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#312 : Un sentiment de sécurité


Bree n'est pas contente que Alma vienne vivre dans le quartier de Wisteria Lane.

L'identité de l'admirateur secret de Gabrielle est révélée et ce n'est autre que...Zach.

La nouvelle pizzeria de Tom a quelques petits problèmes, Lynette s'en mêle alors et sauve la situation à un certain prix...

Julie et Austin demandent à Edie de leur acheter des pillules contraceptives. Susan quant à elle se rend compte que sa petite Julie a bien grandi et qu'elle est maintenant une femme.


4.17 - 6 votes

Titre VO
Not while I'm around

Titre VF
Un sentiment de sécurité

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


Fin - Voix de Mary Alice (vo)

Fin - Voix de Mary Alice (vo)


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Résumé Long – Desperate Housewives - Episode 59 (3x12)


                L’épisode commence sur le sentiment d’insécurité que peuvent ressentir les femmes au foyer comme les détenus d’une prison, et des différents moyens que choisissent les personnes concernées pour y remédier. On voit Mike se fabriquer un objet pointu à partir d’une brosse à dent et Mary Alice termine son monologue en disant que le sentiment d’insécurité ne perdure par longtemps pour une femme au foyer, alors que pour un détenu,  il va en grandissant. Au sein du pénitencier, Mike se fait agresser par deux hommes lorsque Paul arrive pour le défendre. Mike le remercie de l’avoir soutenu  et lorsque celui-ci à le dos tourné, Paul glisse un billet à l’agresseur pour le dédommager du service qu’il vient de lui rendre en battant Mike.

                C’est une soirée qui se termine bien pour Gabrielle, passée avec des amis célibataires mais lorsqu’elle rentre chez elle, elle est surprise par un mannequin portant une robe dans l’entrée de sa maison. Elle ne tarde pas à aller chercher Carlos afin que celui-ci puisse la protéger du mystérieux inconnu qui la couvre de cadeaux depuis une semaine.

Tom rentre du travail lorsque Lynette, qui l’a attendue, lui propose de passer une soirée en amoureux. Elle lui parle également du  futur menu de son restaurant qu’elle trouve super et lui demande si elle pourra voir le restaurant avant l’ouverture officielle, ce que Tom refuse catégoriquement. La soirée se termine mal puisqu’il refuse même de l’inviter à l’ouverture, devant tant d’insistance.

Chez Susan, Julie et Austin parlent de la pilule contraceptive lorsque Susan les surprend. Cherchant à les écouter discrètement, elle se fait repérer par les deux jeunes et entame une conversation avec sa fille. Elle cherche à savoir pourquoi leur conversation se rapporte aux préservatifs et Julie lui ment après que sa mère lui ait dit que le sexe était dangereux pour la santé.

Bree rentre des courses lorsqu’elle surprend Alma en compagnie d’Edie et annonce à la rouquine qu’elle vient d’acheter une maison dans le quartier. Même si elle tente de la dissuader de son choix, Alma est bien décidée  à rester dans le quartier.  Bree en parle à Orson et celui-ci lui promet qu’il va tout faire pour qu’Alma puisse partir.

Puisque Susan est fermée à propos du sujet, Julie et Austin demandent à Edie de les aider à trouver la pilule. Après avoir tenté de les en dissuader, Edie leur promet de les aider à se procurer la pilule.

Le comportement de Gaby face à l’inconnu est complexe puisqu’elle décide de garder la robe mais lorsqu’un homme vient en pleine nuit pour déposer un bijou, la jeune femme et Carlos parviennent à le mobiliser et à exiger de celui-ci qu’il téléphone à son patron, le mystérieux inconnu. Lorsqu’elle prend le téléphone, Gaby reconnaît une voix familière, et alors que Carlos lui demande d’être ferme, celle-ci, attirée par les cadeaux, accepte de déjeuner avec l’inconnu.

                En prison, Paul vient demander de ses nouvelles à Mike qui le remercie encore de l’avoir aidé. Un agent de sécurité vient voir Mike pour le prévenir que Paul n’est pas celui qu’il semble être et qu’il l’a vu payer ses agresseurs.

Alors que Susan est persuadée que Julie n’a pas de rapports sexuels, Gabrielle vient l’aider à chercher un journal intime, convaincue que la fille de son amie à des rapports sexuels. Elle finit par trouver une boîte de pilule, cachée dans une cassette vidéo, sous le regard ébahit de Susan.

Dans la nouvelle maison d’Alma, Orson vient voir son ex-femme pour lui demander les raisons qui l’ont poussée à emménager dans le quartier et lui dit que si les gens sont intéressés par elle, c’est qu’elle suscite l’intérêt puisqu’elle était morte et qu’elle est revenue. Alma finit par lui avouer qu’elle souhaite le reconquérir et que bien qu’elle soit au courant des agissements douteux d’Orson (comme le fait qu’il ait renversé Mike et « ce qu’il a fait à Monique ») elle continuait à l’aimer alors que Bree ne savait pas la vérité. Elle lui avoue également qu’elle ne préviendrai pas la police car elle savait qu’il restait un espoir qu’ils soient à nouveau réunis, et l’embrasse.

En rentrant chez lui, Orson annonce à Bree qu’Alma ne partira pas, ce que Bree ne comprend pas.

                Alors que Tom sort de son restaurant pour aller faire une course, Lynette entre discrètement dans le bâtiment et admire la beauté des lieux. Elle rencontre Andrew Van de Kamp, qui lui raconte que son mari n’a pas réussi à avoir la licence pour servir de l’alcool. En effet, un des voisins du quartier n’a pas voulu signer le papier obligatoire pour avoir la licence.

Au téléphone avec le pharmacien qui a prescris la pilule, Susan se rend compte qu’Edie a été à la pharmacie à sa place et court dans la rue pour la rattraper. Edie lui raconte que Julie a été la voir elle-même et que Susan n’avait qu’à accepter leur liaison parce que l’amour de Julie et d’Austin était réciproque et sincère lorsqu’en entrant chez Edie, les deux femmes découvrent Austin étendu sur le canapé en compagnie de… Danielle !

Au restaurant, Gabrielle attend son mystérieux inconnu quand Zach Young, le fils de Mary Alice vient la voir et lui annonce que c’est lui qui lui a envoyé tous les cadeaux. Elle ne réalise pas qu’elle à un rendez-vous avec un jeune adolescent, bien qu’il fasse parti des quatre cent plus grandes fortunes du monde.

Lynette parle à Karen du fait que Tom ne l’ait pas prévenue que la licence n’était pas accordée pour le restaurant et se décide à prévenir Tom et à lui venir en aide. Karen parvient à convaincre Lynette que la meilleure solution est de l’aider sans qu’il soit au courant, afin qu’il ne se sente pas rabaissé.

Alors que Zach étale l’étendue de sa fortune devant Gabrielle, celle-ci lui annonce qu’elle ne souhaite pas et qu’elle ne souhaitera jamais sortir avec lui et elle quitte la table en lui annonçant qu’elle n’a pas besoin d’être entretenue.

Lynette est bien décidée à acquérir la licence et va parler à la seule personne qui n’a pas voulu signer la licence. En pleine discussion pour convaincre le vieil homme, Lynette se rend compte que le seul moyen pour que cet homme accepte de signer est de lui montrer ce qui semble être la seule chose qui l’intéresse, sa poitrine. Il finit par signer la licence, ravi d’avoir admiré le spectacle que Lynette lui a offert.

Alors qu’Alma déballe ses paquets et parle à son perroquet, Bree vient lui rendre une visite pour la forcer à quitter le quartier et Alma lui annonce que lorsqu’Orson est venu la voir, c’était pour lui souhaiter la bienvenue et lui proposer son aide. Elle va ranger un carton quand le perroquet parle et dit « ne le dit pas à Bree ». Surprise, Bree lâche son verre et ouvre le placard pour trouver de quoi nettoyer, mais elle trouve une photo d’Orson avec Monique et un sachet noir contenant des dents… Elle sort de la maison, encore plus confuse que lorsqu’elle est entrée.

Carlos vient voir Gabrielle et celui-ci vient se moquer d’elle, puisqu’il l’a suivie dans le restaurant. Gabrielle lui annonce par ailleurs qu’ayant installé un nouveau système de sécurité, elle n’aura plus besoin que Carlos s’assure de sa sécurité.

Chez les Scavo, Tom est vexé car il a découvert que Lynette avait réussi à avoir la licence alors qu’il cherchait à l’avoir depuis des mois. Lynette lui dit qu’ils sont une équipe et qu’il ne doit pas être vexé, que c’est normal de se soutenir.

Julie, en rentrant chez elle, trouve sa mère assise sur le porche d’entrée et Susan lui raconte qu’elle est contrariée que Julie ne lui ait pas fait confiance. Elle lui annonce également qu’Austin la trompe avec Danielle.

Quand Bree téléphone à Orson pour lui demander de rentrer à la maison, Mary Alice conclut l’épisode sur les moyens pour se sentir en sécurité, et l’ont voit Bree regarder par sa fenêtre et apercevoir Alma ranger sa poubelle.

Mary Alice: "Your average housewife worries constantly about the dangerous people

she sees on the nightly news, which is why she buy expensive alarm systems, carries pepper spray in her purse and keeps a gun in her drawer, so she can go about her day

feeling safe and protected."

The various housewives protect themselves by setting alarms, putting baseball bats by the front door, etc.

Mary Alice: "Your average inmate worries constantly about the dangerous people he comes in contact with every day, which is why he takes ordinary items and turns them into weapons that he always keeps handy, so he can go about his day feeling safe and protected."

In prison, Mike Delfino takes a toothbrush and spends time sharpening the end of it before slipping it in his sock to hide it.

Mary Alice: "What is the difference between the housewife and the inmate? The inmate knows the feeling won't last long."


Mike wanders into the exercise yard and as he passes by two other inmates, they nudge each other, then get up and follow Mike, where they corner him.

Inmate: "Delfino, right?"

Mike: "Yeah. So?"

The men attack him. As they kick and punch him, Paul Young comes rushing over and fights off the attackers.

Inmate: "Come on, brah, let's go."

The attackers leave.

Paul: "You okay?"

Mike: "Yeah. I owe you one."

Paul: "Yeah. I guess you do."

They wander off separately.

Mary Alice: "Yes, we all need protection from those who would do us harm..."

Paul finds the two inmates who beat up Mike and surreptitiously hands one of them some cash as he walks by.

Mary Alice: "And sometimes from those who protect us."


Mary Alice: "Wild parties. Handsome strangers. Tender kisses."

Gabrielle is in a car with friends. They drop her off in front of her house.

Gabrielle: "Oh. I had a great time. Bye."

She walks up to her house and unlocks the front door.

Mary Alice: "Yes, there were many things Gabrielle Solis liked about being single again. But coming home to an empty house Was not one of them."

She steps inside and screams as she sees a figure standing there. She throws her purse at it and turns on the light to reveal a mannequin wearing an expensive dress.

A few minutes later, she knocks on Mike's front door and Carlos opens the door.

Gabrielle: "Hi. You're sleeping at my place tonight."

Carlos: "Really? What did you have in mind?"

Later, at Gabrielle's house, Carlos is lying on the couch and Gabrielle hands him a pillow.

Carlos: "God, I hate my life."

Gabrielle: "Honestly, did you think I was gonna sleep with you?"

Carlos: "It would be the polite way to thank me."

Gabrielle: "Carlos, this isn't funny. I am scared to death of this maniac."

Carlos: "Since when? Yesterday you were loving all the presents, the intrigue."

Gabrielle: "The guy broke into the house. He went from secret admirer to stalker. For all I know, he's trying to kill me so no one else will have me."

Carlos: "Why don't you just call the cops?"

Gabrielle: "Oh, and tell them what? 9-1-1, somebody broke in the house And left a six thousand dollar dress!"

Carlos: "Okay, so if this guy shows up again, what am I supposed to do, exactly?"

Gabrielle: "Nothing. Just having you here helps."

Carlos: "Now that's very sweet."

Gabrielle: "Because when he breaks in And starts hacking you up with his machete, your screams will wake me up, and then I'll be able to escape."

Carlos: "Glad I could help."


Lynette is sitting on the table drinking wine when a key turns in the front door and Tom comes inside.

Lynette: "Hey, stranger."

Tom: "Hey."

Lynette: "You have good timing. I just got all the kids to sleep."

Tom: "Aw, damn, I wanted to tuck 'em in."

Lynette: "Well, you could tuck me in."

Tom: "I thought I smelled your sex perfume. Come here. Hi."

He leans Lynette back on the table so he's nearly lying on top of her.

Lynette: "Hi."

Tom: "Hi."

Lynette: "Mmm."

Tom: "Oh, oh, oh, mmm. Wait a minute, wait a minute. Don't get me all revved up just yet. The printer said he was gonna drop off my menu on his way home."

Lynette: "He already did."

Tom: "Oh, you didn't look at that, did you? 'Cause it--it's just a mock-up."

Lynette: "Too late. I looked...and it's great."

Tom: "Really?"

Lynette: "Yes. I love the font, the color, everything. I am so jazzed to see the restaurant."

Tom: "It is so good to hear that. Mmm."

Lynette: "Ooh!"

They begin kissing again.

Lynette: "So... any idea when that might be?"

Tom: "Sure. How about... two weeks?"

Lynette: "Hey. You open in two weeks."

Tom: "Yeah. Well, that'd be a good time for you to come by, 'Cause there's free refills,

balloons, music..."

Lynette: "Might there be a V.I.P. preview for people, say, who bore your children?"

Tom: "Lynette..."

Lynette: "Yeah?"

Tom: "I don't want you to see it until it's all done."

Lynette: "Why not?"

Tom: "Because you will take one look at the place. And then you'll have all these tips and suggestions that you just won't be able

to keep to yourself."

Lynette: "Ya think? 'Cause I just saw a take-out menu with a six-digit phone number, and I kept that to myself."

Tom: "See? There it is! That snarky, know-it-all attitude."

Lynette: "What? I am snarky because I point out one small, glaring mistake?"

Tom: "That's it. Now you're banned from the opening."

Lynette: "Fine! Good night."

She gets up and goes up the stairs.

Tom: "So... we're not having sex?"

Lynette: "Hey, you banned me from your opening."


Julie and Austin are sitting at the kitchen table, talking.

Julie: "All I'm saying is that I'd feel a lot safer on the pill."

Austin: "But if you're not eighteen, you need parental consent. Do we really need to give your mother another reason to hate me?"

Julie: "She'll hate you a lot worse if you get me--Hey!"

Susan walks into the room with a basket of laundry. She stops.

Julie: "Hi."

Susan: "Hi. Bye."

Julie: "Bye."

Austin: "Bye."

She goes upstairs. At the top of the stairs, she quietly puts down the basket of laundry and gets on her hands and knees to creep back down the stairs to eavesdrop.

Austin: "Can't we just keep using condoms and be extra careful?"

Julie: "Are you crazy? They're not dependable."

Austin: "Sure, they are. Why do you think everybody uses them? They all have to pass inspection."

Julie: "It's too risky. Condoms are only eighty-five percent effective."

Susan falls down the stairs.

Julie: "Mom! Mom, what happened? Are you okay?"

Susan: "Oh! I was just, uh...I lost an earring."

Julie: "Mom, you're wearing both your earrings."

Susan: "Oh! I found it. Austin, I would like to talk to my daughter privately."

Austin: "Sure. Call me later."

He leaves.

Susan: "Why were you two talking about condoms?"

Julie: "Why were you eavesdropping?"

Susan: "Don't change the subject. Are you two having sex? Because I thought that I raised you to be smarter than that. Don't you realize that sex is not fun and games? It's dangerous. Every time you turn around, there's a new disease. Do you want it to burn when you pee?"

Julie: "Mom-"

Susan: "Sex kills!"

Julie: "Mom!"

Susan: "What?"

Julie: "I'm not having sex."

Susan: "Really?"

Julie: "Really."

Susan: "Oh, thank god. If you're not having sex, why were you talking about condoms?"

Julie: "Because we know two kids at school who are, and they're only using condoms, which  really stupid because condoms are only eighty-five percent effective."

Susan: "Yes. That's right. A condom alone will not protect you."

Julie: "I totally agree."


Bree looks out her window and sees Edie across the street with Alma at Alma's new house. She goes outside to where Edie and Alma are.

Alma: "Bree!"

Bree: "Alma! I-I didn't know that, uh, you knew Edie."

Alma: "I told your friends at that dinner party I was looking for a new house."

Bree: "A house?"

Alma: "Yes, and Gaby introduced us."

Bree: "Oh. Well, um...I don't want to keep you. I'm sure that Edie has lots of other houses to show you."

Alma: "Nope. We're done. Alma took one look at the Applewhite house, And bam! Love at first sight."

Bree: "What?"

Alma: "We're gonna be neighbors."

Bree: "No! I mean...I mean, no, Alma, you can't buy this house."

Alma: "Why not?"

Bree: "Well, are you aware of its history? The previous owner was harboring a murderer.

Edie: "It was her son. Say what you like, she was a great mom."

Bree: "They had a dungeon in the basement. I mean, people say they still hear groans coming from the house at night."

Alma turns to look at the house and Edie leans over to Bree and whispers in her ear.

Edie: "They're gonna hear groans coming from your house if you don't zip it."

Alma turns back to Bree and Edie.

Bree: "Don't worry, Alma, I'm sure that, uh, Edie can find you a house that won't give you nightmares."

Alma: "It's too late, Bree. I've fallen in love with this neighborhood. And as for that haunted house stuff...well, that's just silly. People don't come back from the dead."

She and Edie walk off.

Bree: "Don't I wish."


Orson and Bree are making dinner.

Bree: "I will not have that woman as a neighbor. You have got to do something."

Orson: "I said I'd talk to her."

Bree: "So what are you waiting for?"

Orson: "The house is dark. She's not there."

Bree: "Oh, so you're just gonna wait until she moves in?

Orson: "I will deal with it. Bree, please calm down."

Bree: "How can I be calm?! For months, people thought you killed your first wife. No sooner does she show up and clear your name, than the police haul you off to ask you about another murder!"

Orson: "They just had some questions."

Bree: "Everybody has questions. Susan and I aren't even speaking because of it."

Orson: "Bree, please."

Bree: "I try to hold my head up and smile and just bake more pies for the church social. But now your ex is camped out on our doorstep like I am hosting some kind of Mormon slumber party, and I do not know how I am gonna bake my way out of this one!"

Orson: "Darling, I swear to you, I will get Alma out of that house. I don't care if I have to live up to my reputation and strangle her."

Bree: "Oh, you're a good husband."


Julie and Austin are sitting on Edie's couch while Edie stands.

Edie: "Have you lost your mind? I am not getting you the pill."

Austin: "Aunt Edie, Julie and I are in love."

Edie: "Oh, please. It's not love you're feeling. It's hormones."

Austin: "That's not true."

Edie: "Okay, fine. If you want to...express your love, you don't need to go all the way. Kiss. Touch. Rub. I mean, whatever happened to heavy petting? It's so underrated."

Austin: "That's your advice?"

Edie: "Well, I'm sorry. I've never been good at getting people not to have sex."

Julie: "So you're not gonna help us?"

Edie: "Julie, if I do this, your mother would have my head. You should be talking to her.

Julie: "I can't talk to her. The whole idea of this completely freaks her out. She started screaming 'sex kills.'"

Edie: "Hmm, so now it's all in my lap. God, she pisses me off. Look, how about I spring for a box of condoms? Will that get you two off my back?"

Julie: "Condoms are only eighty-five percent effective."

Edie: "Is that true? Damn. I thought I could coast all the way to menopause."

Austin: "Look, we're gonna have sex whether you help us or not."

Julie: "We're just trying to be responsible."

Edie: "Hmm. All right. But just so you know, the responsible thing is to abstain from sex and focus on your studies. There. I said it out loud, just in case anybody asks."


Carlos walks into Gabrielle's bedroom. She's in the dressing room, with the doors closed.

Carlos: "Gaby, I need another pillow."

Gabrielle: "All right. Don't take the big one. That's my favorite."

Carlos: "It's only for one night. 'Cause tomorrow I'm gonna be back home sleeping in my own bed."

Gabrielle: "What?! You can't abandon me! There's a madman stalking me. My life is on the line. Do you know how scared I am?"

She opens the dressing room doors to reveal that she's wearing the dress her stalker gave her.

Carlos: "You're keeping that?"

Gabrielle: "Hey, I'm scared, but not of the dress."

Later that night, a car door slams in the distance and Gabrielle wakes up. She looks out the window and sees a man walking toward her house. She rushes downstairs and wakes up Carlos.

Gabrielle: "Carlos! Carlos, wake up! I need you!"

Carlos: "Oh, yeah, I thought you'd come around."

Gabrielle: "What? No!"

She slaps him. He wakes up fully.

Carlos: "Hey!"

Gabrielle: "He's here."

The man puts something down on Gabrielle's front porch. Carlos opens the door and the man runs. Carlos runs after him and tackles him on the front lawn.

Gabrielle: "Carlos, be careful! He might have a gun!"

She runs up to him when Carlos has him down and she begins to kick him.

Man: "I'm unarmed. Stop kicking me!"

Gabrielle: "Oh, now you're gonna give me attitude?!"

Man: "Ow!"

Carlos: "Gaby, we got him. Maintain."

Later, the man is sitting on the front porch with his cell phone to his ear as Carlos and Gabrielle stand over him.

Gabrielle: "This jerk has been terrorizing me. He broke into my house!"

Man: "It was a six thousand dollar dress, and my boss didn't want me leaving it on the porch."

Gabrielle: "Your boss?"

The man speaks into the cell phone.

Man: "Hey, uh, ahem, I'm sorry to wake you, sir, but there was a problem dropping off the gift. Yes, and she's, uh, right here with me."

Gabrielle grabs the phone away.

Gabrielle: "This is Gabrielle. Who the hell is this? Yes, I got your 'token of esteem,' and I'm not impressed. Because you're freaking me out, that's why! No, I don't care how much it cost. That's beside the point. Really? That much?"

Carlos: "Tell him if he doesn't stop harassing you, you're gonna call the cops."

Gabrielle: "Look, I know you're trying to be romantic, But if you keep this up, I'm gonna be forced..."

She pauses and laughs.

Carlos: "What'd he say?"

Gabrielle: "That's very sweet of you, But I am not the most beautiful woman in the world."

Carlos: "Tell him you're gonna get a restraining order on him."

Gabrielle: "Yes, I-I may be in the top ten."

Carlos: "Gaby!"

Gabrielle: (to Carlos) "Hey, I'm talking here!" (into the phone) "Your voice sounds so familiar. Do I know you?" (to Carlos) "He says I know him and that he wants to reintroduce himself at dinner."

Carlos: "Absolutely not."

Gabrielle: "I would not feel comfortable meeting for dinner."

Carlos: "Good girl."

Gabrielle: "How about lunch?"

Carlos: "Gaby!"

Gabrielle: "But you have to promise to stop buying me these expensive gifts. Because I'm not

that kind of girl. Well, for that many karats, yes, I could be that kind of girl. Um, I gotta go. I'll talk to you tomorrow! Oh, how about that? And here I was, thinking some guy wants to murder me in my sleep."

Carlos: "The night's still young."

Carlos goes inside.


Paul goes up to Mike.

Paul: "How are those ribs?"

Mike: "Ah, just needed some tape. Man, those guys were hard-core. You really saved my ass."

Paul: "Don't mention it."

Mike: "No. Seriously. If there's ever anything I can do for you, you just say the word."

Paul: "I'll keep that in mind."

Mike: "All right."

Paul walks off. A guard motions Mike over.

Guard: "Hey, Delfino."

Mike: "Yeah, boss?"

Guard: "You might wanna find yourself another prom date. Guy's not your friend."

Mike: "How do you know that?"

Guard: "After those mutts knocked you around the other day, your boy paid 'em off."

Mike: "You sure?"

Guard: "I saw money change hands. Just watch your back."


Gabrielle is sitting at the kitchen table while Susan prepares coffee.

Susan: "So I was in the middle of totally freaking out when Julie assured me that she's not having sex. I can't tell you how relieved I was."

Gabrielle: "Uh-huh."

Susan: "Don't say "uh-huh" like that. Julie wouldn't lie to me. If she says she's not having sex, then she's not having sex."

Gabrielle: "Ooh-kay."

Susan: "You can't say "ooh-kay" like that, either. Julie's not like other girls. She's a straight-"A" student."

Gabrielle: "And you were valedictorian. What were you up to that your mother didn't know about?"

Later, the two of them are in Julie's bedroom.

Susan: "Ok, you search the closet. I'm gonna look under the bed."

Gabrielle: "Wait, wait, wait. First rule of ransacking-remember where everything goes."

She takes out her camera phone and takes three quick pictures of the room from various angles.

Susan: "You are gonna make a really good mother someday."

Gabrielle: "So what does this diary look like?"

Susan: "Uh, it's small. It's got a plaid cover. Oh, and when you find it, you have to read it because I promised her that I would always respect her privacy. Now help me flip this mattress."

Gabrielle: "Oh, god!"

Susan: "You found it?"

Gabrielle pulls a miniskirt out of the closet and holds it up to herself.

Gabrielle: "This is adorable! You think maybe I could-"

Susan: "No, you cannot borrow it."

Gabrielle: "Fine. Why does Julie have a VCR?"

Susan: "To watch movies."

Gabrielle: "Please. Kids don't watch videos anymore. Everything's digital."

Susan goes over and pushes the Eject button on the VCR. A videotape pops out.

Susan: "See? It's just a tape."

Gabrielle: "Is it?"

Gabrielle pulls out the tape and opens it to reveal birth control pills.


Alma is measuring for drapes when Orson walks inside.

Orson: "Alma. What do you think you're doing?"

Alma: "Measuring for drapes. I'm thinking damask."

Orson: "You know what I mean. Why have you moved here?"

Alma: "Well, it's a very nice street, and I've made friends here. People have taken such an interest in me."

Orson: "Yeah, they thought you were dead. The novelty of your not being a corpse can't last forever. What are you after, hmm? Are you still punishing me? You want me to pay you to leave? What?"

Alma: "I want what I've always wanted--You."

Orson: "I'm married. And--And even if I weren't, I don't love you."

Alma: "You didn't love the old Alma. I'm not that woman anymore. I'm stronger, more confident. It may take you a while to see that, but I can wait."

Orson: "Alma, I love Bree."

Alma: "But does she love you? Oh, she may love the Orson she knows..."

The two of them step out onto the porch.

Alma: "But does she know what you did to Monique? Does she know you ran over Mike Delfino? I know all that. I still love you. Would she?"

Orson: "So I see you've spoken to mother."

Alma: "Yes. It's nice to have someone on my side in all of this. Don't worry. I won't tell Bree. She might go to the police and you're no good to me in jail. But if I thought I had no chance with you, no chance at all...well, there'd be nothing to stop me from telling. Please, Orson, don't take away my hope."

She leans over and kisses Orson on the cheek. Across the street, Bree watches from her house.


Orson enters and Bree meets him.

Orson: "She's not going."

Bree: "Why not? And what the hell was that on the porch?!"

Orson: "She kissed me good-bye. What was I supposed to do, slug her?"

Bree: "You went over there to read her the riot act. Instead, it looked like you were reading her a bedtime story."

Orson: "Bree, I told her we don't want her here. I threatened, I shouted. She refuses to go. We're just gonna have to make the best of it."


Tom picks up his cell phone when it rings.

Tom: "Hello?"

Lynette: "Hey, it's me. You wanna meet for lunch?"

Tom: "No, honey, I got--I gotta drive to Greendale to pick out napkins. Remember? I told ya.

Lynette: "Oh. Yeah, that's right."

Tom: "So I'll, um, I'll see you tonight."

Lynette: "Okay. Good. I'll see ya."

He gets into his car and drives away. Across the street, Lynette gets out of her car, where she was watching Tom, and goes into the restaurant. She looks around, visibly impressed.

Lynette: "Oh... my... god."

Andrew: "Hey, Mrs. Scavo."

In the corner, Andrew is sitting on the floor playing a handheld video game.

Lynette: "Andrew, hi! I thought you weren't starting until the opening."

Andrew: "Oh, yeah, there's just so much work that needs to be done. Mr. Scavo asked me to start early."

Lynette: "Oh."

Andrew: "He's not here, by the way."

Lynette: "Yeah, I-I know. And hey, don't tell him I stopped by. I'm not supposed to be here. I just wanted to sneak a peek."

She pauses.

Lynette: "Shouldn't you be working?"

Andrew: "Shouldn't you not be here?"

Lynette: "Touché."

Andrew: "So, uh, how do you like the place?"

Lynette: "I think it's fantastic. It's really coming together. Ooh, I love the bar."

Andrew: "Oh, yeah, it's, uh, it's pretty cool. It's too bad we can't get a liquor license."

Lynette: "What?"

Andrew: "Oh, uh, didn't Mr. Scavo tell you?"

Lynette: "No, he didn't. Don't, um, restaurants make half their money on the liquor?"

Andrew: "Oh. Yeah. We're--we're completely screwed."

Lynette: "This is a nightmare. How did this happen?"

Andrew: "Uh, the city, uh, rezoned and said he had to get all the residents within a block to sign a waiver, and there are some holdouts. He's kinda bummin'."

Lynette: "Well, then why isn't he dealing with it instead of shopping for napkins? We could lose our shirts in this dump!"


Susan is on the phone while holding the birth control pills.

Susan: "Is this Dr. Marvin Tashman? Hi. My name is Susan Mayer. Um, my daughter Julie came in to see you...Yes, about birth control. So I'm just curious...Where do you get off prescribing that without my consent?! What?! No, I most certainly was not there. What do I look like? I don't have blonde hair."

She looks out the window and sees Edie talking with Alma on Alma's front lawn.

Susan: "Wait, did my blonde hair have dark roots?"


Alma's about to go inside when Edie turns to her.

Edie: "Oh! I forgot to give you the keys to the shed."

Susan comes out of her house and shouts across the road to Edie.

Susan: "You got my daughter the pill?!"

Edie turns to Alma.

Edie: "Here. Catch."

She throws the keys to Alma, then walks quickly back to her own house. Susan runs to follows her.

Susan: "Don't you walk away from me!"

Edie: "Do we have to do this now?"

Susan: "Yes, we do. You might have gotten your first diaphragm with milk money, But that doesn't give you the right To corrupt my daughter!"

Edie: "Look, it's not like I went after Julie and said, "Hey, do you wanna go out For a burger and some birth control?" She came to me."

Susan: "You do not get to decide this for her! What were you thinking?!"

Edie: "Aah! I was thinking, if Julie got knocked up, That--That you and I could become family, And I'm sorry, I cannot take that chance."

Susan: "Oh, you know what? It wasn't till your rotten nephew came to town That Julie was a perfect kid, And now she's lying and scheming and having casual sex! She's just a boob job away from being you!"

Edie: "Look, Mayer, Julie has discovered sex. The genie is out of the bottle. And you better get good with it, or you could lose her forever. 'Cause like it or not, she loves him. And you know what else? He loves her."

They enter Edie's house and see Austin making out with a girl on the couch.

Edie: "Ahem!"

Austin and the girl look up in shock. The girl is Danielle.


As Gabrielle is seated at a table, the maitre d' hands her a menu.

Maitre D': "Your gentleman friend went to make a call. He'll be with you shortly."

Gabrielle: "Thank you. Oh."

Zach Young comes up to Gabrielle.

Zach: "Gabrielle."

Gabrielle: "Zach Young! Oh, my god! It's been ages. Wow. Look at you! So handsome in a suit.

Zach: "You look beautiful."

Gabrielle: "Aren't you sweet? Uh, well, anyway, I--I'd love to catch up, But I'm kinda waiting for someone."

Zach: "Yes, I know."

He sits down across from Gabrielle.

Zach: "So the dress fits. Cool."

The waiter comes up to them.

Zach: "I'd like a bottle of your 1982 Château Lafitte Rothschild, please."

Waiter: "I'm sorry. How old are you?"

Zach: "Oh, uh, why don't we say...a hundred?"

He hands the waiter a hundred dollar bill.

Waiter: "So you are."

The waiter leaves.

Gabrielle: "Wow, someone got an advance on their allowance."

Zach: "I was my grandfather's sole heir. I'm--I'm actually in the Fortune four hundred. Does that--does that seem weird to you?"

Gabrielle: "I'm on a date with Zach Young. Nothing's ever gonna seem weird again."


Lynette is talking with Mrs. McCluskey, who's holding Penny on her lap.

Lynette: "Every cent we have is circling the bowl and Tom never said a word. Why didn't he come to me?"

Mrs. McCluskey: "Well, clearly, he's embarrassed."

Lynette: "But I'm his wife."

Mrs. McCluskey: "Don't be dense, Lynette. Half the reason men want to accomplish anything is so they can show off for the women they love and when they fail, they like to keep it to themselves."

Lynette: "I'm gonna tell him. I'm gonna tell him I went to the restaurant And that I know he screwed up and that I'm gonna fix it."

Mrs. McCluskey: "Oh, for god sake, it's bad enough you cut off his cojones. Now you wanna juggle them?"

Lynette: "My husband is in trouble. I love him. Shouldn't I want to help him?"

Mrs. McCluskey: "Well, if you really love him, you should help him without letting him know that you did."


Zach: "Yeah, so in addition to my penthouse, I also have a château in Switzerland And a cottage in the Hamptons. That's pretty impressive, huh?"

Gabrielle: "You got a little chocolate on your shirt."

Zach: "Hmm? Damn it!"

Gabrielle: "Here, let me get it."

Zach: "No, I can do it! I can do it! I--I'd like to do it myself, thank you very much. I'm sorry, I--you know, I'll--I'll be neater for you next time."

Gabrielle: "Next time? Honey, let's get real. You are way too young for me."

Zach: "I'm two months older than John Rowland."

Gabrielle: "Well, John Rowland was a mistake. I was lonely."

Zach: "You're not lonely now?"

Gabrielle: "You've heard about my divorce."

Zach: "Yeah. You were really smart to get rid of Carlos. You deserve much better.

Gabrielle: "And let me guess--now you're my upgrade?"

Zach: "Well, everybody knows you need someone to take care of you, and I'm rich now. I can give you anything you want."

Gabrielle: "Wait a minute. Who says I need someone to take care of me?"

Zach: "My mom, her friends from the neighborhood. They said it was the only reason you stayed with Carlos, considering how he treated you."

Gabrielle: "Well, they were wrong. Thank you for lunch, Zach."

Zach: "Wait, Gabrielle. I'm not that awkward kid that I was before. Can you please just... Please take me seriously."

Gabrielle: "I'm sorry. I just can't."

Zach: "I'm not--I'm not gonna give up."

Gabrielle: "Oh, sweetie. I really wish you would."

She leans over and kisses him on his forehead. As she starts to pull back, he grabs her and kisses her on the mouth. Gabrielle yanks herself away.

Gabrielle: "For god sakes, Zach! Don't hijack a Ferrari if you don't know how to drive!"


Lynette knocks on the door and an older man opens.

Lynette: "Mr. Gaunt? Hi, I'm Lynette Scavo. My husband is opening the pizzeria Right down the block--"

Mr. Gaunt: "If it's about that liquor license, I'm not signing."

Lynette: "Please, I've been at this for hours. Just hear me out."

Mr. Gaunt: "Well, I never could resist a pretty lady."

Lynette: "Oh!"

Mr. Gaunt: "Come on in"

Lynette: "Thank you."

Later, Lynette is holding a drink as she looks at the pictures Mr. Gaunt has on his wall. There are many pictures of him with showgirls.

Lynette: "Did you live in Las Vegas?"

Mr. Gaunt: "I was a croupier for forty years, and as you can see, I had a weakness for showgirls."

Lynette: "I bet you were quite the player."

Mr. Gaunt: "You have no idea. Can I top you off there?"

Lynette: "No, thanks. Two's my limit."

Mr. Gaunt: "Well, suit yourself."

The two of them sit across from each other at the kitchen table.

Lynette: "Look, I understand your concerns about the license. Your neighbors had them, too. But they signed the waiver once I explained to them that this is a family restaurant. No late nights, no loud music."

Mr. Gaunt: "If there's one thing I learned in Vegas, it's that booze turns most people into noisy jackasses, and I don't want 'em puking on my doorstep."

Lynette: "Come on, Harry. You are my last holdout. What's it gonna take? Cash? Uh, free pizza for the rest of your life? You name it."

Mr. Gaunt: "Look, I-I hate to disappoint a pretty lady, but I'm not signing."

Lynette: "Harry, my husband quit his job to start this restaurant, and if we can't sell liquor, we can't make a profit."

She notices that he's staring at her breasts.

Lynette: "And whoa, whoa, whoa, Harry. Eyes up here."

Mr. Gaunt: "Oh, sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Sorry."

Lynette: "This place is his dream, and if he can't make it work, then it's just gonna kill him, and consequently it's gonna kill our marriage."

She notices that he's staring at her breasts again.

Lynette: "And, Harry--Harry, what did I say?"

Mr. Gaunt: "I know, uh, uh, I don't mean to be rude. It's just that my showgirl days were a while ago, And I can't remember the last time I laid eyes on a... a beautiful woman's...bosom."

Lynette: "Really? Well, what if I were to very briefly refresh your memory?"

Later, Mr. Gaunt is signing the papers while Lynette buttons up her shirt.

Mr. Gaunt: "Completely worth it."

Lynette: "Glad you thought so."


Movers are carrying furniture into Alma's house. Alma talks to her bird.

Alma: "Mmm! Me on, baby. Say it one more time for mommy."

Mover: "So you can teach 'em to say whatever you want?"

Alma: "Oh, yes. These birds are very bright. I think they're smarter than people. Some people, anyway."

Bree walks over to Alma's house and comes inside.

Alma: "Bree! Come in. I just made some lemonade."

Bree: "This isn't a social call. We need to talk."

Alma: "About what?"

Bree: "About what it's gonna take to get you to sell this house and move."

Alma: "Move? Why?"

Bree: "You're my husband's ex-wife. You disappeared so people would think he killed you.

Does my discomfort really need any further explanation?"

Alma: "I had no idea you felt this way."

Bree: "Oh, please. Orson made it perfectly clear we don't want you here."

Alma: "Okay, now I'm really confused. When Orson came by, all he said was, "Welcome to the street" and did I need help unpacking."

Bree: "That's not true."

Alma: "You know what? I-I think I've said too much. How about that lemonade?"

She pours out a glass of lemonade. A mover comes into the kitchen.

Mover: "Ma'am, where would you like this?"

Alma: "Ooh, uh, upstairs. I'll show you." (to Bree) "Here, drink this. You look a little pale. Be right back."

Bree stands in the kitchen alone, holding onto her lemonade. The bird begins to talk.

Parrot: "Don't tell Bree."

Bree drops the glass of lemonade on the floor.

Parrot: "Don't tell Bree."

Bree walks over to the pantry to find a dustpan. As she steps into the pantry, her heel catches on a small hole in the floor and she realizes that the floor board is loose. She crouches down and pries up the board. Underneath is a picture of Orson and Monique, both looking very happy and content. Next to the picture is a small velvet bag. Bree picks it up and empties the contents into her hand. The contents of the bag are bloody teeth.

Bree (whispering): "Oh, my..."

She hears noises from upstairs and quickly pours the teeth back into the bag, puts the picture back, and replaces the floor board. She stands back up and starts to leave the pantry, where she bumps into Alma.

Alma: "Are you all right?"

Bree: "I'm so sorry. I br--Broke a glass."

Alma: "Don't worry. I'll get it."

Bree: "Well, okay... I have to go."

Alma: "Oh, Bree. Wait. I understand why you might feel a little threatened about my moving in here. But in time, you'll see I'm...I'm perfectly harmless."

Bree leaves.


Gabrielle is sitting on the front porch when Carlos walks up.

Carlos: "So... how was the mystery date?"

Gabrielle: "Uh, it was fabulous. Thanks for asking."

Carlos: "Oh, come on. I want details. Who is he?"

Gabrielle: "Oh, some global financier, saw me on the cover of Paris Match. Good-looking, just not my type."

Carlos: "Really? 'Cause I always thought that you and Zach would make a really great couple."

Gabrielle: "You son of a bitch. You were there?"

Carlos: "Parked across the street, laughing my ass off."

Gabrielle: "I can't believe you followed me."

Carlos: "I thought you were meeting a psycho killer for lunch. I was worried. Well, at least until they brought out the crayons and children's menus."

Gabrielle: "All right, off my porch."

Carlos: "Okay, but don't forget, you asked me to watch your back."

Gabrielle: "Yeah, about that--Um, I'm installing an alarm system tomorrow, so I'm not gonna need you to look after me anymore."

Carlos: "Gaby, I don't mind."

Gabrielle: "I mind. We're divorced. I can't keep running to you every time I get scared. I want to be the kind of woman who can take care of herself."

Carlos: "Well...good for you. I'm still right down the block, so if you do need me..."

Gabrielle: "I won't. But thank you."


Lynette comes down the stairs into the kitchen and sees Tom there pouring himself a glass of wine.

Lynette: "Hey."

Tom: "Hey."

Lynette: "You're home early."

Tom: "I'm celebrating. We got our liquor license today."

Lynette: "Really? That's great!"

Tom: "Yeah, Andrew said he went all over the neighborhood getting signatures."

Lynette: "Good for him."

Tom: "But I think he's lying. I think somebody else got the signatures."

Lynette: "Okay, let's say just for the sake of argument, that someone else did. Someone who clearly loves you very much. What's wrong with that?"

Tom: "Nothing. Nothing. Order has been restored in the universe. You saved the day. I'm a loser."

Lynette: "Aw, come on, Tom."

Tom: "I tried for two months to get that waiver signed. You did it in a day. Like I said..."

He makes the letter "L" with his hand and places it against his forehead.

Lynette: "You can't drown in self-pity just because I helped you with one tiny little thing."

Tom: "Okay, but if I tell you that the plumbing's not up to code, that we have termites and that the chairs won't be there until after we open, can I drown in self-pity then?"

Lynette: "Why haven't you told me about all of this? "

Tom: "Because I wanted to accomplish something on my own. I'm the man. I shouldn't have to run to my wife to bail me out."

She hits him across the head.

Tom: "Ow!"

Lynette: "Gambling with our life sings and not asking for help doesn't make you a man. It makes you an idiot. Come on, Tom, for god sakes, we are a team, and that restaurant is a huge undertaking. No one could do it alone."

Tom: "You don't ask me for help with your ad campaigns."

She hits him again.

Tom: "Ow!"

Lynette: "I don't have to. You're always giving it to me, inspiring me. Remember the mouthwash jingle? You came up with the hook. And--And what about the Bartlett campaign? Would I have ever come up with tango-dancing fleas? All you. There's nothing that I have accomplished That I could have done without your help."

Tom: "Okay, fine. I help. We're a team. Just don't hit me again."

Lynette: "So tomorrow, first thing, we'll fix the plumbing, we'll call an exterminator, we'll rent some chairs and we will open on time, and it'll be a glorious success that you will have achieved with my help, okay?"

Tom: "Okay."

Lynette: "And tonight I'm gonna slap on some sex perfume and you're gonna get naked, and then we're gonna see who the man is."

Tom: "God, I hope it's me."

Lynette: "Oh, I'm sure it will be."


Julie walks up the sidewalk to the house. Susan is sitting on the front porch steps.

Julie: "Hey, mom. What are you doing out here?"

Susan holds up the birth control pills.

Julie: "Oh. Okay, here's the thing..."

Susan: "Don't worry, I'm not gonna get mad. Just sit down. You know what upset me the most? That you didn't trust me enough to tell me the truth."

Julie: "I tried to. You freaked out."

Susan: "Well, of course I freaked out. I'm a parent. You know, we hope that our children will wait to have sex till after we're dead."

Julie: "And you wonder why I went to Edie."

Susan: "Okay, that's the other thing. That cannot happen anymore. You and I have always had an amazing relationship. Let's not mess it up now."

Julie: "Okay. I'm sorry. Look, I know you think I'm too young, but...Austin and I are in love."

Susan: "Yeah, um...about that...God, I wish there was a pill you could take to protect your heart."

Julie: "What do you mean?"

Susan: "Honey, I was over at Edie's today and I walked in the door and..."


Bree is on the phone.

Bree: "Uh, yes, I need to speak to my husband. Yes, there is. Could you please ask him to come home as early as possible tonight? Thank you."

She puts down the phone and looks at her hand, where she's holding the bloody teeth.

Mary Alice: "It's a dangerous world. So we all look for protection."


Julie sobs in Susan's arms.

Mary Alice: "And whether we find it in the arms of our mother..."


Mike likes in his bed, holding the sharpened toothbrush.

Mary Alice: "...or at the end of a jagged blade..."


Lynette leans over Tom, who's lying on the couch, to kiss the top of his head.

Mary Alice: "...or in the kiss of our sweetheart..."


Bree reaches into a drawer and removes a gun.

Mary Alice: "...or at the end of a barrel. We do what we have to to feel safe."

Bree looks out her window and sees Alma putting boxes by the curb.

Mary Alice: "Because we know somewhere in the world there are those who would do us harm."

Alma sees Bree watching her and waves to her.


The End

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !