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#402 : Rien n'est plus trompeur qu'un sourire

Titre VO : Smiles of a summer night
Titre VF : Rien n'est plus trompeur qu'un sourire
Diffusion USA : 07/10/07
Diffusion FR : 23/06/09
Guest Stars : Dana Delany (Katherine Mayfair), Nathan Fillion (Adam Mayfair), Lyndsy Fonseca (Dylan Mayfair)

Résumé court : Lynette vire Tom de ses séances hebdomadaires de chimiothérapie, elle doit donc trouver un remplaçant et choisit Gaby pour assurer ce rôle.
La confrontation entre Bree et Katherine aboutit à une véritable guerre pour occuper la figure de meilleure cuisinière.
Susan se fait à sa nouvelle vie de femme enceinte mais doit maintenant partager l'éducation avec Mike ce qui n'est pas chose facile.

Edie et Carlos passent à une étape supérieure dans leur relation ce qui n'est pas du goût des deux.

Enfin, les secrets de Katherine se font sentir par les ménagères.


4 - 7 votes

Titre VO
Smiles of a summer night

Titre VF
Rien n'est plus trompeur qu'un sourire

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Promo 402 en VO

Promo 402 en VO


Promo 402 en VO - 2

Promo 402 en VO - 2


le départ de Katherine souvenir (vo)

le départ de Katherine souvenir (vo)


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Résumé détaillé

Gaby et Carlos sont chez Gaby entrain de s’embrasser. Mais Edie arrive chez Gaby afin de lui demander si elle sait ou est Carlos qui est parti depuis des heures. Gaby lui répond qu’elle ne l’a pas vu mais Edie insiste et rentre prétextant qu’Ida Greeberg l’a vu près de chez elle. Gaby feint alors l’avoir vu rentrer chez lui. Edie finit par la croire, la remercie et part.

Puis, Gaby s’aperçoit de la gaffe qu’elle a faite lorsque Carlos lui fait remarquer qu’il n’aura jamais le temps de rentrer chez lui sans que Edie s’en aperçoive.


Gaby tente alors de retarder Edie en lui demandant ce qu’elle souhaite pour son anniversaire. Pendant ce temps, Carlos en profite pour sortir par derrière et court vers sa maison en renversant le barbecue de Bree et en piétinant le linge de Katherine. Il finit par voler le skateboard des jumeaux Scavo et s’accroche au pare choc d’Edie pour se faire traîner jusqu'à sa maison.


Il réussit à arriver avant Edie à la maison mais malheureusement la porte est fermée et il fait croire à Edie que quelqu’un est entré par effraction pour justifier la vitre qu’il a brisé…




Bree, Gaby et Susan discutent et s’interrogent sur la famille Mayfair. Susan raconte que Julie trouve Dylan changée, comme si elle ne se souvenait pas de sa vie a Wisteria lane. Bree suggère qu’elle a voulu tout oublier. Mais Susan s’interroge également sur le départ précipité de Katherine quelques années auparavant

Katherine arrive et demande de qui elles parlent. Gaby répond trop vite Susan alors que cette dernière est juste derrière elle.

Katherine parle de lynette et propose d’organiser un déjeuner pour elle. Les trois femmes acceptent. Bree, comme à son habitude définit les rôles de chacune et demande alors à Katherine d’apporter une salade verte, qui elle préfère apporter le dessert… Bree lui fait remarquer que c’est toujours elle qui apporte le dessert et réussit à faire entendre raison grâce à l’appui de ses amies. Katherine part, vexée de ne pas avoir eu le dernier mot.


Ensuite, on retrouve Lynette à l’hôpital en compagnie de Tom. Ils jouent aux cartes mais Tom semble inquiet pour sa femme et la laisse gagner pour lui faire plaisir. Il est bouleversé et dit à sa femme qu’il l’aime mais Lynette lui demande de sortir. Il n’est pas là pour la déprimer mais pour la divertir.


Carlos voit une voiture devant chez lui et s’inquiète de sa provenance. Edie arrive et lui dit que la voiture est a elle et qu’elle se l’ai offerte avec l’argent de Carlos, pour son anniversaire.

Il répond qu’il ne peut pas se le permettre mais Edie lui fait du chantage en lui parlant de son compte offshore sur lequel il possède dix millions de dollars… Il demande à Edie de ne pas le crier sur tous les toits. Elle finit par accepter de rendre la voiture et lui dit qu’elle a une autre idée de cadeau, qui ne lui coûtera presque rien…


Susan apporte un saladier à Katherine, et en attendant sur le palier de la porte, se remémore le passé, au moment du déménagement de cette dernière. Marie Alice et Susan sont à la porte de Katherine et lui demandent pourquoi il y a un camion de déménagement devant chez elle. Katherine semble bouleversée et très fatiguée. Elle dit ne pas avoir le temps de leur dire au revoir. Elle doit partir au plus vite car elle a obtenu un poste à Chicago… Retour au présent, Katherine ouvre la porte et Susan lui tend le saladier. Elle lui demande également si son poste à Chicago qui a précipité son départ s’est bien passé. Katherine ne semble pas se souvenir de ce poste puis finalement lui dit qu’il s’est très bien passé. Elle ferme ensuite la porte prétextant avoir quelque chose au four.


Susan et Mike mangent. Julie arrive et demande à sa mère l’autorisation d’aller à une fête. Susan accepte mais Mike conseille à Julie de ne pas y aller car ces fêtes sont « spéciales ».

Julie lui répond qu’elle ne boit pas et que de toute façon, elle a l’autorisation de sa mère. Mike répond que la décision finale revient effectivement à Susan.

Susan est partagée entre Julie et Mike mais finit par choisir Mike ayant peur pour sa fille. Julie est vexée et s’en va.


Karen Mccluskey voit Dylan passer et lui dit qu’elle l’a gardée étant petite quand son père venait la voir. Mais Dylan ne semble pas se souvenir de ça ni de son père qu’elle croyait parti peu après sa naissance. Mais Karen lui affirme le contraire ce qui perturbe Dylan.


Bree, Susan, Katherine et Gaby sont chez Lynette et lui préparent son déjeuner. Elles commencent à manger mais Bree s’aperçoit que ce n’est pas sa tarte qui est sur la table.

Katherine lui dit qu’effectivement, ce n’est pas celle de Bree, mais la sienne que tout le monde mange. La tension monte entre Bree et Katherine lorsque Katherine dit qu’elle a caché la tarte de Bree dans le frigo. Susan change de conversation et parle de la chimio. Lynette raconte qu’elle a dût virer Tom et que du coup, elle doit trouver un autre partenaire de chimio. Toutes ses amies se proposent sauf Gaby qui n’a pas l’air très enthousiaste…


Bree est dans sa cuisine et cherche à découvrir la recette de sa nouvelle ennemie, Katherine. Elle est hors d’elle de savoir qu’il existe une meilleure cuisinière qu’elle pour la tarte au citron.


Lynette vient parler à Gaby et lui demande pourquoi elle ne l’a pas soutenue pour la chimio. Gaby répond que les autres avaient l’air de gérer la situation et que de toute façon, elle n’aime pas les hôpitaux. Lynette lui répond que c’est le cas pour tout le monde mais qu’on doit faire des efforts des fois, surtout pour ses amies. Gaby finit par accepter quand Lynette lui demande de venir.


Susan autorise sa fille en cachette à aller à la fête mais ne compte rien dire à Mike car elle à peur qu’il pense que son avis ne compte pas.


Bree va frapper chez Katherine et lui demande sa recette de la tarte au citron en échange d’une autre recette, mais Katherine lui répond qu’elle ne la partage pas. Bree part, vexée.


Susan et Mike s’embrassent et Mike la remercie de l’avoir soutenue pour la fête qui, d’ailleurs, a dégénéré. Susan est inquiète pour sa fille et trouve une excuse pour partir.


Pour son cadeau d’anniversaire, Edie demande Carlos en mariage. Il accepte car Edie lui fait de nouveau du chantage sur son compte offshore.


Julie et Dylan sont à la fête et parlent de la mère de Dylan qui ne veut pas lui dire où est son père. Susan arrive mais plusieurs garçons la prennent pour une strip-teaseuse. Elle finit par dire qu’elle est la mère de Julie. Susan ramène sa fille et Dylan, mais après le départ de Dylan, Julie dit à sa mère qu’elle ne la comprend pas. Elle lui fait comprendre que ce n’est pas parce sa mère lui refuse quelque chose qu’elle l’aimera moins, mais que quand elle prend des décisions, elle doit s’y tenir. Mais Mike découvre que Susan lui a mentit. Il ne lui en veut pas car Julie n’est pas sa fille mais lui dit que le bébé que porte Susan devra être élevé à deux.


Gaby est à l’hôpital avec Lynette mais ne tient pas en place. Lynette finit par lui demander ce qui ne va pas. Gaby lui dit que c’est à cause de son père. Lui aussi avait un cancer et il est mort. Gaby a peur de perdre également Lynette et c’est pour ça qu’elle ne peut pas faire semblant et sourire devant son amie.


Dylan regarde un album photo d’elle étant petite et s’aperçoit que les photos de son père ont été enlevées. Elle veut poser une question à sa mère mais cette dernière est pressée et elles partent toutes les deux en voiture. Bree en profite pour s’introduire chez Katherine afin de voler la recette de la tarte au citron tant convoitée… Mais pendant que Bree tente de forcer le cadenas qui ferme la boîte a recettes, Katherine, Dylan et Adam reviennent. Bree, cachée, surprend une conversation animée à propos du père de Dylan. La conversation dégénère et Katherine gifle sa fille. Katherine ne veut pas dire la vérité à Dylan et sort de la pièce. Bree en profite pour s’éclipser et retourne chez elle, bouleversée.


Carlos est dans un bar et parle de Edie et des problèmes qu’elle lui cause. Il dit qu’il tenait vraiment à Edie mais qu’il ne peut pas la laisser gâcher sa vie. Il donne de l’argent à l’homme en face de lui en lui demandant d’intervenir.


Les cinq filles sont à l’hôpital où elles s’amusent et se prennent  en photo. Gaby semble décidée à soutenir Lynette.


On voit de nouveau Carlos dans le bar, avec un sourire aux lèvres quand son interlocuteur lui dit qu’il va s’en occuper…




"The great crime wave hit Wisteria Lane on a Tuesday afternoon.  That's when residents found their barbeques upended."


Bree finds her barbeque tipped over.

"Their clean laundry trampled."


Katherine picks up a shirt from the ground that has a mud footprint on it.

"And their skateboards missing."


Parker looks around but can't find his skateboard.

"Naturally everyone began to ask who could be responsible for such carnage."

Bree and Katherine in the front yard talking.  In the background is Gabrielle's home.

"The answer lay in home of a neighbor who twenty minutes earlier had been engaging in...."


Gabrielle and Carlos are in bed making out.

"...an all together different type of crime."

Carlos: "Oh I gotta get back.  Told Edie I was going for a jog.  Do I look sweaty enough for five mile run?"

Gabrielle:   "Yeah, unfortunately it's my sweat.  When are you gonna dump her?"

Carlos:  "It's complicated, okay?  (Carlos begins getting dressed)  Besides, I don't see you in any big hurry to dump Victor."

Gabrielle:  "Generally speaking women don't leave their husbands for guys who have girlfriends.  Just boot the Bitch.  What are you afraid of?"

Carlos:  "Hey, I am not afraid of her."

Carlos looks out the front window and falls to the floor behind the dining room table.

Carlos:  "Oh my God!"

Gabrielle:  "What the hells the matter with you?"

Carlos:  (pointing outside)  "Edie!"

Gabrielle looks out to the front porch and sees Edie coming up the steps.  Edie knocks, Gabrielle grabs her clothes.

Edie:  "Gaby?  Are you in there?"

Gabrielle:  "One second!"

Gabrielle opens the front door.

Gabrielle:  "Edie?  What brings you here?"

Edie:  "I'm looking for Carlos.  He went for a run but it was hours ago."

Gabrielle:  "Sorry, I haven't seen him."

Edie:  (entering Gabrielle's house)  "Really?  Because Ida Greenburg said she thought she saw him on your porch."

Gabrielle:  "That's impossible because he's there!  (pointing outside and yelling)  There he is!  Carlos?  He's at your house.  Oh, he just let himself in.  There you go, he's home."

Edie:  "Oh, okay, well thanks."

Edie leaves.  Gabrielle closes the door as Carlos comes out of hiding.

Carlos:  "You told her I was at home."

Gabrielle:  "So?"

Carlos:  "So I'm not at home!  I'm here!  What the hell am I supposed to do?"


Gabrielle comes running out of the house as Edie is driving out of Gaby's driveway.

Gabrielle:  "Edie!  Edie wait!  Wait, wait, wait, don't go!  Don't go!"

Edie: (stopping in the street)  "Why?"

Gabrielle:  "You have a birthday coming up and I don't know what to get you."

As Gabrielle leans on Edie's car window Carlos runs across the street behind Edie's car.  Carlos runs through the neighbor's gate into Bree's yard knocking over the barbeque.


Gabrielle:  "Or maybe a coffee pot or scented hangers or a nice clock radio."

Edie:  "Gaby, I don't have time for this. Why don't you just surprise me."

Gabrielle:  "Ahh..  Wait, don't go!  I need a little more guidance!!"

Edie drives off.  Carlos runs across Bree's yard into Katherine's yard and throw her laundry hanging on the line.    Edie continues driving home.  Carlos sees Edie driving down the street when a basketball bounces in front of her car causing her to brake.  He stops Parker's skateboard.  The Scavo twins run into the street and chase the ball.

Edie:  "Damn it boys!  You should not be screwing around in the street!  Somebody's gonna get hurt!"

As Edie begins driving home, Carlos, on the skateboard, is hanging off the back of her car.  As she pulls in front of home, Carlos rolls off the skateboard and runs to the house.  He grabs at the locked door.  Edie walks into the front door.

Edie: "Carlos!"

Carlos is in the living room staring at the side door in which the window is broken.

Carlos:  "Can you believe this? Someone broke into our house?"

Edie:  "Oh my God!"

"And so ended the great crime wave on Wisteria Lane.  No one ever found out who was responsible."

Carlos puts his arm around Edie.  Edie pulls away.

Edie:  "Ooo.  You're all sweaty.  Go clean up."

"Because..  it was an inside job."


A young man smiling, walking his dog passes a smiling Ida Greenburg.

"You will never see despair here, or rage."

A mailman handing a resident her mail, smiling.

"You will never see the tiniest bit of regret."


Orson exits with his briefcase.  He goes to his car as Edie passes by powerwalking.

"You see, the people who live here have learned there is one sure way of hiding their secrets from their neighbors."

Edie:  "Hey/"


Katherine waves at Gabrielle, Bree and Susan who are having coffee in Susan's front yard.  They wave back.

"That's why in the suburbs there is nothing more deceptive than a smile."

Bree:  "So what did Julie say exactly?"

Susan:  "She said Dylan's not the same girl."

Gabrielle:  "Not the same girl like she's changed or not the same girl like she's been replaced by a robot?"

Susan:  "I know it sounds weird but Julie says Dylan does not remember anything about living here."

Bree:  "Well maybe she blocked it out.  Did something bad happen to her when she was young?"

Susan:  "I'm not sure but there was something odd about the way the left."

Katherine walks up.

Katherine:  "So if it isn't the early morning gossip brigade.  Who are we dishing today?"

Gabrielle: "Oh, Susan."

Katherine:  "She's standing right there."
Gabrielle:  "Oh my god!  Have you been there this whole time?"

Susan:  "Ha ha."

Katherine:  "Anyway.  I wanted to talk to you girls about Lynette."

Susan:  "What about her?"

Katherine:  "Well since she's been so tired from Chemo, I thought it would be nice if we something for her like bring her lunch?"

Susan:  "Ah, that sounds great."

Bree:  "Yeah, let's do it.  Gaby, why don't you bring your vegetable lasagna, Susan you do beverages.  And Katherine why don't you bring a simple green salad."

Katherine:  "I'd rather bring dessert."

Bree:  "Oh, no need dear.  I always bring dessert.  Oh, I'm thinking my Lemon Meringue pie."

Gabrielle:  "Oh yum!"

Katherine:  "Yeah, here's the thing.  The movers lost my salad bowl.  My pie plates on the other hand..."

Bree:  "Will not be needed.  As I said I always bring dessert."

Susan:  "I know.  I will lend you my salad bowl.  You really don't want to miss Bree's pie.  It's perfect."

Katherine:  "Who am I to argue with perfection.  Oh I'm sorry, it just something has been driving me crazy!"

Katherine pulls mini scissors out of her pocket.  Leans over and snips a hanging thread off Bree's skirt.

Katherine:  "Now you're perfect."

Katherine turns and walks away as the girls look shocked.


Lynette is receiving chemotherapy while she and Tom are playing cards.  Tom keeps staring at the needles going into Lynette's arm.

Tom:  "Does it hurt?"

Lynette:  "It's a little uncomfortable but I'm fine.  Pick a card."

Tom picks a card and puts it down immediately.  Lynette picks it up.

Lynette:  "Hey, I told you I'm collecting queens, pay attention."

Tom: "Remember we played this when you went into labor with Parker?  Forty two hours without meds.  I'll never forget what a trooper you were."  (starts tearing up.)

Lynette:  "Well let's not compose my eulogy just yet.  I'm still troopin.  Pick a card."

Tom:  "Right."

Tom picks a card.

Tom:  "It's funny.  We played cards on our honeymoon the day that it rained.  Do you remember that?  We lit a fire..."

Lynette:  "You're doing it again."

Tom:  "Sorry."

Tom puts down a card.

Lynette:  "Hey, I told you I'm collecting queens."

Tom:  "Shoot.  That's right."

Lynette:  "Oh my god!  Are you letting me win?"

Tom: "I just want to make you feel good."

Lynette:  "By taking all the fun out of the kill?"

Tom:  "Honey, I'm sorry.  It's just I love you so much." (tearing up again)

Lynette:  "Out!"

Tom:  "What?"

Lynette:  "You are supposed to be distracting me not depressing the hell out of me!"

Tom:  "You're kicking me out of chemo?"

Lynette:  (waving him away)  "I'll see you at home."

Tom:  (getting up)  "Honey.  I'm your ride."

Lynette:  "Just go.  I'll cab it!"

Tom:  "There's that trooper that I admire so much."  (tearing up again)

Lynette:  "Out!"

Tom leaves as Lynette shakes her head.


Carlos arrives home and sees a brand new convertible in front of their house.  Edie comes running out of the house.

Edie:  "Carlos!  Hi!"

Carlos:  "Hey.  There's my birthday girl.  Nice car.  Got company?"

Edie:  "No."

Carlos:  "Whose is it then?"

Edie:  "It's your birthday present to me.  Surprise!"

Carlos:  "A car?  Ah.. I was going to get you earrings."

Edie:  "So, get em.  And I will drive around with the top down so everyone can see them."

Carlos:  "Edie, I can't afford this."

Edie:  "Of course you can.  Just move some of your off shore money, on shore."

Carlos:  "I told you that account was a secret.  Which is not going to be for long if I start buying eighty thousand dollar cars."

Edie:  "Now I'm sensing that this little nest egg of yours is a tinsy bit illegal.  Where'd it come from?"

Carlos:  "You don't need to know that and the IRS doesn't either.  You want me to go to jail?"

Edie: "Goodness Carlos.  I had no idea that your situation was so precarious.  Well.  I guess I'll just have to take this back to the dealership."

Carlos:  "Thank you for understanding, Babe.  Look, if you don't want the earrings, just pick something else out instead.  Just not too extravagant."

Edie:  "Don't worry, I have a thought, and it's right in your price range."

Edie speeds away.


Susan walks up the steps with a salad bowl and rings the bell.


Katherine house long time ago.  Katherine opens the door.  A young Susan and young Mary Alice are at the front door.

Susan:  "Hey, what's going on?"

Mary Alice:  "Why is there a moving van in your driveway?"

Katherine:  "Oh, I meant to call you.  It's just been so nuts!  I got a new job in Chicago."

Mary Alice:  "So you're just leaving like that?"

Katherine: "I know it's crazy, huh?  I really wish I had time to talk but I gotta finish packing."

Susan:  "Oh no, hang on.  Let me just run and get Julie so she can say goodbye to Dylan."

Katherine:  "Oh, we're really in a rush.  I don't think we're going to have time."

A crashing noise comes from upstairs.

Katherine:  "That's okay guys, keep packing.  I'll clean it up."

Susan:  "Katherine.  Are you okay?  You seem a little jumpy."

Katherine:  "I..I just had a long night and I have a lot to do.  I'm really going to miss you."

She closes the door on them.


Katherine opens the door. 

Susan:  "Katherine, hi.  Oh, I brought you that salad bowl."

Katherine:  "Oh thank you.  You are so thoughtful."

Susan:  "No problem.  Hey, you know, I was meaning to ask you.  How did that job in Chicago work out?"

Katherine:  "Job?"

Susan:  "You know the one that you left so suddenly for."

Katherine:  "Oh right, yes, of course.  It worked out well.  Very challenging."

Susan:  "Oh."

Katherine: "I've got something on the stove.  I'd better go."

Katherine closes the door on a bewildered Susan.


Mike and Susan are having breakfast.  Susan has a full plate of pancakes and fruits which she is pouring syrup on.

Mike:  "Susan."

Susan:  "What?  I'm eating for two."

Mike:  "Well do both of you want to be fat?"

Susan:  "Okay, when I'm in labor and I'm pushing and screaming to bring your child into the world, do you really want me to remember that you denied me syrup?"

Mike:  "Carry on."

Julie enters

Julie:  "Mom, I need to talk to you about tonight. (looking at Susan's full plate)  Oh my god.  (Mike shakes his head)

Susan:  "Is it about Matt's party?"

Julie:  "Yeah.  It turns out that is doesn't start until Ten so can I stay our until One?"

Susan:  "Well, um.  Well the Johnson's live right down the road.  Yeah.  I guess it's fine."

Julie: "Thanks."

Mike:  "Whoa, whoa.  Is this the Johnson's over on Crestview?"

Julie:  "Yeah."

Mike:  "Yeah.  I don't think you should go to that."

Julie:  "Why not?"

Mike:  "I've done a couple jobs at that house and they have some really wild parties.  I don't even want to tell you what I've snaked out of that toilet."

Julie:  "Those are his brother's parties.  Matt's not like that."

Mike:  "All seventeen year old guys are like that.  The only reasons my buddies and I even had parties was to get girls wasted."

Julie:  "Well, I don't drink."

Mike:  "Neither did Missy Taylor and fast forward to her tying her bra on my antenna."

Julie:  "I really appreciate your concern but my Mom already told me I could go."

Mike:  "Well, that's true.  Just giving my opinion.  It's up to your Mom."

Mike and Julie stare at Susan.

Susan:  "Well, um, you both make a good case.  Um, but I think I'm gonna have to agree with, ah, and you know I love you both."

Julie: " Decide!"

Susan:  "Mike, I'm going with Mike."

Julie:  "What?"

Susan:  "Well, it sounds like this party could be on the wild side and it is starting very late."

Julie:  "This is so unfair."

Susan:  "I'm sorry, Honey,  you wanted a decision.  This is my decision."

Julie:  "Ahh."

Julie disgusted, walks away.  Susan pours more syrup.

Mike:  "More syrup?"

Susan:  "Missy Taylor?"

Mike:  "Carry on."


Karen is getting her mail just at Dylan walks by.

Karen:  "Look at your little Dylan.  All grown up.  Karen McCluskey.  I babysat you way back when.  You were a biter."

Dylan:  "I hope I didn't hurt you."

Karen:  "Nah, you were a cutie, but loud!  I remember the racket you use to make on your tricycle.  I gave your Dad hell for putting that horn on it."

Dylan: "My Dad?  How could you know my Dad?  He left when I was a baby."

Dylan:  "Nah, he use to come around once in a while.  Anyway, nice to have you back."

Karen walks away.


Susan, Bree, Gabrielle and Katherine are working as Lynette sits at the kitchen table.

Lynette:  "Please let me help, I feel so guilty just sitting here."

Bree:  "Do not move.  We want to pamper you, please let us."

Lynette:  "Thank you."

Susan: "Hey, so how's the Chemotherapy going?"

Gabrielle:  "Oh, no, no.  She doesn't want to talk about that."

Lynette:  "I don't mind."

Gabrielle:  "Come on, let's dig into the pie.  It looks amazing."

Gabrielle takes a mouthful.

Gabrielle:  "Wow!"

Susan: "Oh my God.  That is like the best pie you've ever made."

Bree:  "Well, thank you.  I don't think I did anything differently."

Bree takes a bite.

Bree:  "This is not my pie."

Katherine:  (laughs) "Okay you caught me.  It's mine."

Bree:  "What happened to the pie that I brought?"

Katherine:  "Oh I was a little sneaky and I put in the fridge.  I just wanted you to try mine."

Bree:  "Well did we or did we not agree that I would bring the dessert."

Katherine:  "I know but everyone says you're such an amazing baker and I was hoping you could give me some tips to improve my recipe."

Bree:  "Clearly no tips are needed.  As my friend said, best pie ever made."

Katherine:  "Well then perhaps you shouldn't have said anything.  I would have been happy to let everyone think it was yours."

Susan:  "So back to Chemo.  How's that been?"

Lynette:  "Yeah, so far, not that bad.  Though I did have to kick Tom out yesterday."

Susan: "Why?"

Lynette:  "He was getting so emotional, it felt like the last twenty minutes of 'Brian's Song.'  So I guess I'm in the market for a new Chemo buddy."

Bree:  "Well, I would be more than happy to go with you."

Susan:  "Count me in."

Katherine:  "I'll sit with you.  I volunteer at the hospital so I'll be there anyway."

Lynette:  "Oh, my God you guys.  I'm so touched you're all willing to do this."

Susan:  "What are friends for?"

Lynette stares at Gabrielle who is practically buried in her coffee cup.

Lynette:  "Gaby?"

Gabrielle:  "Oh, no cream for me thanks."


There are numerous pies on the counter with one pie missing.

Orson:  "She upstaged your Lemon Meringue pie?  You've gotta be kidding."

Bree:  (busy mixing a bowl on the stove) "I'm not.  That despicable woman was just supposed to bring a simple green salad.  She not only brought a pie, she hid mine and served hers!"

Orson:  "That's beyond despicable, that's culinary terrorism!"

Bree:  "Oh, it gets worse.  Her pie was better than mine!"

Orson:  "Impossible!"

Bree:  "It's true. Everyone thought so.  Even me. Oh and that simple green salad.  Mosh and baby arugula with duck con fete and candied walnuts!"

Orson:  "My god she plays to win."

Bree:  "I have been here for hours trying to replicate her recipe and nothing have even come close!"

Orson:  "Don't be so hard on yourself. (eating pie)  This one's fantastic!"

Bree:  "That's hers!!"

Orson:  "Sorry."

Bree:  "Orson.  What am I gonna do?"

Orson:  "You might have to bite the bullet and ask her for her recipe."

Bree:  "What? Surrender?  Debase myself?"

Orson:  "Bree!  It's your signature pie!  You make it for parties, church suppers, bake sales.  If she's always right there behind you with her superior version, staking out her claim at Fairview's Number One homemaker!"

Bree:  "She will have stolen my entire identity."

Orson:  "Well I wouldn't go that far."

Bree:  "No it's true.  The only thing about me that's special is what I can do in the kitchen.  You're right.  I have got to get that recipe.  By any means necessary."


Gabrielle is throwing out her trash as Lynette walks up.

Lynette:  "Hey, Gaby."

Gabrielle:  "Hey, what's up?"

Lynette:  "Well, I felt a little weird about something that happened at lunch and I thought we should talk about it."

Gabrielle:  "I know.  Do you believe that pie business?  I thought Bree's head was gonna explode!"

Lynette:  "No, not that.   Okay, I don't know how to say this so I'm just going to say it.  When everyone was offering to come with me to Chemo, even Katherine who I don't even know, you sorta clammed up.  What was that about?"

Gabrielle:  "Well, it just seemed like everyone had it pretty well covered."

Lynette:  "Yeah, but, between us, you're the one I really want there.  Out of everyone, you're the most fun and I need that now."

Gabrielle:  "That's sweet.  But to be honest, I don't like hospitals."

Lynette:  "Nobody likes hospitals.  Unfortunately that's the place you have to go when you're sick.  Or your friends are.  You are my friend, right?"

Gabrielle:  "What, is this a test of our friendship?"

Lynette:  "Yeah.  Kinda.  Can I pencil you in?"

Gabrielle:  "I can't wait."


Julie is studying as Susan sneaks in.

Susan:  "Pssst.  (whispering)  Come here. "

Julie doesn't follow.

Susan:  "Okay, I'll come there.  Are you still mad at me about the party?"

Julie:  "Oh you picked up on that, did you?"

Susan:  "Okay, look.  I've been thinking about things and just forget what I said earlier."

Julie:  "You mean I can go?"

Susan:  "Shhh.  Geezz, oh.  Mike's in the other room."

Julie:  "You're not gonna tell him?

Susan:  "No!  And neither are you!"

Julie: "Ah.  Why are you walking on eggshells?  You are my Mother.  You have every right to override him."

Susan:  "I know.  I just think it's sweet that he worries about you and I want him to feel that he's part of the decision making process."

Julie:  "Oh, well clearly he's not if you're going behind his back."

Susan:  "Do you want to go or not?"

Julie:  "Yes!  I really want to go to the party."

Mike walks in.

Mike:  "Party?  You guys still talking about that?"

Susan:  "Ah.  Can you believe it? Oh.  (to Julie)  Let it go!  You know Mike and I decided. No Party and that's final."

Mike and Susan walk out the door.  Susan turns and gives a "thumbs up" to Julie and mouths "have fun."


Bree knocks on the door.

Katherine:  "Bree."

Bree:  "I hope this isn't a bad time.  I just wanted to bring you a housewarming gift.  It's my recipe for my special minced meat pie.  It wouldn't be Thanksgiving at my house without it."

Katherine: "Well, very thoughtful."


Katherine opens her recipe box.

Katherine:  "I'll just file this in my recipe box."

Bree:   "Well as long as we're swapping pie recipes I would love the one for your fabulous Lemon Meringue."

Katherine:  "Really?  So flattered you'd ask.  But I don't share that!"

Katherine slams the recipe lid down and put the box in her cupboard.

Bree:  "Excuse me?"

Katherine:  "I experimented for years before I came up with my secret ingredient."

Bree:  "Which is what? Vanilla?  Nutmeg? Cardemen?"

Katherine:  "If I told you it wouldn't be a secret anymore.  It would just be an ingredient."

Bree:  "Well that hardly seems neighborly after all I just gave you the recipe for my Minced Meat pie."

Katherine:  "Yes, it's a very good one.  I have the book it came from."

Bree:  "The recipe's not from a book.  That recipe was handed down to me from my mother."

Katherine: "Well unless your mother was Betty Crocker she got it from a book.  Oh dear, now I've upset you."

Bree: "No, no, I'm not upset.  I'm just confused as to why you seem so determined to get off on the wrong foot.  First you bring a pie to Lynette's when I clearly assigned you the salad."

Katherine:  "Now see, that's where I'm confused.  Just what, please, gives you the right to decide who brings what to a luncheon that I suggested."

Bree:  "Well, it's tradition!  I always organize our little get togethers and I always bring dessert."

Katherine:  "Well then how lovely that I'm back to shoulder that burden for you."

Bree: "Just give me the recipe!"

Katherine:  "Sorry, I can't.  I do hope this doesn't keep up from being friends because I like you, Bree."

Katherine opens her front door.   Bree walks out the door.

Katherine: "And I'm sure that if you put your mind to it, you can come up with an even better Lemon Meringue pie than mine.  The trick is finding that perfect blend of sweet and sour."

Bree:  "Well, you've certainly mastered that, dear."

Katherine closes the door on Bree.


Mike is lying in bed eating strawberries.

Mike:  "So when do I get to see my big surprise."

Susan comes out in very sexy underwear.

Susan:  "Wait for it.  Ta Da!"

Mike: "Whoa!  All that syrup went straight to your boobs!"

Susan:  "So it's not my imagination, they're bigger right?"

Mike: "Ah, yeah.  Especially the right one."

Susan:  "Mike!"

Mike:  "Just kidding.  Put those up and bring them over here."

Susan:  "Well, I'd better warn you I might have to work the shoulders."

Susan walks over sexily.  They begin kissing.

Mike: "Hey, that thing with Julie and the party this morning.  Thanks for backing me up.  It meant a lot.  I know it wasn't easy for you."

Susan:  "Ah, yeah, well, sometimes you gotta hang tough."

Mike:  "Well, you did the right thing.  I drove by that house tonight.  That party was out of control."

Susan:  "What?"

Mike:  "Yeah, there were kids staggering around drunk.  Puking in the gutter.  I saw some girls running around topless.  I'm sure the cops will be there any minute."

Susan:  "Ahhh.  We need whipped cream."

Mike:  "What?"

Susan:  "Well I don't think you can have sexy date night without whipped cream.  Can't and won't."

Mike:  "Well, I can go get some."

Susan:  "No, No, you've worked all day.  You stay here."

Susan grabs some clothes from the closet.

Mike:  "Gonna eat more syrup?"


Carlos puts a birthday cake with one lit candle on it on the table.

Carlos:  "Make a wish."

Edie blows out the candle and Carlos claps.

Carlos:  "So I let me see what I got you.   How thoughtful was I?"

Edie:  "Very."

She hands Carlos and envelope.  Carlos opens a card that says "Yes."

Carlos:  "Yes!"

Edie:  "No yet, I haven't asked the question."

Edie gets down on one knee.

Edie:  "Will you marry me, Carlos Solis?  And you say?"

Carlos:  "You're proposing?"

Edie:  "You said you didn't want to spend too much.  So what's more affordable than a promise?"

Carlos:  "Look, Edie."

Edie:  "I'm doing this for you.  If the IRS gets wind of your rainy day fund they could make me testify against you.  But if I were your wife."

Carlos:  "How are they going to find out?"

Edie:  "Honey, people talk.  Angry people.  Disappointed people.  Come on say your line.  It's my birthday."

Carlos:  "Fine.  We're engaged."

Edie:  "Oh Carlos.  I think I'm gonna cry."

Carlos:  "Yeah, me too."


Julie and Dylan are talking.

Dylan:  "So how weird it that.  My Mom always told me that my Dad took off right after I was born."

Julie:  "So did she explain what McCluskey said?"

Dylan:  "I didn't tell her.  She kinda freaks out every time I bring him up."

Julie:  "Dylan, you have a right to know about your Dad.  You've got to confront her."

Dylan:  "Yeah right.  I could never do that.  She isn't cool like your Mom."


Matt opens the door to find Susan scantily dressed.

Matt:  "Hi, it's my birthday."

Susan:  "That must mean you're Matt.  I'm Susan Meyer and I..."

Matt grabs Susan's hand and pulls her in.  He drags her to the back room where a bunch of young boys are.

Matt:  "Boomer, you actually did it!"

Boomer:  "It wasn't me but happy birthday, Man!"

Matt: "It was somebody but who cares!  Gather around men,"

The guys set up the chairs facing Susan.

Matt:  "You like this music>"

Susan:  "Yeah, it's fine.  Would somebody just tell me where I can find....."

Boomer:  "Enough talking, take it off!  We're feeling generous tonight.

Boomer tires to puts a dollar in Susan's bra.

Susan:  "Oh my God!  I'm not a stripper!"

Matt:  "You're not?"

Boomer:  "Is this going to happen or what?"

Matt:  "Boomer, she's not a stripper."

Boomer: "Well what's with the implants?"

Susan:  "I'm pregnant!"

Guy # 3:  "That's hot!"

Matt is leading Susan out of the room.

Matt:  "Sorry, I should have known you were Julie's Mom.  You're way to gorgeous to be a stripper."

Susan:  "If  that's your lame attempt to keep me from calling the your parents, it worked.  Well played."

Susan sees Julie across the room.  She starts going across the room and trips.

Julie:  "Mom, what are you doing here?"

Susan:  "I'm taking you home.  This party is out of control."

Julie:  "No it's not."

Susan:  "Well of course you don't think it is.  Because you are knocking back a big cup of (Susan drinks from Julie's cup) orange soda."

Julie:  "I don't believe this."

Susan:  "Believe it, we're going.  You too Dylan, come on."

Julie:  "And what are you wearing?  You're embarrassing me."

Susan:  "Yeah, well, Boomer likes it."


Susan, Julie and Dylan arrive home.

Julie: "Cal me tomorrow.  We'll go to a movie my Mom can drag us out of."

Susan:  "Look, I get that you're upset."

Julie:  "No, I'm confused.  First  I can go to the party, then I can't cause Mike says no, then I can, but don't tell Mike and behave yourself.  So I behave myself and you punish me."

Susan:  "Okay, I admit that there's a certain lack of consistency."

Julie:  "It's like ever since you got married I can't win."

Susan:  "Do you think this is easy for me?  Trying to keep peace between a new husband and a teenage daughter.  You're always putting me in the middle."

Julie:  "I don't do that."

Susan:  "Please.  Every time you and Mike disagree on something you give me the look.  That pitiful face that says if I don't back you up I love the other one more."

Julie:  "I don't expect you to side with me every time.  Just make a decision and stick to it.  And no more lying."

Susan:  "Well, you're right. I'm an adult and I need to be honest about these things and I will be starting tomorrow."

They walk in the front door.  Mike is sitting on the steps reading a paper.

Susan:  "Look who I picked up coming out of the movies.  A PG movie.  Is this the perfect teenager or what?"

Mike:  "Movies, huh?  That's funny.  One of Julie's friends just called to make sure she got home from the party.  She was worried when she saw you leaving with a stripper."

Julie:  "The jig is up, Mom."

Susan:  (whispering)  "No, no, we can salvage this.  Just work with me."

Julie:  "I did go to the party.  Mom went behind your back and told me I could.  But I didn't drink or do anything I shouldn't do."

Mike:  "Glad to hear it.  And thanks for your honesty."

They both stare at Susan.

Susan:  "You know this perfect teenager thing is really starting to chap my ass!"

Julie:  "I'm going to bed."

Susan:  "Please tell me this isn't going to be more of those things where you leave me and I go screaming down the street."

Mike:  "Why'd you go behind my back?"

Susan:  "I'm sorry.  You gotta understand for so long it's just been Julie and me and I've made all the decisions alone.  You felt so strongly."

Mike:  "It was just an opinion.  Really.  She's your daughter. I completely respect your right to raise her however you want."

Susan:  "Thanks."

Mike:  "Now that being said, this baby is ours so we get to make all those parenting decisions together.  Right?"

Susan:  "Right.  So can we get back to date night?"

Mike:  "Only if you work the shoulders."


Chemotherapy room.  Lynette is receiving her chemo.  Gaby walks in.

Lynette:  "Gaby, where have you been?  You went to the bathroom about half hour ago."

Gabrielle:  "Oh sorry, I stopped off to get you some magazines."

Lynette:  " 'Top Ten New Hairstyles.'  Yeah well I'm kinda bald right now but thanks."

Gabrielle:  "Oh well why don't I just go get some other ones."

Lynette:  "No, no, no.  I don't need magazines.  I need company.  Sit down.  You've been bouncing around since you got here.  So how do you like being the first lady of Fairview?"

Gabrielle:  "It's good.  You cold?  They keep it cold in here."

Lynette: "I'm fine.  So tell me something when you go to ribbon cutting do you get to keep those gigantic novelty scissors?"

Gabrielle:  "You must be freezing.  You know I have the cutest shawl in the car so I'm just gonna run out and get it for you."

Lynette:  "Boy, you really don't want to be here, do ya?"

Gabrielle:  "What are you talking about?  I'm trying to help."

Lynette:  "Yeah, in any way that gets you out of this room."

Gabrielle:  "I'm sorry.  Hospitals are hard for me."

Lynette:  "Yeah, you told me but geez Gaby don't you care enough to make an effort?"

Gabrielle:  "You think I don't care?"

Lynette:  "I get it.  You're uncomfortable.  Just go.  I'm fine.  I'm fine."

Gabrielle starts to leave then stops.

Gabrielle:  "Did I ever tell you about my Father?  He had Cancer too.  It started in the Liver and into his bones.  Ten months later he was dead."

Lynette:  "Thanks for that encouraging story." 

Gabrielle:  "I'm not finished.  Those last weeks every day we thought we would lose him and everyday before I would go into his room, my Mom would say, 'no tears.  Daddy wants to see you smiling.  If you're gonna cry, you can't go in.'  So the last night.  I sat there and I watched him die.  His eyes were closed but I thought he could still see me so I kept smiling.  All night.  I was five."

Lynette:  "Oh my god."

Gabrielle:  "But on the plus side, I made a pretty good career out of knowing how to smile when I didn't really feel like it.  But I can't pretend with  you.  Not when I'm scared I'm gonna lose you."

Lynette:  "You're not gonna lose me."

Gabrielle:  (crying)  "You promise?  If I did.... God., I'm such a mess..."

Lynette:  "It's okay.  Come here.  Let it go."

Lynette comforts Gabrielle.


Dylan finds her baby book.  She takes it up to her room.  She looks through and see pictures of her and Julie when they were young.  She finds a picture of when she was a baby.  Her mother is holding her and on her other side is a figure that has been cut out. 

Katherine:  "Honey."

Dylan hides the book.  Katherine comes in.

Katherine:  "I'm going out. I'll be right back."

Dylan:  "Mom.  Can I talk to you about something?"

Katherine:  "Sure.  If you don't mind talking in the car."


Bree is working in her kitchen.

"Bree Hodge persisted in her effort to unlock the secret of Katherine Mayfair's Lemon Meringue.  But after several failed attempts it occurred to Bree that while she may not have the key to Katherine's recipe..."

Bree opens her cupboard.  Many labeled keys are hanging.

"She did have the key to Katherine's house."


Bree is watering and waves to Katherine and Dylan as they drive away.  Bree turns off the hose and runs to Katherine's house with the key.


Bree sneaks inside.   She opens the cabinet with the recipe box and sees it is locked.


Bree knocks on the door.

Mike:  "Hey, what's up?"

Bree:  "I'm doing a little baking and was wondering if I could borrow something."

Mike:  "Sure, what do you need?  Flour, sugar?"

Bree is walking away with steel cutters.  She enters Katherine's house and pulls the recipe box out of the cupboard.


Katherine, Dylan and Adam come home

Katherine:  "You can't believe what Karen McCluskey tells you.  She's an old woman.  Practically senile."

Dylan: "She did sound senile to me."

Adam:  "Dylan, maybe this is not the time, okay?"

Dylan:  "You said my father didn't care about me.  But she says he came here and wanted to see me.  Why would you not tell me that?"

They enter the house.  Bree is just about to cut the lock.

Dylan:  "He's my father I deserve to know."

Katherine:  "The only thing you need to know about that man is that he's a monster."

Dylan:  "I'll decide that for myself.  Where is he?"

Katherine:  "I don't know."

Dylan:  "You're lying."

Adam:  "No she's not."

Dylan:  "Yes, she is. She's been lying to me my whole life.  I'm starting to think that you're the monster."

Katherine slaps Dylan.  Bree is listening to everything.  Dylan runs upstairs.

Katherine:  "She can't talk to me that way.  Not after everything I've done for her."

Adam:  "Well maybe that's the problem.  She doesn't know what you've done for her."

Katherine:  "Nobody does.  And it's going to stay that way."

Adam:  "Are you sure.  She's just going to keep asking questions."

Katherine:  "Then we'd better start coming up with better lies."

Bree sneaks out of Katherine's house and goes home. 

Orson:  "I was wondering where you'd gone to. "

Bree:  "I just let myself into Katherine house to get that recipe."

Orson:  "Well that seems a little extreme.  Well at least you know her secret now."

Bree:  "Yes, and it has nothing to do with pie."


Carlos:  "Here's the thing.  I got a real chance of getting back with my ex but this woman is standing in my way.  She knows about the money and she's made it clear that if I leave she's gonna blow the whistle.  You gotta understand  I really did care for Edie but I can't let her ruin my life".

Carlos pushes an envelope full of money across the table.

Carlos:  "That's where you come in."

A hand pulls the envelope.  A man sees a lot of money in the envelope and looks at Carlos.


Chemotherapy Room.  Lynette, Susan, Bree, Gabrielle and Katherine are sitting around.  The room is filled with balloons.

Katherine:  "Guys we better behave or the nurses are going to kick us out."

Bree:  "It's our Chemo party and we'll laugh if we want to."

Lynette:  "Gaby this was a wonderful idea and I cannot tell you how much it means to me."

Gabrielle:  "Oh don't get sappy on me.  I won't stand for it.  All right Susan, is the camera ready?"

Susan:  "Yeah. Got it."

They all get ready to have their picture taken.

Susan:  "Okay once the light starts blinking we've got ten seconds so everybody say cheese and hold it.  One, two, three."

The Ladies:  "Cheese."

"There is nothing more deceptive than a smile.  And no one knows this better than the people who hide behind them."

Camera on Katherine.

"Some flash their teeth as a polite warning to their enemies."

Camera on Gabrielle.

"Some put on put on beaming faces to keep their tears from falling."

Camera on Lynette.  Lynette makes a funny face.

"Others wear silly grins to mask their fear."

The camera clicks.


Carlos smiles.

"But then, there is that rare smile that is actually genuine."

Man across the table from Carlos looks at the money in the envelope.

Man:  "I'll take care of it."

Carlos smiles.

"It's the smile of a person who knows his troubles will soon be over."

The End

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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Avant-hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Avant-hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Hier à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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