elle répond que c’est grâce à sa mère qui s’enferme tout le temps dehors. Bingo la porte est ouverte !


De retour à la soirée mime où Susan ennuie tous ses convives en rappelant la signification de tous les signes. Comme ça commence à être long, Victor lance le jeu. Lynette fait son entrée en criant « jouons !! ». Les capitaines se battent pour l’avoir dans l’équipe. C’est la ninja du mime ! Elle mime un ninja et casse une lampe. Elle est morte de rire et tout le monde reste bouche bée… le jeu continue… chrono, les mots fusent, c’est Orson qui mime, Bree crie « le bal des casse-pieds !!!!! » en 22 secondes ! C’est à Lynette, il faut qu’elle gagne. Et là le blanc, rien. Où plutôt elle ne respecte pas les règles, elle cherche mais rien. Elle montre Edie, mime quelqu’un qui se pend. Elle plombe l’ambiance…

Ils font une pause, Tom essaie de savoir ce qu’il se passe, part lui faire un café… Andrew vient chercher Orson pour prendre un appel à la maison!

Orson sort, Stella rentre et raconte tout à Tom car les brownies ont tous disparus. Il évite une orgie colossale ! En faisant le tri, il bouscule Gaby qui renverse du vin sur la chemise d’Adam. Cette dernière l’éponge, le tripote, ce qui a le don d’énerver Katherine qui devient grossière. Les hostilités sont lancées !! Mais la situation s’est retournée contre Gaby. Elle doit s’expliquer à Victor qui veut régler les choses à sa manière.


Les filles déballent le contenu  d’une malle, se remémorent les moments de leur enfance mais pour Dylan, il n’en est rien. Elle apprend aussi que cette pièce est son ancienne chambre ce qui ne correspond pas à ce que sa mère lui a dit. Katherine les interrompt et invite Julie à aider sa mère à nettoyer.

Dylan s’excuse, Katherine lui répond que tout va bien mais qu’elle ne devra plus revoir Julie.


Chez les Hodges, Orson apprend à Bree que la chute de Danielle est plus grave que ce qu’il en était mais qu’il y a différents degrés de gravité. Ils font des examens et ils les rappellent. Bree dit qu’elle doit être à ses cotés.

Susan lui retombe dessus avec le gynéco glauque, elle veut une explication. Bree, excédée et préoccupée, lui dit qu’elle s’était excusée et qu’elle n’est pas le centre du monde, puis s’en va.


Edie suit sa sortie en disant que c’est la meilleure des pires soirées mime qu’elle ait jamais passé !

Susan est désespérée…


Direction la salle bain de Susan, Carlos est tranquille quand Gaby arrive et se jette sur lui. Elle l’embrasse passionnément puis le gifle. Il ne comprend pas. La gifle pour avoir laissé Edie croire qu’ils étaient fiancés. Le baiser c’est parce qu’elle veut un homme qui explose à l’idée de la perdre. Comme Carlos ! Donc ils se disent à jeudi…


Carlos de nouveau au téléphone avec l’homme qu’il a engagé. Tout est arrangé pour dans 1 ou 2 semaines. La porte du bureau se ferme : c’est un comptable.

Victor arrive dans le salon, demande s’il a vu Gaby. Il répond qu’elle est dans la salle de bain. Victor demande à Carlos comment il a fait pour ne pas tuer le jeune homme quand il a su qu’il couchait avec sa femme ? Il répond au début que oui mais qu’il a su oublier et pardonner. Victor lui répond qu’à sa place le mec ne ferait pas long feu… inquiétant !


Chez les Hodges, on s’apprête à quitter la maison. Bree emporte son lecteur de DVD pour Danielle. Elle a l’air de paniquer et de culpabiliser. Le téléphone sonne, c’est le médecin qui donne des nouvelles. Tout va bien. Bree s’effondre dans les bras d’Orson, soulagée.


Chez les Scavo, Stella dit que les enfants sont couchés. Lynette demande à Tom d’aller les voir. Elle est en colère car sa mère l’a drogué mais Stella lui demande si elle se sent mieux. Oui mais Lynette reste quand même en colère ! Elle reproche à sa mère de ne pas avoir été là pour les moments importants de son enfance car quand elle était malade, elle se droguait et quand elle allait bien, elle buvait. Lynette ne veut pas faire la même chose si elle le peut. Stella répond qu’elle n’est pas désolée car elle voyait sa fille souffrir mais ça ne se reproduira plus.


Sur le perron de Bree, Susan vient demander une trêve avec du gâteau. Bree s’excuse de l’avoir rembarée.  Susan dit que c’est OK mais voudrait savoir ce qu’il se passe, que depuis qu’elle est enceinte, il y a un mur entre elles. Comme si elle avait fait quelque chose. Bree répond que ce n’est pas elle mais qu’elle traverse une période difficile. Elle parle à Susan en lui disant qu’il y a des complications avec le bébé et qu’elle a cru le perdre à un moment. Susan est désolée. Bree la rassure et lui dit qu’elle ne voulait pas inquiéter son amie enceinte également. Mais inquiète et anxieuse elle l’est déjà, à leur âge faire un bébé…


Chez les Mayfair, c’est le remue-ménage. Katherine prépare la chambre pour l’arrivée de sa tante qui sort de l’hôpital…


Fin de l’épisode

Ce résumé long a été réalisé par vi13


The street is filled with children riding their bikes and jumping rope on the sidewalk, and tossing a Frisbee.

"All children love to play games.  But before they can race their bikes or jump their ropes or toss their frisbees, children must understand that they must first convince their friends to play along with them.  They same is true for adults."


Susan is on the phone.

Susan:  "Hi Gaby.  I'm throwing a party Saturday night.  Guess what kind?


Gaby is on the phone.

Gabrielle:  "A Charades party?  Did you just throw one?"

Susan:  "No, that was a year ago."

Gabrielle:  "Oh, right, guess it's time for another one."

Susan:  "Sure is.  Can you come?"

Gabrielle:  "Ahh. Sorry, Victor needs me at this political thing.  Damn. Damn. Damn."

Susan:  "Ahhh.  You have to come.  You're the best Charade's player I know.


Lynette is lying on her couch on the phone.

Lynette:  "That's sweet and totally accurate, but I'm really whipped from the Chemo so...  Oh, there's my other line... can you ask me next time, okay Hon?  Okay, bye."

Lynette hangs up and clicks to her other line.

Lynette:  "Hello.  Oh hey Bree.  Ummm.  What's up?


Bree is on the phone.

Bree:  "I stopped by Katherine's yesterday to get a recipe and you'll never guess what I over heard.


Gaby is on the treadmill.

Gabrielle:  "She slapped her kid?  No!"

Bree:  "Yes. And get this.  When Adam said Dylan would just keep asking questions, Katherine said, and I quote, 'Well, we're just going to have to find better lies.'  Oh, hang on, I've got another call."

Gabrielle:  "Don't answer it.  It's Susan.  She's hosting another game night."

Bree:  "Another one?  It's time for an anonymous letter."

Lynette at home, taking pills and talking on the phone.

Lynette:  "Wait.  Is Katherine going to Susan's charade night?"

Gabrielle:  "Probably, why?"

Lynette:  "We should go too.  Get a few drinks in her, see if she loosens up."

Bree:  "Well, I doubt a woman like Katherine is going to spill her secrets just because she's had a little wine."

Lynette:  "I don't know.  You came out with some interesting things before you swore off the sauce."

Bree:  Well, none that I recall."

Lynette:  "Did you tell me you lost your virginity in the back seat of a ......"

Bree:  "Point well taken!  I'll bring the wine."

Gabrielle talking on the phone.

Gabrielle:  "Susan, good news!  We can come to the party after all.  Hey you know who else you should invite?"

Lynette talking on the phone.

Lynette:  "Yeah, I am feeling much better so count me in.  Will our new neighbor be coming?"

Bree talking on the phone.

Bree:  "Of course!  I love your charades parties.  And I hope you're inviting that delightful Katherine Mayfair.


Katherine is watering her flowers as Susan walks up.

Susan:  "So you were paid a very nice compliment today."

Katherine:  "I was?"

Susan:  "Yes.  I am hosting a Charades party and all of my friends went out of their way to insist I invite you."

Katherine:  "Really?


Bree is looking out her window at Katherine and Susan.

"Yes, not all adults like to play games..."

Katherine looks over and sees Bree looking out the window.  Bree quickly back away.

"But the ones who do, play to win."


Stella is looking through a cookbook.

"Stella Winfield hated to cook.  Still she spent that Friday morning grating cheese and greasing a pan and lying in macaroni.  Because her eldest daughter was sick"

Stella brings a plate of macaroni outside to Lynette.

"And Stella could no longer sit by and do nothing."

Stella:  "Lunchtime!"

Lynette:  "Oh, no thanks."

Stella:  "Oh come on, I made it for you special.  You've gotta keep your strength up."

Lynette:  "I appreciate the effort but I told you I can't keep anything down.  And FYI, mac and cheese is halfway to vomit.  You might as well have given me a plate of creamed corn."

Stella:  "Are you taking the anti nausea drug?"

Lynette:  "Yeah, I am taking it.  It's just not working."

Stella: "Well, ah.  I know something that might help your nausea and boost your appetite.  Perhaps a little visit from my old friend, 'Mary Jane?"

Lynette:  "You're suggesting Pot?"

Stella:  "A lot of Chemo patients use it.  Hell, I did!  Come on.  Let mama score you some kick ass chronic."

Lynette:  "Kick Ass Chronic?  Ah-huh.  You're a grandmother.  Shouldn't you be off somewhere knitting an afghan?"

Stella:  "Just trying to ease your pain."

Lynette:  "Well thanks. But I prefer not to get my medication from someone under a bridge."

Stella:  "Suit yourself!


Susan is taking out the trash.  She sees Mike in the garage making a baby crib.

Susan:  "Hey, what's this?"

Mike:  "A crib.  And look.  (raising the side of the crib)  a safety latch.  I figured if the baby takes after you, accident proof is key!"

Susan:  "Honey, you know I'm still in my first trimester.  Don't you think it's a little early to be making cribs?"

Mike:  "Early would be painting this thing blue.  But (Mike holds up a can of blue and a can of pink paint) I got both so we're covered either way."

Susan:  "Great."

Mike: "And whether it's boy or a girl, (Mike attaches a football sticker on the crib)  Colts fan.  That's not negotiable."

Susan:  "Umm.  Bree's home, I'll be right back.


Bree and Orson get out of the car. 

Orson:  "Look sharp, Susan!"

Bree:  "Guy, it's getting harder and harder to keep her at arm's length.  I never knew she was such a hugger."

Orson:  "Want me to run interference?"

Bree:  "No, no, getting good at props."

Bree takes a bag of groceries as Susan approaches.

Bree:  "Hey, Susan.  What's up?"

Susan:  "I need a favor.  Um, I remember you mentioning that you liked your Obstetrician.  Can I get his number?"

Bree:  "I thought you were using Dr. Mayfair?"

Susan:  "Yeah, I don't know.  It's getting a little weird.  You know Adam is my neighbor."

Bree:  "Well you don't mind Orson being your dentist."

Susan:  "Well that's because I don't blush when Orson says "open wide."

Bree:  "You know, my OB is all they way across town.  You just do not want to drive that far."

Susan:  "Oh well, we could schedule our appointment together and carpool.  You know, pregnant gals on the road."

Bree:  "Ha ha ha.  It does sound fun.  But I don't think my doctor's taking on any new patients."

Susan:  "Oh I'll talk him into it.  What's his name?"

Bree: "I, um, don't remember."
Susan:  "You don't remember?"

Bree:  "You know, I usually just call him "doctor."

Susan:  "Bree.  Just get me the number.


Bree is thumbing through the yellow pages.   She finds "Obstetricians" and grabs a paper and pen.  She closes her eyes and pokes.   She writes down the number she poked.

She takes it outside to Susan.

Bree:  "Here you go, but please don't mention my name. As I said he's overbooked and I just don't want to get on his bad side."

Susan:  "I'm so excited.  Pregnant gals, sharing a doctor!"

She reaches out to hug Bree.   Bree sneezes. 

Susan:  "Oh, bless you."

Bree:  "Oh sorry.  Probably just allergies but, you know you don't want to take any chances."

Susan covers her nose and mouth and runs away.


Adam is outside washing the car.  A young woman jogs up.

Woman:  "Hey, can I get a drink?"

Adam:  "Yeah, sure."

Young woman drinks from the hose. 

Woman:  "Thanks. By the way you missed a spot."

Adam:  "Ah, thanks."

The young woman jogs away and suddenly the hose turns off.  Adam turns to see why. 

Katherine:  "I'd say the car is clean enough."

Adam:  "Katherine."

Katherine:  "She seemed awfully friendly.  Do you know her?"

Adam:  "No, we said two words.  She criticized my car wash."

Katherine:  "Umm, it's funny.  When I criticize you, you don't put on a big goofy grin!"

Adam:  "You really need to stop this."

Katherine:  "Given our history, shouldn't I be saying that to you."

Adam: "Katherine, I just can't not speak to women. I'm a Gynecologist for god's sake."

Katherine:  "Yes, I know.  But you don't have to bring your work home with you.


Gabrielle is on the porch and watches Katherine drive away.  She goes back in.

Gabrielle:  "You leaving already?"

Carlos:  (getting dressed)  "Edie asked me to help her pick out a gift for her sister.  So I gotta swing by the mall.  When can I see you next?"

Gabrielle:  "Well, Victor has a teacher's union thing on Thursday."

Carlos:  "Guess I'll see you on Thursday."

Gabrielle:  "Carlos, what's happening here with us?  I mean why are we still sneaking around?"

Carlos:  "You know exactly why."

Gabrielle:  "Oh come on.  Edie's recovered from her little suicide attempt.  Don't you think it's time to move on?"

Carlos:  "I've got some things going on and I need them to pay off before I can make a move.  Really, I don't have a choice."

Gabrielle:  "Okay, but if you did have a choice would it be a hard one?  I mean, it's not like you're in love with Edie, is it?"

Carlos: "No, I don't love Edie.  And I've got a plan to get her out of my life forever.  Just give me two weeks.  Okay?"

Gabrielle:  "Bracelet's always nice.  For Edie's sister."

Carlos:  "Good idea."


Carlos sneaks out of the side gate of Gabrielle's house.  Stella is at the side of Lynette's house talking to someone.

Stella:  "Here's the thing.  My daughter has Cancer.  She is so nausea she stopped eating and I can't just stand by and watch her waste away.  So I asked around and people thought you might be able to get me what I need.  Follow my drift?"

Andrew:  "Ahh.  Yeah, you want me to score you some weed?"

Stella:  "Best stuff you can get.  Nothing's too good for my little girl. 

Stella hands Andrew money.


Orson walks into the bedroom.

Orson:  "Darling?"

Bree:  "What is it?"

Orson:  "I don't want you to worry. I just got off the phone with the convent.  It seems Danielle took a little spill."

Bree is talking on the phone.

Bree: "You're eight and a half months pregnant!  What in heaven's name were you doing rollerblading?


Danielle: "I'm bored.  All I do is lay around."

Bree:  "In your condition that's what you should be doing.   And where on Earth did you get skates in a convent?"

Danielle:  "I borrowed them from one of the eating disordered girls.  They have got all the good exercise equipment."

Bree:  "What if your reckless behavior had hurt the baby?"

Danielle:  "They are going to exam me.  I'm sure the baby's fine."

Bree:  "Yes, it is going to stay that way because I've instructed Sister Teresa to keep you sequestered in your room until the baby is born."

Danielle:  "What am I supposed to do for fun.  You won't even get me a DVD player."

Bree:  "Well, I was hoping that you would use these last few weeks for reflection and personal growth."

Danielle:  "I hate you."

Bree:  "Clearly it would be time well spent.


Lynette is reading a magazine, drinking water with  plate of uneaten Lasagna next to her.

Tom:  "How was the Lasagna?"

Stella:  "Why don't you ask it yourself?"

Tom:  "Honey."

Lynette: "Sorry."

Tom:  "At least eat a little.  We need you in fine form for Charade's tonight."

Lynette: "Yeah, about that.  I don't think I'm gonna make it."

Tom:  "You have to! You are the Charade's assassin!  They still talk about the night you guessed the "Americanization of Emily' in fifteen seconds."

Lynette:  "Twelve.  That's my point.  I'm undefeated. Why spoil my winning streak when I'm not up to it."

Tom:  "People know that you are sick.  They don't expect you to be at your absolute best."

Doorbell rings.

Lynette:  "Tom.  Hair loss and constant nausea, those are inconveniences.  Losing at charades to Susan Meyer, that is just flat out intolerable!"

Tom answers the door.

Tom:  "Hey, Andrew."

Andrew:  "Hey."

Tom:  "What's up?"

Andrew:  "Hey Mr. Scavo.  A package for Lynette's mom got delivered to our house by mistake, so..."

Stella:  (running up)  "I've got it Tom.  It's a pattern.  I'm knitting Lynette an afghan."


Susan is looking through a very dirty fish tank with one dead fish floating on the top.  Susan, careful not to touch anything, walks to one of the chairs.  On the table is a bowl with a sign "free condoms, take one."   Susan pulls  a Kleenex out of her purse, puts it on the chair then sits down.  A woman who looks like a streetwalker, watches her.

Susan:  (to streetwalker)  "A friend of mine recommended this place.  It's not exactly what I expected.  Must be one heck of a doctor though, huh?"

Streetwalker:  "I don't know.  I just come here to buy clean urine."


All the kids are reaching for brownies on a plate on the table.  Stella stops them.

Stella: "Shoo! Those are only for grownups."

Kayla:  "But, why?"

Stella:  "Because they have special medicine in them."

Porter:  "Like the grown-up ice tea you always drink?"

Stella:  "Similar!  How bout some ice cream instead?  And you can watch TV until your eyes fall out."

All Kids:  "Yeah!"

They all run off but Stella stops Parker.

Stella:  "You!  Stay!  Grandma needs a favor.  And you've got just the face for it.


A very sick looking Lynette is lying in bed.  Parker comes in with a plate of brownies.

Lynette:  "Wow, Sweetie, those really look delicious but I just don't feel like eating right now."

Parker:  "Just one, Mom?  I made them special.  Just for you."

Lynette takes one and bites into it as Stella sneaks a peek from the doorway.

Lynette:  "This really is delicious."


Katherine is getting ready to go out.

Katherine:  "And if there's an emergency you can reach me on my cell phone."

Adam:  "Or just walk across the street.  Have fun girls, don't do anything I would do."

Adam and Katherine leave.  Julie and Dillon are studying.

Julie:  "Adam seems really laid back."

Dillon:  "Yeah, he's pretty cool.  Course everyone seems cool compared to 'robo-mom."

Julie: 'Hey, you never told me.  What happened when you asked her about your real dad?"

Dillon:  "She freaked out.  Just like I thought.  She wouldn't tell me anything."

Julie:  "Well, there are other ways to find things out.  Does your Mom keep any old papers?  You know, letters, diaries?"

Dillon:  "No that she shows me.  There's stuff in the storage room upstairs but it's locked so forget about it."

Julie:  "What kind of lock is it?


A frantic Mike opens the door.

Mike:  "Oh, come on in, I was hoping you were Susan."

Bree and Orson come in with wine.

Bree:  "She's not here?"

Mike:  "No and she's not answering her cell phone."

Orson: "Where is she?"

Mike:  "Well she had an appointment with this new Obstetrician over on River Street.  She should be here by now."

Orson:  (to Bree)  "Why would she see a doctor over there?  That's a terrible neighborhood."

Bree:  "It is?"

Orson: "Yes, don't you remember that's where they murdered those two prostitutes last year."

Bree:  (Worried)  "We should help Mike with the food."

Front door opens.  Adam and Katherine enter.

Adam:   "Knock, knock!"

Katherine:  "We're here."

Bree:  "Oh good, Katherine I was hoping we would get a chance to chat.  (whispering to Orson as she hands the wine to him)  Open this Now!


Edie comes downstairs all dressed up. 

Edie:  "Oh, Susan's parties are always such a snooze fest.  The only thing people will be miming is "get me the hell out of here."

Carlos:  "Aren't you overdressed for charades?"

Edie:  "Well I thought that I would look nice.  Just in case we decide to ... well, I don't know... announce our engagement."

Carlos:  "We're not announcing anything.  It's Susan and Mike's party.  I don't want to make it all about us."

Edie:  "You're right, Darling.  I may drop a few hints though."

Carlos:  "Edie, let me be clear on this!  You are not to tell anyone about our engagement!  Got it?"

Edie:  "Fine, I won't say a word."

Carlos walks out the door.  Edie pulls a diamond ring out of her purse and puts it on.  She puts her ring hand in her coat pocket and follows Carlos out.


Gabrielle and Victor are walking to Susan's house.  Victor is looking at his cell phone.

Victor:  "Oh, this is fantastic!  You know Edward Ferber?"

Gabrielle:  "Ummm."

Victor:  "State Senator."

Gabrielle:  "Yes."

Victor:  "His wife just got picked up for shop lifting."

Gabrielle:  "Why is that fantastic?"

Victor:  "Cause he was making noises about going against me for Governor.  I guess 'light finger' Mrs. Ferber just put and end to that."

Gabrielle:  "Why?  It's not like he shop lifted."

Victor:  "It doesn't matter, it's a scandal.  You know what they do to poll numbers." 

Gabrielle:  "Oh, that's right.  I was reading about that in Politics' boring magazine."

Victor:  "I'm just glad I don't have to worry about you pulling crap like that."

Gabrielle:  "Yeah, you're lucky."

Carlos and Edie arrive at the same time as Gabrielle and Victor.


Tom and Orson are gathered around a buffet table

Orson:  "Where's Lynette?  She's usually your charades' MVP."

Tom:  "Ahh, she wasn't feeling so well, but you are still going down, Mister!"

Orson:  "It's just a game. Tom.  A game you wish you'd never played."

Gabrielle walks up to Bree and Katherine.

Bree:  "Oh hi, Gaby.  Katherine and I were just talking about the old days.  So when you were living with your Aunt was Dillon's father with you?"

Katherine:  "No, just me and Dillon."

Gabrielle:  "Where you widowed or divorced?

Katherine:  "Actually I prefer not to discuss my first marriage, if you don't mind."

Bree:  "Oh well we certainly didn't mean to pry. Let me just tinge that up for you.  "

Bree pours more wine into Katherine cup as Edie walks in removing her coat.

Edie:  "Hello, all.  It's so nice to see you."

Edie reaches for her eye as though something is in it.

Edie:  "Oh no!  My contact slipped."

Bree:  "Edie, is that an engagement ring?"

Edie:  "Oh, shoot!  Pretend you didn't see that.  I promised my fiancée that I wouldn't say a word until the official announcement."

Gabrielle:  "Excuse me."

Gabrielle puts her drink down and turns.  She walks away as Susan walks in.

Susan:  "Gaby!  Sorry I'm late.  (to Katherine)  Oh my god, you made it!  That is such a beautiful dress.  We're going to have so much fun!  (Grabs Bree's arm)  You!  Come with me!"

Susan drags Bree out of the room.


Carlos and Gabrielle are talking.

Gabrielle:  "She's got a ring!"

Carlos:  "What?"

Gabrielle:  "Edie!  She's wearing a big honking engagement ring the size of a peach pit!"

Carlos:  "Hey, I didn't get her a ring!"

Gabrielle:  "Oh, so you're not engaged?"

Carlos:  "Well, see, here's the thing."

Gabrielle: "Oh, you gotta be kidding me!"

Carlos:  "Let me explain!"

Gabrielle:  "I'm done with your explanations and I'm done with 'just give me two more weeks, baby.'  Whatever games you're playing, I'm sick of it!  We're through!"

Carlos:  "So you're just gonna go live happily ever after with Victor, huh?"

Gabrielle:  "You think Victor's my only option?  Well I got news for you Carlos, I can have any guy I want.  Because this ... waits for no man!"

Gabrielle walks back into the house.  Edie is at the buffet table eating when Carlos walks up.

Carlos:  "You bought yourself an engagement ring?"

Edie:  "It's been three days, Carlos, how long was I supposed to wait?"

Carlos:  "You agreed not to say anything!"

Edie:  "Ah, but I didn't agree not to wear anything.  Don't worry it wasn't expensive.  You can pay me back later."

Carlos:  "Count on it.


Susan is at her sink scrubbing her arms.

Susan:  "And the whole time, I just kept thinking this is Bree's doctor.  Bree recommended him.  He must be the best!  So I didn't worry when it was between the 'Needles Only" and Transvestite bookstore.  And I ignored that my shoes stuck to the floor and there was a cigarette machine in the waiting room.  But when I saw the ant traps on his speculum tray, I thought that you and I should have a talk!"

Bree:  "Oh Susan, I am so sorry.  And of course I will pay for the slashed tire and the stolen cell phone."

Susan:  'That is not the point! Why would you send me to someone who is obviously not your doctor?"

Bree:  "I can't tell you."

Susan  "Why not?"

Bree:  "It's private."

Susan:  "You know what else is private?  The parts of me I'm pretty sure he snapped with his camera phone.  I have a party to throw.  I will deal with you later."


Carlos is on the phone.

Carlos:  "Look she is totally out of control.  I need her taken care of.


Al:  "Fine, I'll see what I can do."

Carlos hangs up and walks back into the party.  Gabrielle saunters up to Adam.

Gabrielle:  "Adam, I feel the tag on my dress sticking out and I can't reach it.  Do you mind?"

Adam:  "Oh sure."

Adam tucks in the tag as Carlos watches.

Adam:  "Here you go."

Gabrielle:  "Oh, I think I got a chill.  Now let me see if I can give you one!"

Gabrielle tickles Adam's arm.  Carlos smashes his glass on the table and walks by Katherine who is also watching Adam and Gabrielle.

Katherine is whispering to Adam.

Katherine:  "We haven't been here an hour and you are humiliating me!"

Adam:  "Are we gonna have this conversation again?"

Katherine: "Oh, I guess you learned nothing from Chicago."

Adam:  "For God's sake.  I was not flirting.  She asked me to fix her dress."

Katherine:  "Yeah, I saw you're face.  I could tell what a chore it was for you."

Adam:  "You know what, I think I'm a little behind you in the alcohol department.  Let me go catch up!"

Adam walks away as Edie approaches.

Edie:  "I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to eavesdrop.  But you really shouldn't take this out on Adam.   Gabrielle has a little bit of a reputation, if you know what I mean."

Katherine:  "No, I don't.  But I'd certainly like to.


Susan:  "Okay, everyone.  Let the games begin.  Um.  I will be team captain one.  Who wants to be captain number two?

Gabrielle:  "I'll do it!"

Susan:  "Great!  Okay you pick first."

Gabrielle:  "Oh, okay.  I will pick Adam."

Adam:  "Ah."

Susan:  "I pick Lynette.  Where's Lynette?"

Tom:  "She really wanted to be here.  She's just feeling too sick to party.


Lynette is watching TV with the kids, laughing and eating chips.

Parker;  "That's funny isn't it?"

Lynette:  "It's genius!  He's a sponge, but he talks!"

Stella:  "Well, it looks like somebody is feeling a little better."

Lynette:  (laughing)  "Yeah, I guess that anti nausea medicine finally kicked in."

Stella:  (smiling)  "That must be it!


Gabrielle:  "Orson."

Susan:  "Carlos."

Mike:  "Um.. husband in the room."

Susan:  "Honey, I love ya but I wanna win."

Orson:  (to Gabrielle)  "You should pick Edie."

Gabrielle:  "Why?"

Orson:  "The woman just tried to commit suicide.  Don't make her last pick.  She's still fragile."

Gabrielle:  "Good point.  Mike!  Yes.  Let's get started."

Susan:  "No, no. Wait, wait, wait.  Gaby.  You know how it works.  First I have to go over all the signals.  Okay, so

(gesturing)  this is movie.   TV. "


Julie is picking the lock of the door upstairs.

Dillon:  "Where did you learn to do this?"

Julie:  "When you live with a mother who constantly locks herself out you develop certain skills."

Dillon:  "I don't know.  Maybe this is a sign we should stop."

Door opens.

Julie:  "What were you saying about signs?


Susan is still describing and gesturing while everyone looks on bored.

Susan:  "Whole concept.  Person.  Umm,   Let's see, Shakespeare, book, and then you can do the signal for book and you touch your heart and that means poem..

Gabrielle:  "When has anyone ever used poem as a clue?"

Victor:  "Yeah.  Come on, let's play."

Everyone:  "Let's play!  Yeah"

Gabrielle:  "Yeah, let's play."

A very happy Lynette walks in.

Lynette:  "Hey!"

Tom:  "Hey, Honey, you made it!"

Susan: "Ah ha!  Dibs on Lynette!  She's on my team!"

Gabrielle:  "That's not fair!  She's like the Charades' Ninja!"

Lynette: "That's me!! Ninja!"

Lynette roundhouse kicks the lamp.

Lynette:  "Ya Ha!  (laughing)  I'm sorry.  Okay, I'm ready.


Susan pushes a stopwatch, as Orson acts out his charade.

Susan:  "Okay, go."

Gabrielle's Team:  "Shoe, sock, working out, sole, itch, itch, scratch."

Gabrielle:  "A blister."

Orson:  "Ah!"

Gabrielle:  "Blister, sounds like blister."

Adam: "Sister."

Bree:  "Two Mules for Sister Sara!"

Team:  "Hoorah!!!"

Susan:  "Okay, twenty two seconds.  Lynette, you're up."

Tom: "Come on babe!  We're forty seconds down.  We need you to make that time up."

Lynette:  "Who do you think you're talking to."

Tom:  "Right on."

Gabrielle is hanging on Adam with the stopwatch.

Gabrielle:   "Ready? Set.  Go."

Lynette reads her charade.

Tom:  "Honey.  Clocks ticking."

Lynette:  (smiling)  "I know.  This is a really hard one."

Tom:  "Kay, come on, come on, what is it?  Is it a book, a movie?"

Lynette:  "Movie, a western."

Bree:  "No talking."

Lynette:  "Sorry."

Tom:  "Honey, start with the first word. How many syllables? "

Lynette gestures one.

Susan's Team:  "One word?"

Tom:  "Sweetie, act it out.  You're really good at that."

Edie:  "Okay, okay.   Whole idea."

Lynette points at Edie

Edie:  "Me."

Susan:  "Edie. Woman, Blond, bleach!"

Lynette gestures no in frustration.  She jumps up on the fireplace ledge.  Acts like she's making a noose, puts it around her neck and hangs herself.  She jumps down and pretends like she's dead.  Everyone stares in disbelief.  Edie looks shocked.

Tom:  "Hang Em High?"

Lynette:  "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Susan:  "Okay, well I think it's time for a break?"

Everyone:  (uncomfortable)  "Yes."

Tom:  (to Lynette)  "You feeling okay?  Cause you're acting kinda spacey."

Lynette: 'Yeah, no, I'm good.  Hey do you think they have any grapes or.."

Tom:  "Hey, why don't I go get you some coffee, Hon."

Andrew walks in.

Andrew:  "Orson.  Ah, there's a phone call for you at the house.  You should probably take it."

Orson runs out.  Andrew sees Lynette at the table eating everything.  Andrew gives Lynette the "thumbs up" sign.  Lynette smiles back.

As Orson goes out the front door, Stella runs in.

Stella:  "Hello.  Oh Tom."

Tom:  "Stella, what are you doing here?"

Stella:  "I made some brownies earlier and I just noticed they were missing.  Ah.  Lynette didn't bring them here did she?"

Tom:  "Why, is that a problem?"

Tom runs into the living room as Lynette is passing out the brownies.

Lynette: "It's like chocolate love!"

Tom:  "Wait, wait, wait.  Wait, wait, sorry, don't eat those."

Tom grabs the brownie out of Edie and Katherine's hands.  He grabs the one in Mike and Susan's hands.

Tom:  "No, bad, bad.  Bad, bad, bad.  Whoa."

He grabs the ones from Bree and Carlos.

Tom:  "Sorry. Full of trans fat."

He walks backwards and bumps into Gabrielle who spills a drink all over Adam.

Gabrielle:  "Tom, watch it!"

Tom:  "I am sorry."

Gabrielle grabs a napkin.

Gabrielle:  "Here, let me get that.

Adam:  "Thank you.  Sorry, it's a little cold"

She begins patting Adam's shirt.  Katherine walks up.

Katherine: "Would it be too much to ask you to keep your hands off my husband?"

Gabrielle:  "What, I spilled my drink on him."

Katherine:  "And you're trying to make up for it by breast feeding him?"

Adam:  "Katherine?"

Gabrielle:  "Look lady, you need to calm down.  You're getting a reputation around her for having a stick up your ass!"

Katherine:  "Better that reputation than the one you're toting around."

Gabrielle:  "What do you mean by that?"

Susan:  "Okay, back to Charades."

Katherine:  "Never mind.  Forget it."

Gabrielle:  "No, tell me.  What's my reputation?  Am I smug and holier than thou?  Oh no wait.  That's you."

Victor walks into the room.

Katherine:  "Let me be specific. By reputation, I mean that you are the kind of woman that treats a man like a plaything.  Whether it's my husband or let's say you're teenage gardener?"

Gabrielle stares at Edie, who looks away.  Victor looks angry.

Gabrielle:  "Bree saw you slap your daughter."

Katherine:  "Excuse me?"

Bree:  "Gaby?"

Gabrielle:  "Yeah, she asked about her father and then you smacked her. Why'd you do that?"

Katherine:  "This is the last thing that I will ever say to you.  Yes, I lost my temper with Dillon.  But her father is a horrible man.  I want you to imagine the worst thing that a father can do to his daughter.  What was a supposed to tell Dillon about that, huh?  I hope that satisfies everyone's curiosity."

Katherine walks out of the room.

Lynette:  "Oh my god.  "Hang Em High" has three syllables.


Victor is sitting on the bed as Gabrielle walks in.

Gabrielle:  "I guess you saw what happened down there."

Victor:  "Yup."

Gabrielle:  "Look, it was a long time ago and it didn't mean anything."

Victor:  "How many people know about this?"

Gabrielle:  "Now, or before tonight?"

Victor:  "How many?"

Gabrielle:  "Look, I know you're upset."

Victor:  "No, not upset.  I'm just trying to work out how to spin this.  Clearly the boy was underage. Do you think money would shut him up?"

Gabrielle:  "Victor, really, I don't think it's a big deal."

Victor:  "Um.  That's because you're not me."

Victor walks out of the room.


Dillon and Julie are going through boxes.

Julie:  "Okay you gotta remember this.  (holding up a Teddy Bear)  This is Bodworth.  You took him everywhere."

Dillon:  "No. I think I'd remember a bear that ugly."

Julie:  "Well, clearly it's yours.  Your mom kept it all these years and he's here in your old room."

Dillon:  "Wait, this was my old room?  My mom told me I'm in my old room down the hall."

Julie:  "No, this was your room.  What are you talking about?"

Katherine walks in,

Katherine:  "Evening girls."

Julie:  "Hey! How was the party?"

Katherine:  "It was lovely.  I think your mother would like you home now to clean up."

Julie gets up and walks out.

Dillon:  "I'm sorry Mom."

Katherine:  "It's okay sweetie.  But I don't want you seeing that girl anymore."

Dillon walks out.


Orson walks in.

Bree:  "Orson, Honey, where have you been?"

Orson:  "We've had a call from Danielle's doctor.  Apparently her fall caused a placental eruption.  When the placental separates from the Uterus."

Bree:  "My god."

Orson:  "He said not to panic.  There are degrees of this. They are doing a sonogram then they are going to call us."

Bree:  "I can't wait that long.  I have to be with her."

Orson:  "Okay. I'll get your purse."

Bree and Orson are leaving Susan's house.

Susan:   "What do you think you are doing?  You can't leave yet!"

Bree:  "Ah something's come up.  We'll talk tomorrow."

Susan:  "No, we'll talk now.  You still owe me an explanation for that skuzzy gyno you sent me to.:

Bree:  "I said I was sorry, for god's sake, Susan, not everything is about you!"

Bree and Orson leave.  Edie comes out the front door.

Edie:  "Oh, I know this night has been a complete disaster but all in all, it's still your best party ever.


Carlos is just drying his hands and when he opens the door, Gabrielle pushes him back in and begins kissing him.

Carlos:  "I'm confused."

Gabrielle slaps Carlos.

Carlos:  "Ow!  Now I'm confused and my head hurts!"

Gabrielle:  "That's for letting Edie think you are engaged."

Carlos:  "And the kiss?"

Gabrielle:  "When you saw me flirting you smashed a glass.  When Victor heard I had an affair he started crunching poll numbers.  I need a man who cared enough to explode when he thinks he's gonna lose me.  I don't just love you, I love the way you love me."

Carlos:  "So we're back on?"

Gabrielle:  "See you Thursday."

They kiss passionately, and Carlos leaves.


Carlos is talking on the phone.

Carlos: "Al what have you got for me?"

Al:  "I think I found a way to make this happen.  But it might take a week or two to line everything up."

Carlos:  "Fantastic.


Al:  "I'll call you when it's done.:

Al hangs up.

Al:  "Shirley?  Can you make some copies of the Britt file?"

Shirley leaves the office, closes the door.  The door reads Al Kaminsky, Certified Public Accountant.


Carlos is having a drink when Victor walks in.

Victor:  "Seen Gaby?"

Carlos:  "Ah yeah.  In the bathroom upstairs."

Victor:  "Tell me something.  When you found out that kid that you were paying to mow your lawn was doing your wife, how did you not kill him?"

Carlos:  "Well, I wanted to at first but hey, we're all human, right?  You gotta forgive and forget."

Victor:  "You're a very understanding man.  If she pulled something like that on me, that guy wouldn't be around for long,"

Carlos:  "Yeah, but no woman's worth going to jail for, right?"

Victor:  "If you have enough money, it's not that hard to make someone disappear."

Gabrielle comes downstairs.

Victor:  "Let's go, honey."

Gabrielle:  "Bye Carlos."

She winks at Carlos as she leaves.


Bree is unhooking the DVD player.

Orson:  "Honey, we really have to go."

Bree:  "It will just take a few seconds.  It's all these damn cords."

Orson:  "Sweetheart, it's a long drive."

Bree:  "It's the only thing she asked for."

The phone rings.  Orson answers.

Orson::  "Hello.  Hello Doctor. How is she?  Oh, thank god."

Bree begins to cry.  Orson helps her off the floor and she cries on Orson's shoulder.


Lynette and Tom enter.  Stella is on the couch reading.

Stella:  "Kids are all tucked in. They're sleeping like angels."

Tom:  "Great.  Did you put Quaaludes in their cocoa?"

Lynette:  "Could you check on them for me, please?"

Tom goes upstairs.

Stella:  "So how was the party?"

Lynette:  "You drugged me."

Stella:  "Ah, just a little."

Lynette:  "What is wrong with you?  I told you I didn't want any pot!"

Stella:  "Before you slap me around, let me ask you something.  Do you feel better?"

Lynette:  "That's not the point.  And what were you thinking using my son as a drug mule."

Stella:  "He didn't know what was going on.  And why are you making such a big deal about it?"

Lynette:  "Let me ask you something.  Do you remember what I wore to the Junior Prom or what part I had in the play that year?"

Stella:  "Who remembers that stuff?"

Lynette:  "Parents who weren't stoned.  My whole childhood passed in a blur because you were medicating yourself.  Pot when you were sick, booze when you weren't.  I am not going to do that.  I won't miss a second of my kids lives.  Not if I can avoid it."

Stella:  "Well, I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm not.  You're a mom.  You know there's nothing worse than watching your kids suffer.  And seeing you act all goofy watching that cartoon, well, it was probably the high point of my trip."

Lynette:  "I get it.  But if you ever pull something like this again."

Stella:  "I won't."

Lynette: "Okay.  Well, I think I'll turn in."

Lynette takes the bowl of chips and walks to the stairs.

Stella:  "Yenta."

Lynette:  "What?"

Stella:  "Junior year.  You were Yenta in "Fiddler on the Roof."

Lynette:  "You remembered."

Stella:  "Yea, there are some performances so bad even alcohol can't block em out."


Bree is sitting. Susan walks up.

Susan:  "Bree?  Can we call a truce?  Please?  So you know I'm not bluffing I brought cake."

Bree takes one of the cakes.

Bree: "I'm so sorry that I snapped at you tonight."

Susan:  "It's okay.  I just wanna know what's going on.  Ever since you've been pregnant there's like this wall between us.  It's like something's changed and I don't know why.  Did I do something to offend you?"

Bree:  "It's not about you I've just been going through some things."

Susan:  "Like what?  I mean come on just tell me.  We share everything."

Bree:  "Okay, um, I haven't told anybody this but it's about the baby. There have been some complications.

Susan:  "Oh no.  Is everything okay?"

Bree:  "Yeah.  Everything's fine.  But there was a time when I thought I might lose it."

Susan:  "Oh my god.  And there I was just bugging you about your doctor.  I am so sorry.  You should have just told me."

Bree:  "No, you're pregnant too and I'm not going to tell you anything that's gonna worry you."

Susan:  "Oh, are you kidding?  It's the first baby I've had in seventeen years.  You know, I could not possibly be more freaked out.  This morning I caught Mike building a crib."

Bree:  "No!  This early?"

Susan: "Yeah!  I wanted to scream, 'Are you nuts, do you just want to jinx it?"

Bree:  "This is what we get for having kids at our age. Anxiety, terror."

Susan:  "It's just going to get worse. Do you know when our babies go to college, we'll be like..."

Bree:  "Dead!"

Susan:  "If we're lucky.  Look at us.  Pregnant gals, eating cake and bitchin'.  It's kinda nice, huh?"

Bree:  "It really is.


Katherine is up in the locked room moving boxes.  Adam walks in.

Adam:  "What are you doing?"

Katherine:  "The hospital called.   My aunt's ready to come home.:

Adam:  "And you want her to stay in here?"

Katherine:  "Yeah.  I think making this room off limits was a mistake.  If I want Dillon to focus on other things I really need to make it less intriguing. "

Adam:  "Speaking of intriguing what were you thinking last night?"

Katherine:  "What?"

Adam:  "Come on the worst thing a father could do?  You realize what people are going to think?"

Katherine:  "Yeah, they're going to be very uncomfortable and uncomfortable people don't ask questions."


Children are playing on the sidewalk.

"All children love games.  But children grow up and then they find new games to play,"


"They pretend to be well so their family's won't worry."

Lynette is sitting in the yard and her mother brings her a bowl of food.


Carlos kisses Edie as he goes off to work.

"They lie to their lovers about where they go in the afternoon."


Bree is getting the mail when Susan walks up and tries to hug her.

Bree:  "Oh."

Bree drops the mail to distract Susan.

"They invent stories to hide the truth from their friends."


Katherine is sitting on the throw rug in the middle of the locked room.

"Yes, everyone has fun playing games."

Katherine reaches for the corner of the rug.  There is a deep gash in the floor under the rug.

"Right up until the moment someone gets hurt."

Katherine begins crying and touches the gash in the floor.

The End

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !