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#110 : Confiance perdue

Titre VO: Come Back to Me
Titre VF: Une voisine nommée Désir
USA : 19 décembre 2004
France : 6 Octobre 2005
Guests : Kathryn Harrold (Helen Rowland) Sharon Lawrence (Maisy Gibbons) Marla Sokoloff (Claire) Shawn Doyle (Mr. Hartley) Mari Weiss (Mrs. Mcready) Lorna Raver (Judge Sullivan)

Résumé court : Maisy Gibbons fait parler d'elle à Wisteria Lane et elle pourrait bien avoir quelque chose en commun avec Bree.
Carlos est en prison et ne peut pas être libéré à moins de retrouver son passeport. La justice commence donc à saisir tous les biens des Solis.

Susan, quant à elle prévoit de passer à l'étape supérieure avec Mike. Lynette est de plus en plus méfiante vis à vis de la nounou et décide donc de la filmer à son insu.
Susan trahit Julie en envoyant Zach chez lui après l'avoir caché chez elle.

Galerie ABC


3.57 - 7 votes

Titre VO
Come Back to Me

Titre VF
Confiance perdue

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


VF - Le garage de Bree rempli

VF - Le garage de Bree rempli


Plus de détails

L’épisode commence par une présentation beaucoup plus approfondie de Maisy Gibbons. On apprend que suite aux problèmes financiers de son mari, elle a du se résoudre à quitter le country club mais surtout trouver une autre occupation plus enrichissante. Elle distrait les hommes (les incompris, les frustrés, les esseulés) monnayant quelques compensations forfaitaires. On apprend ainsi que Rex Van de Camp est un régulier…

La demande de libération de Carlos est rejetée. Le juge l'acceptera à la condition qu’il présente son passeport. Apparemment, il y aurait exploitation d’enfants… Gabrielle est étonnée mais semble convaincue de l'innocence de son mari.

Lynette, qui a dû mal à passer le relais à Claire, tente, tant bien que mal, de faire avaler des choux bruxelles à ses enfants. C'est un échec cuisant. Elle finit par sortir et laisse la main à la nouvelle nounou.

Julie confie à Susan que son père se sépare de sa petite amie. En conséquence, elle restera ici pour le week-end. Du coup, le RDV amoureux de Mike et Susan tombe à l’eau. En réalité, Julie cache toujours Zack dans sa chambre. Elle souhaite tout révéler à sa mère, assurant à Zack qu’elle ne dira rien mais celui-ci n'est pas du même avis. Julie se rétracte.

Rex, de retour de chez Maisy, pense passer inaperçu mais sa nonchalance le trahit ! Bree, suspicieuse, sent sa chemise et devine à l’odeur que son mari voit une autre femme. Rex ne se cache pas et lui explique que de toute façon il est en droit de refaire sa vie. Bree, furieuse crie à l’adultère…

Edie s’inquiète finalement de l’absence de Martha Huber. En effet, les journaux s’empilent et personne ne répond à sa porte. Edie décide de mener l’enquête… Elle tente de savoir auprès du voisinage si quelqu’un pourrait avoir un double des clés.

De son côté, Gabrielle cherche le passeport de son mari. C’est à ce moment que sa voiture est saisie. Elle commence à être gênée devant le voisinage… et ne sait plus quoi faire !

Quant à Lynette, elle trouve que Claire s’en tire bien mais en y réfléchissant, elle ne l’a connaît pas tant que ça ! Bree lui suggère de placer une caméra dans sa maison afin de la surveiller. Puis la discussion dévie sur le couple de Bree, cette dernière confie à Lynette qu’elle a foi au retour de Rex.

Susan, « seule » à la maison, appelle Mike et le presse de venir. Elle lui prépare un RDV coquin… Elle décore le plancher du couloir et de l’escalier de roses fraîches et se drape de dessous sexy. Zack est obligé de courir de pièce en pièce pour l’éviter ! ! Mais celui-ci commet une bavure et laisse échapper un bruit suspect. Susan finit par s’inquiéter et s’arme d’un appareil à musculation. Au moment où Mike apparaît, elle surgit, et l’assène d’un coup violent ! Mike assommé rêvait d’un autre accueil. Susan s’explique et avant que Mike ne la juge… Zack décide de se montrer… Résultat, ils attentent tous le retour de Julie autour d’une table. Lorsque celle-ci arrive, la discussion tourne vite au vinaigre… Zack est reconduit chez lui par Mike qui lui laisse son numéro au cas où vraiment les choses ne s’arrangeraient pas. Paul est heureux de retrouver son fils. Mais rien ne va plus entre Susan et sa fille…

Lynette cache finalement une caméra chez elle, orientée de façon à voir et, la cuisine et une partie du salon. Elle s’aperçoit ensuite que Claire fait très bien son boulot et même trop bien ! ! Elle essayera alors les méthodes de Claire pour apprivoiser ses garçons mais rien à faire, le résultat est toujours aussi navrant !

On découvre Rex sous un autre jour… Rex a des goûts particuliers en matière de sexe qu’il ne pourra jamais révéler à Bree, de peur qu’elle s’y refuse et l’envoie promener. Il lui révèle cependant qu’il aime toujours sa femme. Du coup, Maisy satisfait ses fantasmes. Rex aime être soumis et chahuté. Mais au cours de leur ébauche Rex a une crise cardiaque... Maisy le conduit à l’hôpital.

Hartley, l’avocat de Carlos, informe Gabrielle que l’Etat peut saisir bien plus que sa voiture et lui suggère de cacher un maximum de choses. Gabrielle court chez Bree afin d’obtenir sa permission de laisser quelques trucs dans son garage. Et voilà Gabrielle faisant le va-et-vient entre sa maison et le garage de Bree. A la fin de la journée, le garage de Bree ressemble étrangement à l’intérieur du salon de Gabrielle ! lol

Bree, entre temps, reçoit un appel de l’hôpital… elle s’y rend immédiatement mais découvre sur le registre de l’accueil que Maisy Gibbons a signé l’entrée de Rex.

Susan et Julie se confrontent une fois de plus ! Julie reproche à sa mère d’être irresponsable et d’avoir inversé les rôles. (Julie serait la mère et Susan la petite fille). Leur réconciliation semble compromise.

Carlos révèle à sa femme l’existence d’une planque dans son bureau. Elle y trouvera son passeport et d’autres papiers qu’elle devra absolument brûler ! Gabrielle comprend que Carlos est finalement impliqué plus qu’il ne le sous-entendait !

Bree rend visite à Maisy et lui demande clairement si elle entretient une liaison avec son mari. Maisy est franche mais lui révèle aussi les sentiments de Rex à son égard. Bree est heureuse de savoir que Rex est toujours amoureux d’elle mais ne pardonne pas à Maisy. Elle lui fait pitié !

Au cours d’un repas, Zack essaye de parler de Dana à son père mais celui-ci lui fait comprendre qu’il vaut mieux pour tout le monde qu’il enfouit ses souvenirs au plus profond de lui-même !

Lynette, blessée dans son amour propre, impose à Claire de faire avaler des choux Bruxelles à ses gosses. Le soir, pop corn en main, elle assiste enfin à la défaite de Claire. Rassurée, elle peut désormais reprendre sa vie en main.

Bree rend finalement visite à Rex et dans un laïus plus que chaleureux elle déclare la guerre à son mari. CElui-ci semble anéanti !

Gabrielle trouve le passeport de Carlos en suivant ses instructions. Mais se sentant trahie, elle le jette au feu… car la confiance est une chose fragile… une fois gagnée, elle nous permet de jouir d’une grande liberté (Lynette face à Claire) mais une fois perdue, il se peut qu’elle ne réapparaisse jamais (Bree va voir un avocat). On ne sait jamais en qui avoir confiance (Susan et Julie) ; ceux dont on est le plus proche peuvent nous trahir (Paul et Edie) et de parfaits étrangers peuvent venir à notre secours (la police pénètre chez Martha Huber sous l’œil attentif d’Edie)…


Rédigé par Melinou27

Script du 1x10 :

Maisy Gibbons's House

A hand picks up a hairbrush. The camera pans up to show that Maisy Gibbons is sitting in front of a mirror, brushing her hair.

"To understand Maisy Gibbons, you first need to know how she spent her afternoons."

Maisy drives by in a BMW SUV, waving to Susan and Bree, who are standing outside, talking. They wave back.

"Her mornings were spent running errands for her husband. Her evenings were spent washing dishes and helping with homework."

Maisy, with rubber gloves on, loads the dishwasher, then walks over to the kitchen table, where her young daughter is doing homework.

Maisy: "Okay, so nine plus one is..."

"But her afternoons, well, they were spent in the company of men."

While Mary Alice speaks, Maisy is shown opening up her front door on various days, smiling beautifully as she welcomes all types of men into her home.

"Frustrated. Misunderstood. Lonely men. Willing to pay money to feel a little less lonely. And Maisy Gibbons was willing to help them."

Maisy turns from her mirror as one of her customers speaks as he finishes getting dressed. She begins making the bed.

Customer: "Maisy, I’ve always wondered, Nobody knows about your little hobby, do they?"
Maisy: "Mm-mm."
Customer: "Is it hard? Keeping a secret like this?"
Maisy: "Well maybe if it was just my secret. But the way I see it, I keep the secrets of every man who comes to me. And I find that absolutely exhilarating. A few years back, Harold lost his job, and we had to give up our membership at the country club. And then one day one of my club friends asked why she hadn’t seen me around lately, and I told her that we couldn’t afford it anymore. She waved it off like it was nothing. But I saw her...get that look in her eye, that look of...pity."
Customer: "Maybe she was just trying to be nice. Anyway, is that so bad, feeling sorry for someone?"
Maisy: "When they say something, they are being supportive. But when they say nothing, it’s because they think that you’re so far gone you’re never coming back."
Customer: "Gotcha."
Maisy: "Anyway, a couple of months later, I started my little hobby...and the most wonderful thing happened. This woman’s husband became one of my regulars."
Customer: "Wow."

The doorbell rings.

Maisy: "Oh, would you be a lamb and go out the back? It’s my next appointment."
Customer: "Sure."
Maisy: "It’s the husband of the woman I was telling you about."

Maisy opens up the front door, smiling.

Maisy: "Hello there."
Rex: "Hey, Maisy."

He steps inside, kissing her on her cheek as she closes the front door.


"Every morality play has its cast of characters. There is always an innocent victim..."

Gabrielle sits in the courtroom, looking worried.

"...a deceitful villain..."

Carlos, in an orange jail outfit, sits at a table with his lawyer.

"...a prosecutor who seeks the truth..."

A no-nonsense woman in a business suit sits at the other table in the courtroom, an open laptop in front of her.

"...a magistrate that dispenses justice..."

The judge, Judge Sullivan, takes a file someone hands her.

"...and a lawyer who charges too much."

Carlos's lawyer looks through some papers in front of him.

"This morality play was being produced at the Fairview County Courthouse. Its themes were trust and betrayal."

Judge Sullivan: "So, what’s your issue with bail in this case, Ms. McCready?
Ms. McCready: "We want bail denied, your honor. The defendant’s company imported goods manufactured by slave labor, and his business partner, Mr. Tenaka, has already fled the country. And Mr. Solis, himself, has refused to surrender his passport."
Judge Sullivan: "Dog ate your client’s passport, Mr. Hartley?"
Mr. Hartley: "It’s been temporarily misplaced, your honor, but we maintain that Akisha Tenaka set up and executed the entire operation. Mr. Solis is no business partner, but merely a hired contractor. And I'd also like to point out that my client is the sole provider of his wife, and his mother, who is hospitalized in a coma as we speak."
Judge Sullivan: "Bring me the passport, and Mr. Solis can visit his mother. Until then, your client is denied bail and remanded. What’s next?"

She bangs down her gavel, and Carlos is escorted from the courtroom by a bailiff. He looks at Gabrielle as he leaves. Gabrielle hangs her head.

Lynette's House

Lynette: "You better finish those brussel sprouts. And don’t think I can’t see them hidden under your macaroni."
Twin: "I hate brussel sprouts."
Lynette: "Yeah? Well, brussel sprouts help you grow. You don’t want to be short your whole life, do you? Here, look, you know what we’ll do? We’re gonna dip them in a little cheese. Here you go. Good, yummy!"

He spits it out.

The boys get up from the table to run off.

Lynette: "Fine, fine. Be three foot eight the rest of your life. See if I care. Good luck finding girlfriends!"

Claire walks in.

Claire: "Hey, didn’t you have a lunch today?"
Lynette: "I’m going to cancel it. The boys are in rare form, and you’re still finding your way."
Claire: "Lynette. It’s been two days."
Lynette: "I...don’t want to...shock them, by suddenly disappearing. You know? Deep down, they’re very sensitive."

The two of them look at the boys who are ignoring the women as they throw their toys around.

Claire: "They’ll be fine. Now go. Get out of here."
Lynette: "You have my cell phone number. You call me if you need anything."
Claire: "I will."
Lynette: "Okay. You boys. Come here and give mamma a three-bear hug."

They come running.

Lynette: "Come on, one, two, three, get in, get in!"
Bear 1: "Bye, mom!"
Bear 2: "Bye, mom!"
Bear 3: "Bye!"
Lynette: "Okay."

She leaves.

Susan's House

Julie spoons Chinese food from a take-out container onto a plate. Off-camera, Mike and Susan can be heard flirting.

Mike: "Just, watch your hands..."
Julie: "Um, I’m going to eat upstairs. I’ve got a ton of homework."
Susan: "What are you, storing up for winter?"
Julie: "I’m just...really hungry. Oh, I talked to Dad today, and apparently, he and Brandi might break up."
Susan: "Oh, how awful!"
Julie: "Mom, you’re smiling."
Susan: "Am I? Hmm."
Julie: "Anyway, because of all the drama, he can’t take me this weekend, so...I’ll be home after all. Good night!"

She runs upstairs with her food, leaving Mike and Susan alone.

Susan: "Oh great, our romantic weekend is off."
Mike: "We could move it to my house."
Susan: "No."
Mike: "Why not?"
Susan: "I just, I just want it to be special."
Mike: "And it can’t be special at my house."
Susan: "Okay. I know this sounds weird, but I just need to have my things around me."
Mike: "What things?"
Susan: "Perfumes and oils. And I want to pick out the outfit that you are going to tear off me. And plus, I need to be in complete control of the lighting."
Mike: "Okay, we’ll wait until next weekend."
Susan: "You are just the sweetest guy."

She leans over to kiss him, and they end up kissing for a long, extended time.

Mike: "I can’t wait 'til next weekend."
Susan: "No, me neither."
Mike: "What about tomorrow when Julie’s at school? I’ve got an early job and that’s it."
Susan: "Oh, no good. My publisher's got me under the gun for something. What about Friday?"
Mike: "Mmm. I’m repiping the house."
Susan: "Damn, Karl, I’m not even married to him anymore and he’s still keeping me from having sex."

She stabs her food with her fork.

Julie's Room

Zach eats the food Julie brought him.

Julie: "I can’t hide you in my room forever, and I think we need to tell my mom. You can trust her, I promise."
Zach: "You didn’t tell her what I told you, did you?"
Julie: "No! No, no. I would never tell anyone that."

Zach gets up.

Julie: "What are you doing?
Zach: "I don’t want to cause problems for you. I’m just, I’m just going to go."
Julie: "Zach, stop. Don’t go. I won’t tell her."
Zach: "I swear, I’ll be out of here soon. I’ll think of something, okay?"

Bree's House

Bree is playing solitaire, dressed for bed. Rex comes into the house.

Bree: "Hello."
Rex: "Why are you up?"
Bree: "I could ask you the same question."
Rex: "I’m going to bed. I didn’t ask you to wait up for me. Remember, I’m here as our children’s father, not your husband."

Bree picks up the jacket he just took off, and sniffs the collar.

Rex: "What are you doing?"
Bree: "Were you with a woman? Did you tell her that you have a wife, or does that hinder your pick-up style?"
Rex: "All right. Even if I was seeing someone, I have every right to. Exploring options is the whole point of being separated!"
Bree: "Options! I’m not a mutual fund, Rex!"
Rex: "Oh, that’s not...Bree, you should get out there. Try and meet someone."
Bree: "Meet someone. I’m raising your children."
Rex: "I am just trying to move on with my life. It is nothing to be ashamed of!"
Bree: "Oh, okay. I tell you what then. Why don’t you just call up your mystery woman and invite her over. I’ll pull out the sofa bed and you can take her right there. Andrew! Danielle! Daddy’s gonna fornicate for us!"
Rex: "Keep your voice down."
Bree: "Why, are you feeling ashamed?"

She pushes past him.

Outside Mrs. Huber's House

"The next morning started with a banging."

Edie stands on Mrs. Huber's porch, banging loudly on the door.

"No one knew where Martha Huber was, and Edie Britt was starting to worry. Edie didn’t like worrying. She felt it gave her wrinkles. So, out of concern for her face and Mrs. Huber, Edie decided to find out what was going on."

Gabrielle's House

Gabrielle rifles quickly through a drawer with papers in it. Finding nothing important, she closes the drawer and finds Yao Lin.

Gabrielle: "Yao Lin, listen to me. It’s very important that we find Carlos’ passport. I’ve already looked through his office, so I need you to search the bedroom."

Yao Lin stares at Gabrielle.

Gabrielle: "What?"
Yao Lin: "With Mr. Solis in jail, how are you going to pay me? I have children."
Gabrielle: "Yao Lin, your kids are in their twenties. If it'll make you shut up..."

Gabrielle writes a check.

Gabrielle: "Here. Three weeks in advance."
Yao Lin: "If you don’t mind, can I call your bank?"
Gabrielle: "Yao Lin, don’t be stupid. People don’t become poor overnight."

Gabrielle looks out the window where a tow truck is hooking her car up to be towed.

Gabrielle: "Huh? That’s my car! Oh my god!"

Gabrielle runs outside.

Gabrielle: "Hey! Hey! What are you doing? Where are you taking my car?"
Tow guy: "The government is impounding it. Here's your receipt. Call that number if you have any questions."

He drives off. Gabrielle watches it leave and notices some neighbors watching.

Gabrielle: "You call this a paint job?! I don’t want to see it again until it’s perfect!"

She glances quickly at the couple watching her and then storms into the house.

Bree's House

Bree irons shirts while Lynette sits nearby.

Lynette: "I wonder what’s going on over there. I mean, Claire did okay with the kids yesterday, but that could have been beginner’s luck. Do you think I should call? I should call!"
Bree: "Lynette, for the first time in years you finally have some free time, and you’re wasting it obsessing about the kids."
Lynette: "It’s just, I don’t know this woman, I mean, not really. So she has a degree in sociology. Well big deal, who doesn’t? My boys are a lot to handle. What if she’s not up to it?"
Bree: "You know, if you really have that many doubts, you should go buy a hidden camera."
Lynette (laughing): "What, a nanny cam?"
Bree: "Yeah. People do terrible things when they think no one is watching them."
Lynette: "Yeah. I don’t really think I could videotape Claire. It would be a breach of trust."
Bree: "Trust is overrated."
Lynette: "So, how are things with you and Rex?"
Bree: "Fine. Why do you ask?"
Lynette: "Well, I’m just curious. I mean, he moves out, he moves back in. Is he back for good?"
Bree: "Uh, the situation is, um, fluid. I’m not certain what his plans are yet."
Lynette: "So if you’re not sure he’s back for good, why are you ironing his shirts?"
Bree: "Because I have faith that he’ll come back. And that he’ll do the right thing."
Lynette: "That’s good. It’s good to have faith in people."
Bree: "Yeah. But I’d still buy that camera."

Susan's House

Susan licks an envelope and then sees Mike’s truck drive by. She gets up and watches him park in his driveway, then go into his house. She smiles.

Later, dressed in lingerie, Susan calls Mike on the phone.

Mike: "Hello."
Susan: "Mike."
Mike: "Yeah."
Susan: "My oven’s out.
Mike: "Uh huh."
Susan: Come over and help my find my pilot light."

She hangs up, then turns on the stereo to the song Here I Am (Come And Take Me). As she gets ready for Mike to come over by throwing rose petals on the bed and floor, she sings along, dancing as she sings.

Susan: "Oh, candles, candles!"

She goes into Julie's room and grabs some scented candles. As she dances her way out, Zach hides behind the door, unseen by Susan.

Mike heads out of his house, heading towards Susan's.

Zach walks down the hallway, but the floor beneath him creaks. Susan hears it.

Susan: "Mike? Mike, is that you? I’m up here!"

Susan gets on the bed and positions herself.

Mike gets to Susan's house and finds a note taped to the front door reading "Come on in! "

He smiles and opens the door. Zach, who had just been heading down the stairs, quickly heads back upstairs. When he gets to Susan's open door, he pauses, and the floor beneath him creaks again.

Susan: "Mike?"

Nobody answers, so Susan gets off her bed and quietly goes across her room. Zach creeps back down the hallway. Susan removes a thigh master from her closet and creeps toward her door.

Zach hides behind a door and Susan comes out of her room, swinging the thigh master furiously, and hitting Mike, who falls backwards.

Susan: "Oh my god!"
Mike: "What the hell!"
Susan: "I’m so sorry, I thought there was someone in the house."
Mike: "So you took your clothes off?"
Susan: "No. My clothes were already off. I was going to seduce you."
Mike: "It didn’t really work."
Susan: "Oh, I’m sorry, are you okay?"

She begins kissing his face.

Mike: "Oh..."

When he stops responding, Susan realizes that he's looking past her. She turns around and sees Zach in the doorway, looking at them.

Zach: "Please don’t be mad."

Susan's House, Later

Julie comes home from school.

Julie: "Hey, there!"

She notices Zach sitting at the kitchen table with Susan and Mike standing by it.

Julie: "Zach, what are you doing here?"

Lynette's House

"Later that day, while Claire was out getting the boys wired on ice cream, Lynette did some wiring of her own."

Lynette sets up a hidden camera in a big ceramic Mr. Toad. She holds it up to eye-level and smiles. She then places it on the refrigerator. She goes over to a small TV on the counter and turns it on. The image from the camera is shown on the TV.

Lynette takes a teddy bear and stands in front of the camera, but watches herself on the TV. Gently, she cradles the teddy bear like a baby. Then, holding it at arm's length, she shakes the bear. Then she slaps the bear several times across the face. Then she throws it off to the side, looks directly at the camera, and shrugs, satisfied.

Susan's House

Julie: "No you can’t do this, you can’t send Zach back!"
Susan: "Julie, what else can I do? He can’t stay here!"
Julie: "His father sent him to a psycho ward!"
Zach: "Actually, they call it a rehabilitation center."
Susan (to Mike): "What do you think?"
Mike: "Paul is his father. He has a right to know his son’s okay. And, he finds out you’re hiding him, you’ll get in a lot of trouble."
Susan: "He’s right. Sorry, guys!"
Julie: "Mom, please don’t do this! If you knew what Zach had been through-"
Zach: "Julie! Julie. It’s okay. I’ll be fine."

They hug.

Mike: "I’ll, uh, take him back over so you two can..."
Susan: "Listen, if Paul sees Zach and freaks out..."
Mike: "I’ll bring him right back."
Susan: "Thank you."

Mike and Zach leave.

Susan: "Young lady, we need to talk about what you did."
Julie: "I really don’t feel like talking to you right now."

She runs up the stairs.

Outside, Mike and Zach walk to Paul's house.

Mike: "Uh, listen, Zach. If things ever get really bad..." (hands Zach his business card) "It’s got my cell number on it. Give me a call. Any time."
Zach: "Thanks!"

He stays on the sidewalk as Mike goes up to the door and knocks. Paul opens the door and sees Zach.

Paul: "Oh, thank god."

He hugs Zach, then turns to Mike.

Paul: "How did you-"
Mike: "We’ll talk later." (to Zach) "Remember, any time."

He walks off and Zach and Paul go back inside.

Maisy's House

Maisy slowly removes various sexual toys from her drawer. Behind her, sitting in a chair, with his back to her, sits Rex, naked.

Maisy: "I heard you moved back home."
Rex: "Yeah, I had to. We had some problems with Andrew. I’ll move out eventually."
Maisy: "Spikes or pearls?"
Rex: "Your choice."

Maisy puts on the pearl collar.

Maisy: "You know what I think?"
Rex: "Hmmm?"
Maisy: "You don’t really want to leave her."
Rex: "Please don’t psychoanalyze me."
Maisy: "You’re still in love with her."
Rex: "I never said I wasn’t."
Maisy: "Then why divorce?"
Rex: "Oh, so now you’re rooting for us two crazy kids to work-"

He turns slightly in his chair to look at her, and she pounds her fist on the dresser. Properly rebuffed, he turns back to his original position.

Maisy: "Hey! You know me. I’m just a romantic at heart. Scarves or cuffs?"
Rex: "Up to you. Even if I could find a way to deal with Bree’s whole obsessive compulsive thing, it’s not the only problem in our marriage. As you know, I have certain needs."
Maisy: "Boots or stilettos."
Rex: "Stilettos, please."
Maisy: "Why don’t you just tell Bree what you need? Tell her what you want."
Rex: "Because she’d say no."
Maisy: "So? I’ve said no to some things you’ve asked me to do."
Rex: "Yeah, that’s different. I don’t care if you reject me."

Maisy snaps her fingers and Rex drops to the floor, face down.

Maisy: "Rex, won’t you trust me on this? Sometimes, when you love somebody, you just got to make sacrifices for them."
Rex: "Love or passion? It’s an awful choice to make."
Maisy: "Yes, it is. And I have to warn you. This might hurt a little bit."

She steps onto his back, wearing the stilettos, and walks slowly on him.

Rex groans as she walks.

Gabrielle's House

Gabrielle takes the receipt the tow-truck man gave her and slaps it to Carlos's lawyer's chest.

Gabrielle: "How am I supposed to live without a car?"
Lawyer: "Gabrielle, listen. Tanaka is still at large, and they’re going to want Carlos to flip on him, so this is their way of playing hardball. Now, I’m guessing that they’re not done yet."
Gabrielle: "Why? What else could they take from us?"
Lawyer: "Pretty much anything. It’s all fair game if they even think they can trace it to ill-gotten gains."
Gabrielle: "No, no, no. No! Some of this stuff is mine. When I modeled. Before I even met Carlos! See this, costa boda, bought it when I landed my first cover. This, I spent eight hours on a rock in a bikini for that painting!"
Lawyer: "I understand how you feel."
Gabrielle: "No, you don’t understand. I have dug myself up from dirt to afford these things, and no one is going to take them away from me!"
Lawyer: "Then I suggest you find yourself a good hiding place. They can’t take what they can’t find. Oh, and if you could scare up that passport too, that would be good!"

He leaves.

Bree's House

Bree's doorbell rings. She answers the door to see Gabrielle outside.

Bree: "Oh, hi Gabrielle! What have you got there?"
Gabrielle: "My china. I know how you’ve always loved it, and I thought you might want to borrow it for a while."

She takes the box she's holding and hands it over to Bree.

Bree: "Oh! Well, that’s um, very thoughtful of you."
Gabrielle: "Say, um, could I store some odds and ends in your garage?"
Bree: "Sure! Why don’t you, uh, come by tomorrow?"
Gabrielle: "Sooner is better than later!"

She rushes off, leaving Bree holding the china.

For the next while, Gabrielle transfers everything of value from her place to Bree's. When she's done, Bree comes over and stands with Gabrielle to look at the garage, which is completely filled now with Gabrielle's belongings.

Gabrielle smiles at Bree, who smiles back, but she clearly doesn't know what to say.

Maisy's House

Rex and Maisy are in the throws of passionate love-making, when suddenly Rex begins to make a weird noise.

Maisy: "Rex? Rex? Rex!"

With one hand attached to Rex's via handcuffs, she tries to grab the phone, but she can't reach it. She quickly uses her other hand to make a call.

Maisy: "I need an ambulance. Right away!"

Bree's House

Bree is in the garage, looking through Gabrielle's things, when the phone rings.

Bree: "Hello. This is she. Yes, he’s my husband."


Bree rushes up to a nurse's station.

Bree: "Um, excuse me, I’m here to see Rex Van de Kamp. Apparently, he had a heart attack. I’m not sure when - "
Nurse: "He’s being prepped for surgery right now. If you’d like to wait."
Bree: "Could I at least poke my head in? I’m his wife."
Nurse: "Your his wife?"
Bree: "Yes. Why?"
Nurse: "I was thinking of a different patient. Let me get the doctor."

She walks off. Bree stares after her, then goes around the desk to look at the nurse's log. She sees Rex's name, then the person who signed Rex in: Maisy Gibbons.

Lynette's House

Claire pours some hot water into a cup of tea, then heads for the stairs, turning off the light in the kitchen.

"As Claire prepared for bed, she was unaware that somewhere else in the Scavo house, the day she had just finished, was starting all over again."

Lynette watches the tape as she lies in bed. Throughout the day, Claire sang to the kids, played puppets with the kids, and made balloon animals. The kids love her.

"Lynette was relieved to see that Claire was doing a good job. And after further viewing, it dawned on Lynette...Claire might be doing her job...a little too well."

On the videotape, Claire is seen holding her arms out to the boys and saying "Come give me a three-bear hug!" The boys all run to hug her.

Susan's House

Susan comes down the stairs to where Julie is reading a book in the living room.

Susan: "Here’s the candles I borrowed. Thanks."
Julie: "I’m trying to read, so if you don’t mind?"
Susan: "I cannot believe that after everything you did, you’re mad at me."
Julie: "I told Zach that he could trust you, and you turned him in."
Susan: "Yeah, well, someone had to be responsible, and like it or not, I’ve got a birth certificate that says I’m your mother."
Julie: "Since when?"
Susan: "What is that supposed to mean?"
Julie: "Since dad left, if there’s been a mother around here, it’s been me!"
Susan: "Julie!"
Julie: "Do you remember after the divorce that you stayed in bed for a week, and I had to beg you to eat something?"
Susan: "Yeah, but..."
Julie: "And for weeks, I had to clean the house, I had to make sure that the bills were paid. I even had to schedule my own doctor’s appointment once."
Susan: "I was in bad shape back then."
Julie: "It’s still going on. And now that I need some support, you decide to play the mom card?"
Susan: "I had to send Zach back. We could have gotten in a lot of trouble."
Julie: "Yeah? Well now Zach's the one who's in trouble. You sent him back to a man who hates him."

She runs up the stairs.

Gabrielle's House

Gabrielle comes down the stairs of her house and looks around at the nearly-empty house.

"As Gabrielle considered the vast emptiness of her new surroundings, she was surprised to find there was only one thing she truly missed. Her husband."

The doorbell rings. She goes to answer it.

FBI Agent: "Mrs. Solis, a warrant to enter your house and repossess any goods which we suspect may have been obtained..." (he looks around the empty house) "...illegally."
Gabrielle: "We’re not into clutter."

Lynette's House

Lynette sits on the couch with her three boys. She picks up a children's book from the coffee table and puts on her reading glasses.

Lynette: "All right. ‘Harvey: The Flying Turtle’. Doesn’t this look fun!"
Porter: "Where’s Claire?"
Lynette: "I gave her the afternoon off. Who wants to turn pages?"
Preston: "Is she sick?"
Lynette: "No. She’s fine. I just wanted us all to spend the day together, you know, like we used to. Here we go. Once upon a time there was a young turtle named Harvey. Every day Harvey would all tell the other turtles, ‘One day I’m going to fly off this island and go see the world.’ The other turtles laughed and said ‘Turtles can’t fly.’ Oh, it’s getting good now, huh?"

She looks at her boys, who sit there sadly.

Lynette: "Well, what’s wrong?"
Porter: "When Claire reads, she does funny voices."
Lynette: "Does she, now? Okay. Harvey didn’t like the turtles laughing, so he told them," (speaking in a different voice) " ‘I’ll show you. One day I will fly higher than the birds!’"
Preston: "That’s not funny."
Lynette: "Yeah, well, I’m just warming up. Then Bruno, the big bad turtle took Harvey up on a cliff and threw him over, and he proclaimed," (speaking in a different voice) "‘We’ll see if you can fly, fly or die, fly or die!"
Parker: "When’s Claire coming back?"


Gabrielle sits across a table from Carlos, who's in a bright orange prison uniform. Other inmates and their visitors sit at various other tables in the same room.

Carlos: "What happened to all your nails?"
Gabrielle: "Oh, I, I moved all our stuff, to keep it from the feds."
Carlos: "It kills me that I’m putting you through this."

They clasp hands.
Guard: "Hands on the table."

They unclasp hands and each lean back into their chairs.

Gabrielle: "It’s not your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong. I’ll take care of everything until you’re back to do it yourself. And you will be soon."
Carlos: "I got to be honest. I didn’t know how you would hold up. I knew you were a strong woman, but I had no idea. You’re a good wife, Gabby. A real partner."
Gabrielle: "Oh, Carlos, I love you so much! I would give up a house full of expensive junk just to put this behind us, and have you home with me."
Carlos: "That sounds pretty good right now."

By this time, they're both leaning forward. Gabrielle calls out loudly to the guard.

Gabrielle: "I’m going to kiss my husband now!"
Guard: "Hands on the table."

They lean forward and begin kissing. After the first kiss, but still in the kissing position, Carlos begins speaking quietly.

Carlos: "There’s a false panel on the back wall of the closet. My passport is there, along with some papers. Take the passport to the lawyer, and burn the papers."

They break the kiss. Gabrielle looks at him with a puzzled expression. He motions with his head and puckers his lips so she’ll kiss him again. She puts her lips against his.

Gabrielle: "Carlos, did you know what Tanaka was doing?"
Carlos: "Just burn the papers."

They break the kiss and Gabrielle stares at Carlos.

Outside Lynette's House

Lynette pulls into her driveway and Edie walks up to her.

Edie: "Hey Lynette, did Martha Huber happen to leave a spare key to her house with you?"
Lynette: "No."
Edie: "Oh!."
Lynette: "Where is she, by the way? I haven’t seen her in days."
Edie: "You’ve got me. She kicked me out so fast that I forgot my laptop, and there’s just some stuff on there that I don’t want anyone else to see."
Lynette: "Oh. Well. Good luck with that."
Edie: "You know, you’re not looking half bad. What have you done with that little posse of yours?"
Lynette: "They’re with the new nanny."
Edie: "Wow! Your own personal nanny? Swell you!"
Lynette: "Well, trust me, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. You know, our mothers were smart. They didn’t get us nannies or put us in day care, because they knew, if they did, we’d find out - there are other women out there who were better mothers than they were!"
Edie: "You know, I had a nanny for a while, growing up. Mrs. Muntz."
Lynette: "You had a nanny?"
Edie: "Well, actually, she was more like a court-appointed social worker. My mom did a little time. She had a thing for bourbon and shoplifting."
Lynette: "Oh! Sorry."
Edie: "Oh, Muntz was a hardass. No mercy. In fact, she was such a disciplinarian, that when my mom made parole, I was actually happy to see her."
Lynette: "Really."
Edie: "Yeah. Lesser of two evils."
Lynette: "Huh."
Edie: "Anyway, I’ve got to find a key. See you later."
Lynette: "Bye."

Edie walks off.

Susan's House

Mike and Susan talk.

Susan: "Thanks for your help with Zach before."
Mike: "Oh, it’s my pleasure. I hope he comes out of this okay. He’s a little squirrelly, but he seems like a good kid."
Susan: "Yeah."

He sits down at the kitchen table where Susan's sitting and hands her a cup of something to drink.

Mike: "So, how’s Julie taking all of this?"
Susan: "Not well. She accused me of not being a good mother."
Mike: "You’re a great mom."
Susan: "Well, she was sort of right. After my divorce, I really leaned on her a lot."
Mike: "Seems natural."
Susan: "And I still kinda do it. I just want somebody to talk to about all my adult stuff, and she’s right there, and she just acts so mature, I forget she’s thirteen."
Mike: "Well the good news is that from now on, if you ever want to talk to somebody about grown-up stuff, you’ve got me."
Susan: "Well, I can’t talk to you about everything."
Mike: "Oh?"
Susan: "What if I want to talk about the big crush I have on the plumber that lives across the street?"
Mike: "Big crush, huh?"
Susan: "Oh, yeah."
Mike: "Well, you’d have to tell me more."
Susan: "Well, um, he’s got a smile that’s to die for, and don’t get me started on his tattoo."

She kisses his hand.
Susan: "Thanks."

Maisy's House

The doorbell rings. Maisy opens it to find Bree on the other side.

Maisy: "Oh, Bree. What a nice surprise. Would you like to come in?"
Bree: "Well, that depends. Are you having an affair with my husband?"

Paul's House

Paul and Zach sit at the dining room table, eating dinner. Zach picks at his food.

Paul: "Would you like some more potatoes?"
Zach: "You already asked me that."
Paul: "Sorry. I’m so relieved you're safe, I’m not thinking straight."
Zach: "Does that mean you’re not going to send me back to Silvercrest?"
Paul: "You’ve got to understand. Your behavior, the violence, breaking into the Van de Kamps. I just didn’t know what you were going through."
Zach: "You could have asked me."
Paul: "Well."
Zach: "I’ve been remembering things. Things from when I was little."
Paul: "What kind of things?"
Zach: "Awful things."
Paul: "Zach, listen to me. Sometimes it's not good to look back in the past."
Zach: "But I can’t help it. These images just keep popping into my head."
Paul: "Well, then you’ve got to find a way to push them back out again."
Zach: "Okay."
Paul: "More potatoes?"
Zach: "Yes, please."
Paul: "It sure is nice to be back to normal."

Maisy's House

Bree and Maisy sit on opposite facing couches in Maisy's living room.

Maisy: "You should know that Rex still loves you very much."
Bree: "He said that?"
Maisy: "Yes."
Bree: "Then why is he so unhappy?"
Maisy: "He has certain needs and he’s afraid to discuss them with you."
Bree: "Needs. Like, sexual needs?"
Maisy: "Yes."
Bree: "And have you fulfilled those needs?"

Maisy doesn’t answer, but instead just smiles.

Bree: "I see." (stands up) "You know, you are pretty brazen for a woman who just admitted, however tacitly, that she just slept with my husband. If I told anyone in this neighborhood, they would never speak to you again."
Maisy: "You’re not going to tell a soul. Bree, you may hate me, but you’d hate the humiliation a lot more."
Bree: "Oh, I don’t hate you, Maisy. I pity you."

She walks out.

Lynette's House

Lynette: "Hi."
Claire: "Oh, hey Lynette. You heading out now?"
Lynette: "Yep. Um, I’ll be home late, so just the usual routine. A nap for Penny, and-"
Claire: "I know, no sugar after five. I got it."
Lynette: "You’re the best. Oh, one more thing. Since the boys are having corn dogs for dinner, I’d like you to make sure they get a vegetable to go with it."

She goes to the freezer and pulls out a bag of frozen vegetables.

Claire: "Brussel sprouts?"
Lynette: "They’re full of iron. Could you make sure they clean their plates?"
Claire: "Not a problem. I have this little trick I do. I cover the veggies with some cheese."
Lynette: "You sly dog."

She leaves.

" That night, Lynette settled in to watch her personal pick for feel-good movie of the year."

On the video...

Claire: "You guys, you need to eat your brussel sprouts."
Angry voice: "Brussel spouts taste yucky!"
Angry voice: "I don’t want this!"

The boys start throwing their food at Claire, who pleads with them to stop. Lynette, watching the tape while eating popcorn, smiles.


Rex awakens and sees Bree standing at the window looking out.

Rex: "Hey."
Bree: "Hey."
Rex: "I guess they operated, huh?"
Bree: "They sure did."
Rex: "How'd it go?"
Bree: "It went well. The surgeon says you’re going to be as good as new."
Rex: "You look like you’ve been crying."
Bree: "I have. I was so afraid you were gonna die. There were so many things I haven’t had a chance to tell you."
Rex: "I’m sorry you were so worried."
Bree: "That’s okay. How are you now, Rex? Are you strong enough to listen to the things I need to tell you?"
Rex: "Sure, hon."

Bree sits on the edge of the bed and leans down so that she's near Rex's face.

Bree: "I know you still love me. Maisy told me."
Rex: "She did?"
Bree (whispering): "As of this moment, Rex, I am no longer your wife. I am going to go out, and find the most vindictive lawyer I can find, and together, we are going to eviscerate you. I’m going to take away your money, your family, and your dignity. Do you hear me?"
Rex: "Bree-"
Bree: "And I am so thrilled to know that you still love me. Because I want what's about to happen to you, to hurt as much is as humanly possible. I’m so glad you didn’t die before I got a chance to tell you that."

She leaves the room.

Gabrielle's House

Gabrielle opens the false panel Carlos told her about and finds the passport along with papers.

"Trust is a fragile thing..."

Gabrielle opens the passport and reads it.

Lynette's House

Lynette: "Bye guys!"

The boys all call good bye to her and Lynette leaves them with Claire.

"Once earned, it affords us tremendous freedom."


Bree walks down a hallway.

"But once trust is lost, it can be impossible to recover."

Bree stops in front of a closed door. She takes a deep breath, and goes inside. She closes the door. On the glass reads "SOLOMON, MILLER & HAAS FAMILY LAW".

Susan's House

Susan walks into Julie's room. Julie looks at her briefly, but then returns to reading without saying anything.

"Of course the truth is, we never know who we can trust. Those we're closest to can betray us."

Outside Paul's House

Paul takes out the garbage, and looks over at Mrs. Huber’s house, where Edie is standing next to a police officer who is banging on the door.

Officer: "Police, open up!"

"And total strangers can come to our rescue."

Gabrielle's House

Gabrielle sits on the edge of the bed, looking at a roaring fire in the fireplace.

the end, most people decide to trust only themselves. It really is the simplest way to keep from getting burned."

Gabrielle throws Carlos’ passport onto the fire, where it immediately starts to burn.

~ The End ~

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !