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#315 : Une vie sans secret


Tous les résidents de Wisteria lane assistent à la grande ouverture de la pizzaria Scavo.

Orson se retrouve à l'hôpital après sa chute du toit et Alma va connaître la même chute.

Gloria cherche à tuer Bree par tout les moyens mais heureusement qu'Orson arrive à temps pour l'em empêcher.

Gaby est toujours confrontée à Zach et Carlos lui vient en aide.

Au sommaire de cet épisode du bonheur, et une mort...


3.88 - 8 votes

Titre VO
The little things you do together

Titre VF
Une vie sans secret

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


Fin - Voix de Mary Alice (vo)

Fin - Voix de Mary Alice (vo)


Fin - Voix d'Orson (vo)

Fin - Voix d'Orson (vo)


Plus de détails

- Orson Hodge avait toujours supposer qu'au moment précédant sa mort, sa vie entière défilerait devant ses yeux mais comme il tomba du toit de l'hôpital de Fairview, ce ne fut pa sa vie qui apparue. Ce fut une nuit en particulière.

Passé d'Orson

Orson entre dans une maison avec un bouquet de roses rouges.

Orson : Monique? J'ai de merveilleuses nouvelles... Bonne nouvelle...Monique?

Il arrive à la cuisine et voit sa mère

Mère : Il y a eu un accident

Il voit Monique couverte de sang et s'agenouille près d'elle

Orson : mon dieu, qu'est-ce que tu as fait ?

Mère : C'était de la légitime défense. J'étais venue lui dire de rester loin de toi. Elle m'a agressée

Orson : maman, elle est morte

Mère : Je sais. Et je suis désolée. Mais ce qui est fait est fait

Orson se relève et prend son téléphone portable

Mère : Que vas-tu faire ?

Orson : Je vais appeler la police

Mère : Non ! J'irais en prison

Orson : Tu as tué quelqu'un !

Mère : Je suis ta mère ! Tu dois m'aider !

Orson : mais je l'aimais !

Mère : j'ai jadis perdu quelqu'un que j'aimerais grâce à toi. Tu me dois bien ça

Ils prennent alors le cadavre de Monique avec des gants mais quelqu'un frappe à la porte d'entrée.

... : y a quelqu'un ?

Orson et sa mère se regardent terrorisés. Mike entre alors dans la maison

Mike : Mlle Polier, j'ai la pièce pour l'évier

Il se dirige en direction de la cuisine

Mike : y a quelqu'un ?

Il voit alors une main aggriper le comptoir

Mike : Mlle Polier ?

Orson : je suis désolé. Je suis le petit ami de Monique. Elle se repose à l'étage

Il regarde en même temps à ses pieds où se trouve le cadavre.

Orson : elle ne se sentait...pas très bien

Mike : je finis avec l'évier et je m'en vais

Orson : écoutez, pourquoi ne me laisseriez-vous pas m'occuper de ça ? Je veux dire, je suis joli et cordial et il se fait tard

Mike : oh ça ne me dérange pas de rester

Orson : oh, je ... tout est sous contrôle. Tenez, laissez-moi ... vous payer

En même temps, il met un torchon vers la tête de Monique car du sang coule. Sa mère observe la scène depuis un placad. Orson lui donne l'argent et Mike lui tend le paquet.

Mike : merci

Orson : oh hé, n'oubliez pas votre clé à molette

Il la lui donne en ayant laissé son gant. Mike le reprend et il s'en va sous le regard d'Orson.

Mère : tu t'es très bien occupé de ça, mon fils. A présent, aide-moi à trouver une bâche

Ils sont dans un endroit où Orson creuse un trou. Il entend sa mère pousser quelques gémissements

Orson : qu'est-ce que tu fais ?

Mère : tu ne veux pas qu'elle soit reconnue grâce à son dossier dentaire, hein ?

Elle se retourne alors avec un engin et une dent accrochée.

Mère : je dois dire ue je n'ai jamais réalisé combien ton travail était difficile

Orson remonte du trou et se plante devant sa mère

Orson : ce n'est pas suffisant de la tuer. Il faut aussi que tu souilles son corps ! Eloignes toi d'elle !

Il lui prend le bras et la jette dans le trou.

Mère : regarde ce que tu as fait ! Je pense que ma foutue hanche est cassée. Aide moi

Elle lui tend alors sa main et il la regarde

- Oui... Orson Hodge avait toujours supposé que sa vie défilerait devant ses yeux au moment précédant sa mort

Orson chute dans un arbre et tombe par terre à côté d'une ambulance

- Heureusement pour Orson, ce moment ....

Médecin : j'ai une pulsion ! Amenez-le à l'intérieur !

- n'était pas prévu pour aujourd'hui


- Les premières lueurs de l'aube
- le son du ronronnement du chat
- l'odeur du bon café
- oui, il y a plusieurs choses avec lesquelles une femme au foyer aime se réveiller mais un invité inattendu dans son lit n'en font pas partie

Gabrielle : Zach ? Tu es ... en sous-vêtment ?

Zach : eh bien, j'ai eu besoin de revêtir quelque chose pour aller chercher le journal du matin

Gabrielle : tu es resté ici toute la nuit ?

Zach : bien sûr ! Je ne suis pas un de ses mecs qui se réveillent et s'en vont juste après

Gabrielle : juste après quoi ?

Zach : tu veux me l'entendre dire ? Bien. Tu as été étonnante

Gabrielle ne comprend rien. Elle se lève et met un drap autour d'elle pour se cacher

Gabrielle : ok, écoute moi bien attentivement et c'est pas le moment d'être approximatif. En quoi j'ai été étonante exactement ?

Zach lui fit signe de la tête pour qu'elle regarde sur la table de nuit et elle voit un sachet de préservatif vide.

Gabrielle : pitié, dis moi que pour une fois il contenait de la menthe

Zach : après quelques verres, tu m'as dit combien tu étais seule et que j'étais le genre d'homme que tu voudrais dans quelques années et ensuite ... tu m'as embrassé. Et puis, tu as enlevé ...

Gabrielle : ok, ok arrête de parler. Je vais avoir la nausée

Gaby fait le tour du lit pour se rendre aux toilettes mais elle se fait intercepter par Zach qui l'a prend dans ses bras.

Zach : c'est tellement génial. J'ai un grand nombre de projet formidable pour nous

Gaby est dégoûtée

Zach : nous...oh oui, ça me fait du bien de dire ça

Gaby : oh mon dieu, ça va venir

Elle court aux toilettes

Zach : tu veux que je te retienne les cheveux chérie ?

Gaby : NON !

Lynette se réveille mais elle est seule dans son lit. Elle rejoint Tom qui est à la cuisine.

Lynette : Hé, qu'est-ce que tu fais ?

Tom : je me suis allongé sur le lit, pensant à l'inauguration de ce soir, quand ça m'est venu à l'esprit. Il pourrait me manquer des baguettes

Lynette : oh chéri, tu as eu quoi 4 heures de sommeil durant les 3 derniers jours. Tu as besoin de repos. Qui se fait du soucis s'il nous manque des baguettes ?

Tom : moi ! Ce soir est le moment le plus important de ma vie. Tout doit être parfait. Tiens, goûte ça

Lynette : c'est bon

Tom : non, trop salé !

Lynette : s'ils sont salés, nous vendrons davantage de bières. Tu vois, tu es un génie

Tom : ne sois pas condescendante avec moi ! Oh mon dieu, ça va être une catastrophe

Lynette : hé calme toi. Tu agis comme moi quand j'étais enceinte de 6 mois.

Tom : eh, excuse moi ! Tu frappais les gens

Lynette : seulement 2 et le postier a eu le tact de ne jamais en reparler. Allez, va te reposer

Tom : le fabricant de pâte et les chaises seront là pour midi

Lynette : je sais, je suis celle qui a passé la commande. Je m'occuperais de tout  ce qui doit être fait et toi, prends ça et va te reposer

Elle lui tend une boîte de pillule

Lynette : allaz ! Il faut que tu soi au meilleur de ta forme ce soir

Tom : tu as raison, désolé, c'est fou. Un glaçage au miel, le miel va couper le goût de sel de la baguette

Lynette : Tom, je n'ai pas besoin d'être enceinte pour te botter les fesses. Maintenant, va dormir !

Bree se réveille à l'hôpital. Andrew est auprès d'elle et lui tient la main.

Bree : Andrew, tu es là. Que m'est-il arrivé ?

Andrew : Tu as eu un accident en quelque sorte. Tu es tombée de l'échelle

Bree : Ah c'est vrai. Orson est là ?

Andrew : Oui, il est à l'hôpital mais pas exactement pour te rendre visite

On restrouve Andew assit sur une chaise aux côtés de sa mère

Bree : une tentative de suscide ? Non, Orson n'essayerait jamais de mettre fin à ses jours. La police se trompe. Il a du y avoir un accident

Andrew : pourtant, ils ont trouvé ses empreintes de pas sur le toit de sa voiture. La seule raison pour laquelle il y aurait grimpé serait pour sauter

Bree : pour quelle raison

Andrew : peut-être qu'il se sentait coupable

Bree : pourquoi ?

Andrew : maman, j'ai examiné cette échelle. Quelqu'un a scié un barreau

Bree : et tu penses que

Andrew : je vous ai entendu dans votre chambre l'autre jour. Tu lui as dit qu'il fallait qu'il se rende à la police. Le lendemain, tu es tombée et tu as failli mourir. Tu pense que c'est une coïncidence ?

Bree : et tu dis qu'il est en bas dans le hall ?

Andrew : oui mais ne t'inquiète pas. J'ai dit au personnel de ne pas le laiser s'approcher de toi et on te ramènera à la maison dès que possible

Susan et Ian arrivent à la réception de l'hôpital.

Infirmière : que puis-je faire pour vous ?

Ian : je viens chercher les affaires de ma famme, Jane Hainsworth

Infirmière : oui, toutes mes condoléances. Je reviens

Susan : tu vas bien

Ian : pas vraiment mais t'avoir à mes côtés m'aide beaucoup

Andrew : oh bonsoir Mme Mayer

Susan : Andrew, que fais-tu à l'hôpital

Andrew : vous n'êtes pas au courant ?

Susan lui fait non de la tête. On la voit ensuite ouvrir la porte de la chambre de Bree

Susan : salut

Bree : salut

Susan : je viens d'apprendre la nouvelle par Andrew. Je me devais de venir te voir. Si tu veux que je repartes

Bree : non, vas-y entre

Susan : je sais qu'on s'est disputée. Ce sont des choses qui arrivent et qui remettent tout en cause. Je suis vraiment désolée. C'était entièrement ma faute. Si je n'avais pas été aussi bornée à vouloir protéger Mike ...

Bree : arrête Susan, Mike est innocent. Il n'avait rien à voir avec le meurtre de Monique Polier

Susan : tu es au courant de quelque chose ?

Bree : Oui et j'ai l'intention d'aller voir la police

Susan : oh mon dieu. Est-ce que cela à quelque chose à voir avec l'accident d'Orson ?

Bree : j'en sais rien pour l'instant. Il faut juste que tu me fasse confiance. C'est d'accord ?

Susan : bien sûr. Je devrais te laisser te reposer

Susan part en direction de la porte

Bree : donc, on est redevenue amie ?

Susan : on l'est toujours restée

On retrouve Ian à la réception

Ian : excusez-moi ! Ces choses n'appartiennent pas à Jane

Infirmière : vous êtes sûr ?

Ian : chaque couple a ses petits secrets mais je suis presque sûr qu'elle n'était pas réparatrice de WC

Infirmière : Mike Delfino

Ian : ah ce sont les affaires de Mike ?

Infirmière : quelqu'un a fait une grosse erreur. Helen, tu t'es encore gourrée dans les étiquettes !

Ian prend une boîte noire et l'ouvre

Infirmière : il avait une bague de fiançaille. Elle est très belle

Ian : vous savez, Mike et moi sommes bons amis. Je peux lui rendre ses affaires si vous voulez

Infirmière : désolée, il doit venir les récuperer lui-même. C'est la règle ici

Elle crie à l'attentoin d'Helen

Infirmière : la règle consiste aussi à mettre les bonnes étiquettes sur les boîtes

Susan arrive à ce moment

Susan : Ian ! Tu ne vas pas le croire

Il cache la boîte sous sa main

Susan : Bree vient juste de me dire qu'elle peut prouver l'innocence de Mike !

Ian : comment ?

Susan : c'est vrai ! Il va être libre. C'est génial non ?

Ian : oui, c'est foutrement fantastique !

Susan : écoute, je vais chercher des fleurs pour Bree, je reviens.

Suite à venir...

Orson falls in slow motion from the roof of the hospital.

Mary Alice: "Orson Hodge had always assumed that the moment before he died, his entire life would flash before his eyes. But as he fell from the roof of the Fairview Memorial Hospital, it wasn't his life he saw. It was one night in particular."


Orson enters Monique's house holding flowers.

Orson: "Monique? I've got wonderful news. Bonnes nouvelles! Monique?"

He walks into the kitchen where Gloria is standing over Monique's still body.

Gloria: "There's been an accident."

Orson: "Oh, my God. What have you done?"

Gloria: "It was self-defense. I came to tell her to stay away from you. She attacked me."

Orson checks Monique's pulse.

Orson: "Mother...she's dead."

Gloria: "I know. And I'm sorry, but what's done is done. What are you doing?"

Orson: "I'm calling the police."

Gloria: "No! I'll go to jail."

Orson: "You killed someone!"

Gloria: "I'm your mother! You've got to help me!"

Orson: "But I loved her."

Gloria: "I once lost someone I loved, thanks to you. You owe me."

Mike enters the house.

Mike: "Hello? Ms. Polier? I've got that part for the sink. Hello? Ms. Polier?"

Mike walks into the kitchen and sees Orson with his yellow cleaning gloves on.

Mike: "Ah, I'm sorry."

Orson: "I'm Monique's boyfriend. She's upstairs lying down. She wasn't feeling well."

Mike: "Well, I'll just finish up with the sink and get out of your hair."

Orson: "Look, why don't you let me take care of that? I mean, I'm pretty handy, and it's getting late."

Mike: "I don't mind staying."

Orson: "I've got it under control. Here, let me, uh, let me pay you. That should cover it."

Mike: "Thanks."

Mike starts to leave and Orson picks up Mike's wrench where it was soaking in the sink.

Orson: "Oh, hey...don't forget your wrench."

Mike leaves and Gloria comes out of the pantry where she had been hiding.

Gloria: "You handled that very well, son. Now help me find a tarp."

Later, Orson and Gloria are outside at an unidentified location. Orson is digging a large hole in the ground while Gloria struggles to pull out Monique's teeth.

Orson: "What are you doing?"

Gloria: "You don't want her identified through dental records, do you? I must say, I never realized your job was so difficult."

Orson: "It's not enough to kill her. You have to desecrate her body, too? Get away from her!"

Orson rushes at Gloria, knocking her away from Monique's body. Gloria falls into the grave-sized hole that Orson had been digging.

"Now look what you've done! I think my damn hip's broken. Help me."


Orson continues falling through the air.

Mary Alice: "Yes...Orson Hodge had always assumed that his life would flash before his eyes the moment before he died. Luckily, for Orson, that moment..."

Orson's fall is broken by a tree and he lands more gently on the ground when he falls from the tree. Two paramedics and a cop, who were standing nearby, rush over to him.

Paramedic #1: "I got a pulse!"

Paramedic #2: "Let's get him inside!"

Mary Alice: "...was not scheduled for today."


Mary Alice: "The first light of sunrise. The sound of the cat purring. The smell of fresh coffee. Yes, there are many things a housewife likes to wake up to."


Gabrielle wakes up slowly to find Zach, wearing only his boxers, sitting up reading the newspaper in bed next to her.

Mary Alice: "But an unexpected guest in her bed...is not one of them."

Gabrielle: "Zach? You're... in your underwear."

Zach: "Well, I needed to put on something to get the morning paper."

Gabrielle: "You've been here all night?"

Zach: "Sure. I'm not one of those guys who gets up and leaves right after."

Gabrielle: "Right after what?"

Zach: "Do you wanna hear me say it? Fine. You were...amazing."

Gabrielle: "Okay, listen to me very carefully, and this is no time to be vague. What exactly was I amazing at?"

Zach motions to an empty condom wrapper next to the bed.

Gabrielle: "Please tell me that once contained a mint."

Zach: "After a few drinks, you told me how lonely you were, and that I was the kindest man you'd met in a few years, and, uh...then you kissed me And then you took off your..."

Gabrielle: "Okay, okay, stop talking. I'm getting nauseous."

Zach: "This is so great. I have so many awesome plans for us. "Us." Oh, man. It feels so good to say that."

Gabrielle: "Oh, God. Here it comes."

She rushes to the bathroom.

Zach: "Would you like me to hold your hair, honey?"

Gabrielle: "No!"


Lynette is lying in bed sleeping. She rolls over to Tom's side of the bed, which is empty. Later, she walks down the stairs to find Tom rushing around the kitchen, pulling freshly-baked bread sticks out of the oven, with already baked breadsticks cooling on every available surface.

Lynette: "Hey, what are you doing?"

Tom: "I'm lying in bed, thinking about the opening tonight, when it hits me...we could run out of breadsticks."

Lynette: "Oh, honey, you have had, what, four hours sleep in the past three days? You need rest. Who cares if we run out of breadsticks?"

Tom: "I do! Tonight's the most important night of my life. Everything's gotta be perfect. Here. Try that."

Lynette: "It's good."

Tom: "No. Too salty."

Lynette: "If they're salty, we'll sell more beer. See? You're a genius."

Tom: "Don't patronize me! Oh, my God. This is gonna be a disaster."

Lynette: "Hey, chill out. You're acting like I did when I was six months pregnant."

Tom: "Uh, excuse me. You were hitting people."

Lynette: "Only two. And the mailman had the good taste never to bring that up again. Come on. Let's go get some sleep."

Tom: "The dough maker and the chairs get delivered at noon."

Lynette: "I know. I'm the one that put in the order. I will handle anything that needs to be done. And you, take these and get some sleep."

She hands him some pills.

Lynette: "Come on. We need you at your best tonight."

Tom: "You're right. I'm sorry. Crazy. Honey glaze. Honey glaze will cut the salt in the breadsticks."

Lynette: "Tom, I do not need to be pregnant to kick your ass. Now go. Go on."


Andrew is visiting Bree in the hospital.

Bree: "Andrew, you're here. What happened to me?"

Andrew: "You kinda had an accident. You fell off our ladder."

Bree: "Oh, that's right. Is Orson here?"

Andrew: "Yeah, he's at the hospital but, he's not exactly visiting."


Bree: "Suicide? No. Orson would never try to kill himself. The police are wrong. It must have been an accident."

Andrew: "But they found his footprints on the trunk of his car. The only reason he'd be up there is to jump."

Bree: "But why?"

Andrew: "Maybe he was feeling guilty."

Bree: "For what?"

Andrew: "Mom, I looked at that ladder. Someone sawed through the rung."

Bree: "And you think..."

Andrew: "I heard you two in your room the other day. You told him to turn himself in or else...the next day, you fall and nearly die. You think that's a coincidence?"

Bree: "And you say he's just down the hall?"

Andrew: "Yeah, but don't worry. I told them not to let him near you, and we're gonna get you home as soon as we can."

In the hallway, Ian and Susan are near the nurse's station. Ian is speaking to a nurse at the nurse's station.

Nurse: "Can I help you?"

Ian: "I'm here to pick up my wife's belongings. Jane Hainsworth?"

Nurse: "Oh, yes. I'm so sorry for your loss. I'll be right back."

She leaves.

Susan: "You doing okay?"

Ian: "Not really, but having you here helps."

Andrew comes around the corner and sees Ian and Susan.

Andrew: "Oh, hey, Mrs. Mayer."

Susan: "Andrew, what are you doing at the hospital?"

Andrew: "You haven't heard?"

Later, Susan goes into Bree's room.

Susan: "Hey."

Bree: "Susan."

Susan: "I just heard from Andrew what happened. I had to come see you. If you want me to go, uh..."

Bree: "No, no. Come in."

Susan: "I know we've been fighting. Something like this happens, it just puts everything into perspective. I am so sorry. It was all my fault. If I hadn't got so caught up in protecting Mike..."

Bree: "Susan, stop. Mike is innocent. He had nothing to do with Monique Polier's murder."

Susan: "Do you know something?"

Bree: "Yes, and I intend to go to the police."

Susan: "Oh, my God. Does this have something to do with Orson's accident?"

Bree: "I can't tell you right now. You're just gonna have to trust me. Can you do that?"

Susan: "Of course. I should let you rest."

Bree: "So we're back to being friends?"

Susan: "We never really stopped."

At the nurse's station, Ian is going through the box of items that the nurse gave him.

Ian: "Um, excuse me. These things don't belong to Jane."

Nurse: "Are you sure?"

He holds up a whittling knife.

Ian: "Oh, every couple has their secrets, but I'm pretty sure she wasn't a closet whittler."

He looks at the name written on the box.

Ian: "Mike Delfino."

Nurse: "Oh, these are Mike's things?"

Ian: "Yep. Someone made a big mistake."

The nurse turns to shout over her shoulder at someone.

Nurse: "Helen, you screwed up the labels again!"

Ian pulls out an ring box.

Ian: "He had an engagement ring with him."

Nurse: "Ooh, that's pretty."

Ian: "You know, Mike and I are good friends. I could return these things to him, if you like."

Nurse: "Sorry. He'll have to pick 'em up himself. It's hospital policy."

She turns to yell over her shoulder again.

Nurse: "It's also hospital policy to put the right labels on the right boxes!"

Susan comes rushing up to Ian. He quickly hides the ring box he was holding.

Susan: "Ian! Ian, you're not gonna believe this. Bree just told me she can prove Mike's innocent."

Ian: "What?"

Susan: "It's true. He's gonna be a free man. Isn't that great?"

She hugs him and he drops the ring box on the ground.

Ian: "Yes, it's bloody fantastic."

She bends down and picks up the ring box and hands it to him, not even looking to see what it is.

Susan: "Here. I'm gonna go get Bree some flowers. I'll be right back."


Carlos is on the phone while he and Mike are in the kitchen.

Carlos: "No, no, that's great news. Thank you, doctor."

Carlos hangs up the phone.

Mike: "So Orson's gonna pull through?"

Carlos: "You'd rather he didn't?"

Mike: "No. I just don't know what he's gonna tell the police when he wakes up."

Carlos: "It wasn't your fault. Orson, falling off that roof was an accident, right?"

Mike: "Well, sort of."

Carlos: "Sort of?"

Mike: "Depending on what Orson tells them, I could get charged with attempted murder."

Out of sight from the two men, Susan stands on Mike's porch, having heard everything.


Lynette is on the phone with Andrew.

Lynette: "Well, I'm so glad she has you to take care of her, and of course your mom comes first, Andrew. And I wouldn't even ask except, you know, we're opening tonight..."

An employee walks by.

Employee: "Chairs are here."

Lynette: "Oh, God. Seriously? Fantastic. Thank you. It's just two quick hours, and then we'll get you right back home with your mom. Thank you, Andrew. Okay. Bye-bye."

She walks up to Austin.

Lynette: "Did you finish folding the takeout menus?"

Austin: "You never asked me to do that."

Lynette: "I shouldn't have to tell you every little thing, you know. Show some initiative."

Lynette goes up to the chair delivery man. He's stacking high chairs against a wall.

Lynette: "Wait. Where are my chairs? I didn't order these."

Delivery Man: "You're Lynette Scavo?"

Lynette: "Yes."

Delivery Man: "Well, then you ordered these."

Lynette: "No. Why would I order fifty high chairs for the opening of a pizzeria?"

Delivery Man: "I don't know. I thought it was one of those kiddie pizza places with the games and the animatronic rats."

Lynette: "Give me that."

She grabs the clipboard from him.

Delivery Man: "Easy there, Sally."

Lynette: "Animatronic rats. Where do they find you people? Okay, okay, here it is. See? I ordered fifty of item number seven three..."

Delivery Man: "Did we find the mistake?"

Lynette: "I switched the seven and the one."

Delivery Man: "So...we're both wrong."

Lynette: "Now this place opens in five hours. How long will it take to fix this?"

Later, Lynette is on the phone.

Lynette: "Hi. I need to rent fifty chairs by tonight at five o'clock. What? Why not? What do you mean, it's bar mitzvah season? There's no such thing. You still have five. I will take those. Scavo."

She hangs up.

Lynette: "Okay, that brings us to 22. Javi, Rico, we got chairs to find. Move it."

Two employees rush off to follow her.


Carlos knocks on Gabrielle's door. She answers it, looking hung over.

Carlos: "Looks like someone crawled into a bottle of Merlot last night."

Gabrielle: "I sort of threw myself a little birthday party. So if you don't mind, I'd like to get back to my dry heaving."

Carlos: "Quick question. Was that Zach Young I saw leaving your house at eight o'clock this morning?"

Gabrielle: "Uh, oh, yeah. Um...He just came by to, uh...drop off a birthday card. Really cute little cat with balloons. All right, bye."

Carlos: "Follow-up. Why was Zach in your driveway at seven o'clock this morning...in his underwear?"

Gabrielle: "We had sex last night!"

Carlos: "What?!"

Gabrielle: "I mean, I think we did. That's what he told me."

Carlos: "Weren't you there?"

Gabrielle: "No, I don't remember anything! I just woke up, and he was in bed next to me."

Zach pushes past Gaby to leave the house.

Zach: "Thanks again, Gaby. Hey, Carlos."

Zach leaves.

Carlos: "If you don't remember, then how can you be sure that you and Zach had sex?"

Gabrielle: "Well, we were both half-naked, and there was a condom wrapper. And he said I was amazing, which totally sounds like me. He thinks we're a couple now. You have to help me."

Carlos: "I am not getting involved. God, I can't believe you bagged another neighborhood kid."

Gabrielle: "Where are you going?"

Carlos: "To warn the Scavo boys."


A hospital psychiatrist is questioning Orson while he lies in his hospital bed.

Orson: "I wanna speak to my wife."

Psychiatrist: "She's resting. If we can get back to these questions..."

Orson: "I fell off a roof. I need a physician, not a psychiatrist."

Psychiatrist: "Well, I'm afraid it's hospital policy when there's a suspected suicide attempt."

Orson: "I didn't try to kill myself."

Psychiatrist: "But you do have a certain...history? You spent most of nineteen seventy-six in a psychiatric hospital."

Orson: "I don't care to discuss that."

Psychiatrist: "You won't be leaving here until we do."

Orson: "My parents were very religious. When I was sixteen, my father had an affair, caused  quite a scandal at our church. He became depressed. He started drinking heavily. My mother grew concerned. She didn't like leaving him alone. One night, she had to visit a sick friend, and she asked me to keep an eye on him. But I had made plans with friends. I thought I could duck out for a while. When I got home, I found him in the bathroom."

Psychiatrist: "You blamed yourself?"

Orson: "I didn't need to. Mother blamed me enough for both of us."

Psychiatrist: "That must have caused quite a strain in your relationship."

Orson: "Yes. But now and then, she suggests little ways I might make it up to her."


Gloria calls the hospital.

Gloria: "Yes, I'm calling to check on the status of a patient. Last name Hodge. What do you mean, which Hodge?"

Off the phone, Gloria goes up to the attic where Alma is locked in.

Alma: "Gloria! Thank God. I thought you'd forgotten about me. When are you letting me out of here?"

Gloria: "It won't be long now. In fact, something interesting happened last night. Orson tried to kill himself."

Alma: "Oh, my goodness. Is he okay?"

Gloria: "He'll be fine. My point is, suicide is hardly the act of a happily married man."

Alma: "Gloria, for God sake, give it up. He doesn't love me."

Gloria: "He will, dear. Bree will be gone soon, and he'll need a good woman like you to console him."

Alma: "What are you gonna do to Bree?"

Gloria walks away from the door.

Alma: "Gloria? Gloria?"

Alma goes to the window, where screws are holding up a metal covering. She begins to work at unscrewing the screws.


Lynette: "Oh, hey, hon."

Tom: "Hey."

Lynette: "Did you get some sleep?"

Tom: "Yes. I'm still kind of groggy from those pills, but..."

He looks around the restaurant and sees all of the various types of chairs sitting around the tables.

Tom: "...and now I'm awake."

Lynette: "Okay, little mix-up with the new chairs."

Tom: "Which you were in charge of."

Lynette: "Okay, okay, we could point fingers, but what's important is forgetting about what we expected, and focusing on what we have, which isn't so bad. I mean, all the different kinds of chairs give the place a kind of bohemian vibe. Plus, if we get a lot of babies, look, we're just totally set. Tom, I'm sorry. I am. I'm sorry. I just, I realize it's not perfect. But...please say something."

Tom: "What can I say, Lynette? It is what it is."


Andrew and Danielle are arguing.

Danielle: "Why do I have to babysit Mom? All my friends are gonna be at the opening. Austin was gonna sneak us beer!"

Andrew: "Damn it, Danielle, I have to work! Our mother's lying helpless upstairs 'cause her husband tried to kill her. Now for just one night, could you try to be responsible?"

She follows him outside as he gets in his car.

Danielle: "I liked you better when you were a psychopath!"

Andrew drives off and Gloria, who had been checking her mail, smiles as she overhears the argument.


Zach goes up to Gabrielle and hands her a drink.

Zach: "Here you go."

Gabrielle: "Oh, you're...here."

Zach: "I wouldn't have missed it. You know how I feel about Lynette and Tom."

Gabrielle: "Look, Zach, I'm glad you're here. I've been wanting to talk about us."

Zach: "Me, too. You, uh, being in my life now, having the connection that we do, this is really the first time that I've been happy since my mother killed herself."

Gabrielle: "Would you excuse me a second?"

Zach: "Of course, baby. Hurry back."

Gabrielle finds Carlos.

Gabrielle: "I am in hell. I just tried to break up with Zach, and the little twerp played the dead Mommy card."

Carlos: "Well, you can't let him make you feel guilty."

Gabrielle: "But I am guilty. I don't remember how we ended up in bed together. Maybe I led him on. I gotta be sensitive here. Could you threaten him for me?"

Carlos: "What?"

Gabrielle: "You know, intimidate him. Do the whole jealous, Latin ex-husband thing you do. Tell him if you can't have me, nobody can."

Carlos: "Forget it. I'm not gonna to do that to poor Zach."

Gabrielle: "Hey, I am looking out for Zach, too. If I dump him, it'll destroy him emotionally. Better to scare him off. Please?"

Carlos: "Fine."

Gabrielle: "Thank you! Okay, look, there he goes. Go! Go get all cholo on his ass."

Carlos follows Zach into the bathroom. He stands at the urinal next to him.

Zach: "Hey, Mr. Solis."

Carlos: "Hey. Look, I need to talk to you about something.  It's a little awkward, but..."

As he's talking, Carlos leans over slightly to look at Zach peeing at the urinal. Carlos pulls back, his eyes wide.

Zach: "Mr. Solis?"

Carlos: "What?"

Zach: "You were just saying that something was awkward?"

Carlos: "Never mind. Forget that I said anything."

Carlos meets up with Gabrielle at the bar.

Gabrielle: "Hey. So how'd it go?"

Carlos: "You did not have sex with Zach Young."

Gabrielle: "Really? Did he tell you that?"

Carlos: "He didn't have to."

Gabrielle: "What?"

Carlos: "I was standing next to him at the urinal. I don't care how drunk you were. If you had sex with him, you'd remember."

Gabrielle: "Little Zach Young? Well, just how much would I have remembered?"

Carlos reaches up where some large decorative sausages are hanging by his head. He taps one so it swings gently.


Danielle is reading on the couch when the doorbell rings. It's Gloria.

Danielle: "Hey. What are you doing here?"

Gloria: "I thought Bree might like some soup. It's my own special recipe. I'm surprised to find you home. I thought the whole street was going to Scavo's tonight."

Danielle: "Well, I was supposed to go, but Andrew said I had to stay home and babysit mom."

Gloria: "Well, that's just silly. A vibrant young lady like you should be at the party, turning boys' heads. You go. I'll look after your mother."

Danielle: "You mean it?"

Gloria: "Just take her dinner up first. I don't think I can manage the tray with my cane."

Danielle: "Thanks, Grandma. You're the best! This soup smells so good."

Gloria: "You wanna score some points? Don't say I brought it. Tell her you made it yourself."

Danielle goes upstairs.


Alma has finished removing the screws from the metal covering. She opens up the window and crawls out onto the roof. She makes it to the top of the roof and sees Danielle leaving her house.

Alma: "Hey! Hello! Over here!"

Danielle has taken out her makeup compact and is inspecting her image and doesn't hear Alma calling. Alma begins waving her arms over her head and loses her balance, falling to the ground.


Tom: "Honey, there is a line out the door. We are gonna make a killing tonight."

Lynette: "I'm happy for you."

Tom: "For us."

Lynette: "Now it's "us"? Because I thought I was the one who was trying to ruin everything."

Tom: "Hey, look, I know I overreacted..."

Lynette: "Yes, you did. But I have customers."

She leaves.

Susan runs into Mike.

Susan: "The place came out great, huh?"

Mike: "Sure did. Looks like, uh, the whole street's here."

Susan: "Yeah. Except for Orson, who fell off a roof. You know anything about that?"

Mike: "Why would you think that?"

Susan: "I heard you talking to Carlos. Now answer the question."

Mike: "I can't talk about it here. It's complicated."

Susan: "It always is with you."

Zach goes up to Gabrielle

Zach: "Hey. I just had a slice of pizza. It's pretty good."

Gabrielle: "Is it really good, or are you just pretending you had a slice? You and I did not have sex. Admit it!"

Zach: "Of course we did."

Gabrielle: "Zach! How can you claim to care about me and lie to my face?"

Zach: "I'm sorry. I'm tired of just being your friend. I thought if you saw me as a lover, you can think of me as a man, not...not a boy."

Gabrielle: "Zach, a real man is honest. All you've ever tried to do is bribe and trick me into falling in love with you. A little advice next time? Don't play games. Just stand up and be the kind of man a woman would be proud to share her life with."

Edie stands up and clinks her glass to get everyone's attention.

Edie: "Hello! I think it's high time to make a toast. Tom, where are you? Where... Ah. Tom, you did it. There are a lot of people in this room that didn't think you could pull it off. Okay, well, maybe just me. Anyway, congratulations. The pizza is excellent, and the service is sublime. Cheers. Cheers."

Other customers begin chiming in.

Customers: "Speech!"

Tom: "Thank you. Thank you for coming. It means everything in the world to me. I gotta tell you, when I arrived here this afternoon, I saw all these weird chairs, I thought the evening was gonna be a total disaster. But now when I look out, I can't even see the chairs. I just see people eating, laughing and having a great time. It's absolutely perfect. And none of this would've happened without my amazing partner Lynette. Who, uh...To...I'm sorry. I'm a little..."

Lynette walks up to Tom.

Lynette: "I think what my husband is trying to say is, if you really want to test a marriage, open a restaurant together. Anyway, thank you for coming. Eat a lot and come back, 'cause our kids need braces."

Everyone laughs. Ian stands up.

Ian: "Actually, as long as everyone has their glasses raised, I have something that I would like to say. Well, I thought of waiting for the perfect romantic spot in which to ask this question, but being here tonight, enveloped by so much love and warmth, I realize that, um, this is the perfect romantic spot."

He gets down on one knee.

Ian: "Susan Mayer..."

Julie leans over to Susan.

Julie: "Drop the pizza."

Susan drops the pizza slice she had been holding.

Ian: "Will you make me the happiest man in the world and be my wife?"

Susan: "Absolutely, yes!"

Everyone claps except for Mike, who's standing in the corner. Zach looks around at everyone clapping and stands up.

Zach: "Ladies and gentlemen, please, I have something that I'd like to say also. Gabrielle Solis...will you marry me?"

There's silence. One customer begins to clap, then stops.

Customer: "Should I clap?"

Gabrielle: "No, there will be no clapping! You, moron, come with me!"


Nurse: "Time for your pills, Mr. Hodge."

Orson: "It's after six? I need to speak with my wife. What room is she in?"

Nurse: "Your wife checked out."

Orson: "Already?"

Nurse: "She was very eager to get home. Don't worry. She'll be fine."

Orson: "I have to talk to her."

Nurse: "Oh, that reminds me. Your mother called. She said she didn't want to wake you up, and she wanted to make sure we'd be keeping you overnight. Moms are like that, so protective."


The phone rings at Bree's house while Gloria is still down in the kitchen. She lets the machine pick up.

Orson: "Bree, it's me. Are you there? Please, pick up. Bree? Please, somebody, pick up the phone."

Gloria leaves the kitchen.


Zach: "I know that you're mad."

Gabrielle: "I'm not mad, Zach. I'm done!"

Zach: "But you said to be honest."

Gabrielle: "I did not say to humiliate me!"

Zach: "I'm sorry. All right? I was just trying...what do you want from me?"

Gabrielle: "I want you to leave me alone! This friends thing isn't gonna work 'cause you're always gonna want more, and I'm never gonna love you... ever."

Zach: "Twenty years from now when you're all middle-aged and alone, you'll regret this."

Gabrielle: "Okay, I'll take my chances."

Zach storms off. Carlos, who had been eavesdropping, comes outside and sits down next to Gabrielle. He hands her a beer.

Carlos: "Thought you might need this."

Gabrielle: "Bless you."

Carlos: "So how did it go with Seabiscuit?"

Gabrielle: "He's devastated."

Carlos: "Of course."

Gabrielle: "It's my fault. I should've known he couldn't handle the whole "let's be friends" thing."

Carlos: "I don't blame him. I'm having kind of a hard time myself being just your friend, Watching you with other guys, being your confidant."

Gabrielle: "Really? I think it's been nice."

Carlos: "For you, maybe. Look, seriously, I don't know how much longer I'm gonna be able to keep this up."

Gabrielle: "Well, hang in there as long as you can, 'cause I still need you."

Carlos: "I'll do my best."


Andrew sees Danielle eating sitting with her friends.

Andrew: "What are you doing here?"

Danielle: "I have better things to do than babysit Mom. She's fine. Gloria's watching her."

Andrew: "What? I told you Mom's ready to go to the cops about Orson. How could you leave her at home with his crazy mother?"

Danielle: "She brought soup!"


Gloria enters Bree's bedroom. Bree struggles to open her eyes.

Bree: "Gloria? What are you doing here?"

Gloria: "I came to take care of you."

Bree: "I'm so sleepy."

Gloria: "Good. Then the pills are working."

Bree: "Andrew? Danielle?"

Gloria: "They're gone. It's just us. Now...you rest, hon. I'm gonna draw you a nice, warm bath. Oh, Bree...I wish I could make you understand how deeply I regret having to do this. Monique...that was easy. She was a slut. You're a good woman. You didn't know Orson already had a wife. But he did. And he made a vow to her before God. What sort of mother would I be if I let him break it? I'm sorry. But I will not let him be his father's son."

She gets up and goes to the end of the bed, where she strips off the blankets, then pulls Bree by the feet off the bed.


A nurse walks into the room with a dinner tray.

Nurse: "Wake up, Mr. Hodge. I've got dinner."

She pulls back the curtain to find Orson gone.


Gloria struggles to put the unconscious Bree into the bathtub, which is running water.

Gloria: "That water's not too hot, is it? No. Just right."

Squealing brakes can be heard. Gloria looks out the window and sees Andrew rushing up the front steps. Andrew enters the house.

Andrew: "Mom? Are you all right?"

He rushes up the stairs and when he gets to the top, Gloria steps out and hits him with her cane. He falls to the bottom of the stairs and lies there.

Back in the bathroom, Gloria picks up a large knife and wraps Bree's fingers around it.

Outside, a cab pulls up to the curb. Orson pays the driver, then rushes inside. He sees Andrew lying at the bottom of the stairs.

Orson: "Andrew?"

He sees that Andrew is alive and he goes upstairs. He sees Bree lying in the bathtub, unconscious and has a flashback to when he discovered his father dead in a bathtub.

Gloria comes into the bathroom.

Orson: "You've done this before, haven't you?"

He rushes at her to grab the knife she's holding and they fight. She hits him with her cane and he falls down, so she grabs the knife and begins to cut Bree, but Orson stops her. He pushes her away and Gloria falls to the ground. With the water rising in the tub, Bree begins to sink down. Orson grabs her at the last minute and lifts her from the tub. As he places her gently on the bed, Andrew comes in.

Andrew: "Is she all right?"

Orson: "She will be. Get her some blankets and some dry clothes."

From the bathroom, they can hear Gloria calling. Orson goes into the bathroom and finds Gloria lying flat on her back.

Gloria: "Orson? Orson! Something's wrong. I think I'm...having a stroke."

Orson: "You need an ambulance, mother. It's too bad there's no one here who'd dream of calling you one."

He picks her up.

Andrew: "What are you doing?"

Orson: "I don't want her dying in our house."

He carries Gloria across the street to Alma's house where he finds Alma lying dead on the ground.

Back at Bree's house, Orson is sitting by Bree's bedside when Bree wakes up.

Orson: "Hey there. Are you all right?"

Bree: "Your mother...she tried to kill me."

Orson: "Don't worry about her. She's never gonna hurt you again, and neither will Alma."

Bree: "Alma?"

Orson: "She's dead."

Bree: "What?"

Orson: "I don't know what happened, but she's gone And she's taking our troubles with her. Tomorrow morning, one of our neighbors will stumble on a gruesome surprise. Two bodies side by side. The police will conclude that Alma fell from the roof, and when my mother found her, she suffered a stroke. When they search the house, they'll find the note Alma wrote when she faked her suicide, and next to it, a bag containing Monique's teeth. In the face of such evidence, they'll have no choice but to drop the charges against Mike Delfino. Now, you and I are gonna take that honeymoon we never got around to."

Bree: "I'd love that. What about your mother? After all the things she's done, she's just gonna get off scot-free?"


Orson goes to visit Gloria in the hospital. The doctor is in the room.

Orson: "Thank you, doctor. I know you did all you could."

The doctor leaves.

Orson: "Good news, mother. The doctor said your stroke has left you completely paralyzed. You can't even speak. Which means all our secrets will be safe forever. Oh, here's the best part. Your brain is functioning normally. So I don't have to worry about putting you in jail. You're already there. Now, I'm gonna turn your head, so you can watch me walk away. You don't wanna miss it, 'cause it's the last time you will ever see me."

He turns Gloria's head to face the door and then he walks out.

Mary Alice: "A surprising thing happened to Orson Hodge as he'd left Fairview Memorial Hospital. His life began to flash before his eyes. But it wasn't his past he saw. It was his future. Ordinary suburban days, filled with ordinary suburban moments, each made beautiful because of the housewife by his side. Yes, Orson could finally envision a life free from secrets and pain. And he couldn't wait for it to begin."


Orson enters his house.

Orson: "Honey, I'm home."


The End

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !